Need friends, restarting my journey!

dsamaroo12 Posts: 3 Member
Hi! Im 5’4” 135lbs and want to get back down to 125lbs. Im good at working out daily- but foooodddddd is my issue


  • gomkgo
    gomkgo Posts: 6 Member
    Hello! I’m restarting out as well, finally started logging again yesterday...same issue- food! I am 5’4 and 135.5 wanting to get down to 115
  • lindaaa3210
    lindaaa3210 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm restarting as well! Hoping I can actually stick with it this time!
  • D13ky
    D13ky Posts: 2 Member
    I’m in the same boat! Started tracking again yesterday
  • HeatherBeth
    HeatherBeth Posts: 2 Member
    Me too! I'm 5'5" 161 and wanting to get to 145. It hasn't been that long since I've been there, but I fell hard off the wagon and need to get some accountability back in my life. Started tracking on Noom and I'm loving the free version, but I'll be back to MFP fulltime next week when the Noom trial runs out.

    Food is also my biggest issue...I'm great during the days but when evening strikes I lose control.
  • yeriyeriyeri
    yeriyeriyeri Posts: 8 Member
    dsamaroo12 wrote: »
    Hi! Im 5’4” 135lbs and want to get back down to 125lbs. Im good at working out daily- but foooodddddd is my issue

    I completely understand the foooood issue :(:(
  • footballmama1102
    footballmama1102 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello restarting as well and switching from Weight Watchers to MFP. 5'7' currently 154, want to get back to 145.
  • LC20202021
    LC20202021 Posts: 24 Member
    Me too!! 5’7” 158 lbs. Recently switched from WEight Watchers to MFP. Want to get down to 135 lbs.
  • jenniemarie1555
    jenniemarie1555 Posts: 5 Member
    Just restarted this week! 5'4" about 150, would like to get to 133-135. I've always had an athletic build and played sports through college, but now at 34 my body composition is different (I lost a lot of muscle not training Everyday for hours) and I'd like to lean out. I started Actually weighing/measuring my foods this round because Man it is So easy for me to over eat (I mean come on, we used to carbo load the night before track meets), I'm using the Nike training club app to vary my workouts more and incorporating running back into my workouts.
  • Sbiscotti
    Sbiscotti Posts: 153 Member
    I need to get back on track too! I'm 5'4", 170, but a size 8-10. I have stayed consistent working out 4-6 days per week, lifting heavy, and adding running back in for the past month. But lack of scale movement = time to face reality that my eating sucks. I'd like to get back to about 150-155 when I was a size 4-6. I've been a competitive CrossFitter, weightlifter and marathoner, but 4 years of living in airports traveling every week for work has taken its tole.
  • pjzuppe
    pjzuppe Posts: 1 Member
    I started again myself. Believe it or not, my issue is I don't eat enough to lose the weight. After having to take 3 months off d/t health issues I am back at, need to drop 15lbs.. ( would prefer 20, depends on how I look and feeel at that time)
  • Gojog0
    Gojog0 Posts: 3 Member
    Same here, I was down to 127 3 years ago but a stressful work environment and desk job has taken its toll. Not much for gyms but I love being active by doing anything outside like running, hiking, biking, yard work. This winters’ been particularly challenging here in southern Alberta because of the crazy amounts of snow we’ve gotten. Looking for a few people to challenge me and keep me accountable!!

  • FormerlyWallyAmadeus
    FormerlyWallyAmadeus Posts: 35 Member
    Feel free to add me. I can't bear to look at the scale, but I know that when my loose pants seem to be strangling me, it is time to recommit!
  • io8785a
    io8785a Posts: 35 Member
    Feel free to add me! I've been tracking for over a month now.
  • zarawhitexx
    zarawhitexx Posts: 19 Member
    feel free to add me as well <3 I log daily; especially as I need to slim down for my holiday and the countdown is on haha!
  • rgawan
    rgawan Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone! I’m coming back too! 5 ft zero and 120.. want to get to 105.. I’m 56 years old and am so amazed at how my metabolism and body composition changes as I age.. arrrgghh!! I love to hike and ride my street bike or mountain bike and do yoga and backpacking too! I am in Mesa Arizona, if anyone is near me and wants to play outside....
  • Saaski
    Saaski Posts: 105 Member
    28 (almost 29), 5'6" and currently fluctuating between 137-140. Want to get closer to making 137 my "high," so my target is 130-135. I was good for ages but then sabotaged myself a month ago by overestimating exercise calories :s So I'm back to cutting for a while. Please feel free to add me!
  • CatLou76
    CatLou76 Posts: 26 Member
    I'm restarting as well. 5'0" and 128. I feel really good around 115. My husband keeps telling me that's not realistic because I have more muscle than I used to. What I care more about that pounds is inches off my waist and butt.
  • FormerlyWallyAmadeus
    FormerlyWallyAmadeus Posts: 35 Member
    edited April 2018
    Also, restarting:

    Goal is 125.

    This time round I"m 1) eliminating sugar, flour and wheat...all of which seem to trigger bingey eating for me. 2) reducing processed food to as close to zero as I can get...amazing how much food is processed, more amazing how much of it I eat. 3) Weighing and measuring my food.

    I'm 5 ft 8 inches, so I carry my weight well, but I'm an athlete and lighter is better.

    Feel free to "friend" me.
  • MichelleWithMoxie
    MichelleWithMoxie Posts: 1,817 Member
    Ugh. Yes my sweet tooth is a bitchhh :astonished:

    Restarted Tuesday after eating like an *kitten* all day Monday
  • MichelleWithMoxie
    MichelleWithMoxie Posts: 1,817 Member
    Oh, also I’m 33 y/o, 5’1”, about 113 lbs currently, aiming to shed about 10 lbs to get back into my happy range of 101-106.