March to the Gym



  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    Tues/Wed Cardio
    MAF training - 15:11/mile and 15:35/mile
  • amyinthetardis1231
    amyinthetardis1231 Posts: 571 Member
    I can't march to the gym today because we're getting winter this month, so I did a kettlebell workout at home. Silly me, when I started I thought my old 15 lb KB was way too light.....well, by the end of 45 min it's not too light! I need a heavy one for two arm swings and a light one for deck squats (aka hate rolls).
  • lkpducky
    lkpducky Posts: 16,919 Member
    ICF Workout A

    Goblet squats warmup 1 x 10 @ 30 lb, 1 x 5 @45 lb, then 5 x 5 @ 50 lb. I was having a hard time but managed to squeeze out the last set.
    DB bench press 5 x 5 @ 27.5 dbs Having a hard time with those as well.
    Barbell rows 1 x 5 @ 70 lb and couldn't do it, so then 5 x 5 @ 60 lb. I think the first two exercises wore me out.
    Barbell shrugs 3 x 8 @ 60 lb
    Tricep extensions 3 x 8 @ 25 lb
    Incline curls db 3 x 8 @ 10 lb dbs
    Cable pull-throughs 2 x 10 @ 15 lbs (instead of hyperextensions)
    Bicycles (abdominals) 1 x 20 reps, 1 x 10 reps, 1 x 6 reps
    I can't do cable crunches because my upper back hurts.

    I felt shaky afterwards. I might not have eaten enough today.
  • TheHobbit2017
    TheHobbit2017 Posts: 96 Member
    PT today was pretty decent. I hit near 700 calorie burn which pleased me somewhat!

    10 mins crosstrainer warmup,
    6 press ups / 6 rep just bar bench press warm up,
    30kg x 12 reps / 3 sets bench press with feet raise,
    50kg squats 2 sets x 12 box squats, 2 sets x 12 deep squats,
    27.5kg 12 reps x 2, 30kg 12 reps x 1 good mornings,
    Assisted pull ups 12 reps x 3 sets,
    Assisted dips 12 reps x 3 sets. Assistance weight 41kg

    Things really ramping up now and weights I really struggled with on 5x5 format seem like cotton buds!
  • lkpducky
    lkpducky Posts: 16,919 Member
    I must be doing something right. My husband was rubbing my back and noticed more musculature now than before. yay!
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    Workout B
    RDL- 1x5 @ 90 pounds
    Overhead press - 3x8 @ 40 pounds
    Lat pulldown - 3x8 @ 80 pounds
    Lunges - 3x20 walking

  • hanlonsk
    hanlonsk Posts: 762 Member
    Yesterday was a conditioning day, and I was at a hotel and planned to just utilize my newly extended run clearance... but some badass was running on the treadmill for an hour. So I modified my conditioning day as best I could with dumbbells.
    I was supposed to do kB swings, farmers carries, and plate swings. Did the farmers carries as prescribed, the swings were both done with dumbbell, which seemed kind of duplicative.
    And then 5 x 10 bench leg raises.

    Today was bench day.

    Bench and pull-up supersetted. I was TRYING to drop down a band. It had mixed results

    4 pull-ups blue band
    3.5 pull-ups blue band
    4 pull-ups blue band
    4 ish pull-ups blue band
    2 pull-ups blue band, 5 black band
    7 pull-ups black band
    3+ x 110 (I got 7!!!! I think this is a weight pr, it is without a doubt a rep pr... I’ve been terrified of today’s workout all week.)
    5 pull-ups black band

    Dumbbell bench press
    2x10 @ 35
    10x 40 - these weren’t pretty

    Chest supported rows
    3x10 @ 40

    Rear laterals
    20x 5

    Now I just get to be terrified of next weeks bench and squat workouts which have 120lb top sets
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    I had a super simple session yesterday morning. Some double under practice that went super well, probably in part due to the fact I had forgotten my earphones at home xD I think overt eh full session I got 15-20 of them, which is definitely a record for me haha.

    I worked up to a heavy snatch. 65x3, 75x2, 85x1, 90x1, twice, 95x1 which was a bit sloppy but more of a power snatch than a full one, so I figured I could try 100. Except I just couldn't drop under the bar or keep it close enough to my body, even though I pulled it high enough to do so. My legs were not super responsive to drop squatting yesterday, and still felt sore from tuesday. I did 3x2 and 4x1 with 65lbs on the bar afterwards trying to find that groove. It just wasn't working.

    I didn't have much time left, and not much gutso to try and do somethign super high intensity, so I went to the treadmill *gasp* and walked/ran in intervals for 15 mins and 1.8km (just above 1 mile). Not used to the treadmill being in km so I built up way too slowly, but my top interval was a steady 30+ seconds at 12km/hour which is approximately 7.5mph. I can run at 8 for a short short amount of time, so I'm not too upset with this. I'll hafta get back into running to prepare for the OCRs this summer, anyway, so it seemed as good a time to start as any, lol!

    And then last night I subscribed to romwod for a 1 month free trial (it's mostly a static stretching program for mobility/flexibility), and I did their videos for both monday and tuesday this week. Quite a lot of hip/groin into that one. I'm feeling it a bit today, because I'm no bueno on external hip rotation and groin. That twisted cross felt amaxing on my back, tho!

    If anyone is interested in checking it out, you can go to and on the left there's a button for the trial. I couldn't get through the regular signup personally, but their support team was super helpful and got me sorted out :)

    So today I'll do their open prep session and perhaps another video of the week in preparation for tomorrow and hitting 18.5, which is an ascending ladder amrap of thrusters and jumping pull-ups. Weee!
  • lkpducky
    lkpducky Posts: 16,919 Member
    ICF Workout B

    Goblet squats - warmups 10 x 35 lb, 10 x 45 lb Then 5 x 5 @ 52.5 lb. Most I've ever done, and I was struggling to lift the thing off the rack but I was fine when actually doing the squats. I'd better start doing back squats like I'm really supposed to. It's just that as I work on form, my legs get less of a workout.
    RDL - 1 x 5 @ 80 lb, I'm going to try 90 next time (Wednesday)
    OHP 5 x 5 @ 30 lb I felt them in my chest and stomach as well so I'm not sure that was right
    Barbell rows 3 x 8 @ 50 lb
    Close-grip bench press 3 x 8 @ 30 lb. I think I could've done 40 lb but couldn't find that (someone took it right as I was about to walk over there) so I then did one set of 8 with two 20-lb dbs
    DB curl 3 x 8 @ 12.5 dbs really had to squeeze 'em out
    Abdominal crunches 3 x 10 @ 20 lbs

    I ate a KitKat 15 minutes before the workout and I think it really helped :p
  • hanlonsk
    hanlonsk Posts: 762 Member
    @lkpducky it’s amazing what a bit of sugar can do...
    if I know lunch was too long ago, or not much lunch- I will find some candy or some runner fuel things before I lift. Never used to think about it, but I started getting woozy on heavy days, and whether it’s blood sugar or blood pressure, or what, the carbs seem to help.

    Speaking of carbs.... I love my gym.... my gym people are so amazing. And they knew what I needed tonight better than I did.
    Apparently, while I was out of town, I missed the memo that they were trying to gather people to clean the gym tonight. So, I showed up, to a wet floor, shiny gym, and got handed a beer.

    So, speaking of gym snacks, 3 of us chose to complete our workout despite the beer. 2 of us was even conditioning.

    15 kB swings @ 35
    15 wallballs @ 10

    15 Trapbar farmers carries (4 @ 140, 1@ 190 because I was working in with the other conditioning person) these were written as yoke pushes, but between the wet floor between me and the yoke, and extra people, the other guys farmers carries seemed more logical.

    10 hanging knee raises

    Shortly after we finished, someone showed up with burgers and potato salad and stuff...
  • lkpducky
    lkpducky Posts: 16,919 Member
    @hanlonsk aren't you glad you missed the memo? and burgers...
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Aw geez louise, this wasn't fun... in a kind of fun way? I'm not... super happy with how I did. I reckon I could've given myself an extra inch of height on the box to the pullup bar (standards say head 6 inches below the bar, I was probably 8' away), and that may have pushed me over the edge of the round of 15. But I didn't and I don't think I'll redo this, considering how much that 7 min took from me anyway. I didn't make it to the pain cave - the pull-ups certainly held me back, and since I needed my legs to jump to the bar, I couldn't go balls out on the thrusters either.

    So 7 min AMRAP of 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, etc
    - barbell thrusters @ 45lbs
    - jumping chin-over bar pull-ups

    Made it through the round of 15 thrusters, with 11 pull-ups on top (I no-repped my last jump to be honest with myself. I tried to get it, but my chin did NOT clear the bar. And especially not on time).

    It still hurt.

    Not a lot of options left to complete 35x3 while I'm at it, so after a bit of rest I went for what sounded like the lesser evil.

    3 min AMRAPS + 1 min rest (KB @ 35lbs / 16kg)
    - 1 arm KB power clean : 70
    - 1 arm KB hang snatches: 50
    - Kb Goblet squat: 40
    - HR Push-Ups: 28
    - Recline rows: 30

    + 400m run for time (on treadmill): 2:06
    I managed to hold a 7 mph pace for a min, then 7.2 for 30s, and I think went 7.4 or 7.5 for the remaining time. Just telling myself "hang in there, it's almost over. Come on, You got this. Keep going!" over and over again. I prefer running distances like this on a track. You have a better feedback about where you are, and your stride length doesn't have to be even, and you can vary your speed accordingly. Anyways, that wasn,t too bad. Last time I tried to run a 400m I think it took me 2:35! lol.

    So, bring on the recovery now. A good hot bath is in order, and I'll def go enjoy the sunlight for a walk this afternoon, and do another romwod session later on, too :)
  • monica182
    monica182 Posts: 60 Member
    Friday 23/3

    Decided to keep some of my weights the same this session as I was struggling a bit on form.

    Squats 47.5kg 5x5
    Bench 32.5 5x5
    Rows 32.5 5x5

    All lifts felt heaps better this time around.

    Unfortunately I’ve had a really niggly shoulder/arm this last week that has got progressively worse. Went for a massage yesterday to hope to loosen it up. The massage was great but still have pain in my shoulder when I lift it certain ways. The funny thing is I haven’t felt any pain while lifting, just in the days after. Going to have a break from the ohp for a few days and see if it helps. If no improvement in a week will get some further investigation done. Feeling bummed coz want to keep the momentum going on the program :neutral:
  • hanlonsk
    hanlonsk Posts: 762 Member
    @krokador funny you mention the Romwod... I’ve been eyeing that again myself, and today definitely reinforced that.

    Squat day.
    5 x45
    5x 50
    5x 65
    3 x 75
    3x 90
    3x 100
    3+ x 110 (I got 10)
    So, having seen a lot of folks lately not anywhere close to depth, I did the first 4 sets down to a ball. To make sure I wasn’t calling a kettle black.
    I videoed several sets. And my depth was good. Even my top set, was at least decent. But OMG I am so totally bent/ folded over. Even at the light weights, even when I am squatting to the ball. Which means at a minimum I need to do more squat therapy. But it’s yet another reason that the romwod would be a good idea.

    Leg press
    4x10 @ 90
    I dropped weight here, but there was some set up/ form issues I was noticing, and I wanted to clean it up.

    Down and back with 20lb dumbbells - these were questionable on the stability. And since I keep getting more run and jump and plyo clearance on the condition I’m “smart” about it, I decided being dumb on lunges would be counter productive.
    So, 2 x down and back with 1t lb dumbbells

    Barbell hip thrusts
    10 x 45 lbs
    2 x 10 @ 50 lbs

    Bar bell ab roller
    4 x 10
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    monica182 wrote: »

    Unfortunately I’ve had a really niggly shoulder/arm this last week that has got progressively worse. Went for a massage yesterday to hope to loosen it up. The massage was great but still have pain in my shoulder when I lift it certain ways. The funny thing is I haven’t felt any pain while lifting, just in the days after. Going to have a break from the ohp for a few days and see if it helps. If no improvement in a week will get some further investigation done. Feeling bummed coz want to keep the momentum going on the program :neutral:

    Have had my share of shoulder issues, is it soreness, or a pinching sensation, or something else? And which part of the shoulder (or "ers", if it's both of them) is bothering you? Does it happen after every training day, or just after certain specific moves?
    hanlonsk wrote: »
    @krokador funny you mention the Romwod... I’ve been eyeing that again myself, and today definitely reinforced that.
    Even at the light weights, even when I am squatting to the ball. Which means at a minimum I need to do more squat therapy. But it’s yet another reason that the romwod would be a good idea.

    Folding over to a degree is normal, though. Especially if you're squatting low bar (and body proportions also come into play). If you're unfolding out of the hole like an accordion is when I would get worried. And that's actually a strength issue, and not mobility afaik!

    I think the 1 month free is still good, so you don't have much to lose in trying it out! The videos are mostly around 20 mins each and not all that fatiguing at all (it's mostly just trying to relax into a position, although I would recommend having a cushy mat and a few props sitting around to help you stay somewhat comfortable throughout the ordeal xD I'm glad I have foam rollers and yoga blocks!). I've used it before bed for the most part, and it makes for a great transition into sleep.

    Speaking of, I did one of their longer "WODs" today, that they call the goddess series or something like that. Sitting for 4 minutes into a 1-leg straddle does not fit into my definition of relaxing! But that's cuz I have terribad external hip rotation. And I'm hoping sticking to this is going to help alleviate that.

    But yeah, a walk and romwod. Plus chores. It's all that's on my plate for today. I woke up too stiff and sore to imagine going to the gym and not getting hurt, lol. My right ankle is so, so angry at me (as it usually is when I get back into running. I have one leg that,s significantly shorter than the other, and especially urnning on a treadmill exaccerbates the way I have to compensate for that, and since my hips can only rock so much, my ankle ends up taking a pounding.

    I spent 20 minutes with my neck massager (this thing, basically) just trying to work out the knots in my calf. XD

  • monica182
    monica182 Posts: 60 Member
    krokador wrote: »
    monica182 wrote: »

    Unfortunately I’ve had a really niggly shoulder/arm this last week that has got progressively worse. Went for a massage yesterday to hope to loosen it up. The massage was great but still have pain in my shoulder when I lift it certain ways. The funny thing is I haven’t felt any pain while lifting, just in the days after. Going to have a break from the ohp for a few days and see if it helps. If no improvement in a week will get some further investigation done. Feeling bummed coz want to keep the momentum going on the program :neutral:

    Have had my share of shoulder issues, is it soreness, or a pinching sensation, or something else? And which part of the shoulder (or "ers", if it's both of them) is bothering you? Does it happen after every training day, or just after certain specific moves?
    hanlonsk wrote: »
    @krokador funny you mention the Romwod... I’ve been eyeing that again myself, and today definitely reinforced that.
    Even at the light weights, even when I am squatting to the ball. Which means at a minimum I need to do more squat therapy. But it’s yet another reason that the romwod would be a good idea.

    Folding over to a degree is normal, though. Especially if you're squatting low bar (and body proportions also come into play). If you're unfolding out of the hole like an accordion is when I would get worried. And that's actually a strength issue, and not mobility afaik!

    I think the 1 month free is still good, so you don't have much to lose in trying it out! The videos are mostly around 20 mins each and not all that fatiguing at all (it's mostly just trying to relax into a position, although I would recommend having a cushy mat and a few props sitting around to help you stay somewhat comfortable throughout the ordeal xD I'm glad I have foam rollers and yoga blocks!). I've used it before bed for the most part, and it makes for a great transition into sleep.

    Speaking of, I did one of their longer "WODs" today, that they call the goddess series or something like that. Sitting for 4 minutes into a 1-leg straddle does not fit into my definition of relaxing! But that's cuz I have terribad external hip rotation. And I'm hoping sticking to this is going to help alleviate that.

    But yeah, a walk and romwod. Plus chores. It's all that's on my plate for today. I woke up too stiff and sore to imagine going to the gym and not getting hurt, lol. My right ankle is so, so angry at me (as it usually is when I get back into running. I have one leg that,s significantly shorter than the other, and especially urnning on a treadmill exaccerbates the way I have to compensate for that, and since my hips can only rock so much, my ankle ends up taking a pounding.

    I spent 20 minutes with my neck massager (this thing, basically) just trying to work out the knots in my calf. XD

    I can only feel it when I stretch my arms in certain ways. I think it sort of comes from just above my armpit and through the side and top of my shoulder. Nothing hurts when I press it, it’s inside my shoulder. It’s not really painful, more of a dull ache that increases with some sharpness when I move my arm up. When I mimic the ohp movement by the time I get my elbow perpendicular with my shoulder that’s when it starts to hurt. My shoulder is clicking as I lift my arm up and down too which I’m pretty sure it wasn’t before. If I press my fingers in to the joint at the tip of my shoulder it seems to be the closest point of feeling where the pain is but all the muscles around that side of my back feel tight so I’m hoping it’s just muscular. When I wake up in the morning it’s worse but loosens up pretty quickly. Not sure if it’s because I lay on that side to sleep or just from not moving it.

    When I went for the massage I couldn’t put my left arm up as high as my right above my head as it was really tight. That seems to be ok now and the shoulder definitely feels better than it did on Saturday. Haven’t felt any pain at all when lifting, except just exertion so hoping it’s nothing major that a bit of rest can’t fix.

    Supposed to be ohp today so think I will just stick to squats and deadlift and see how we go. Any tips would be gratefully accepted krokador if it sounds like anything you’ve experienced before. Feel like a bit of a dill trying to explain how it feels seeing as it’s very random on when it hurts :smiley:
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    monica182 wrote: »

    I can only feel it when I stretch my arms in certain ways. I think it sort of comes from just above my armpit and through the side and top of my shoulder. Nothing hurts when I press it, it’s inside my shoulder. It’s not really painful, more of a dull ache that increases with some sharpness when I move my arm up. When I mimic the ohp movement by the time I get my elbow perpendicular with my shoulder that’s when it starts to hurt. My shoulder is clicking as I lift my arm up and down too which I’m pretty sure it wasn’t before. If I press my fingers in to the joint at the tip of my shoulder it seems to be the closest point of feeling where the pain is but all the muscles around that side of my back feel tight so I’m hoping it’s just muscular. When I wake up in the morning it’s worse but loosens up pretty quickly. Not sure if it’s because I lay on that side to sleep or just from not moving it.

    If that's on the front of the shoulder, it sounds like it may be the pec minor. In this case I'd say, you may be bending a bit backwards to get the weight up on ohp, and incorporating too much pecs, which are typically already quite stiff in general. They're fairly easy to stretch out, and correcting that might also be as simple as cueing yourself to tighten your butt when pressing up.

    If it's the back of the shoulder, the teres minor can refer pain to the tip of the shoulder. It's a small muscle that crosses under the lats, so it feels pretty deep, and it's responsible for externally rotating your shoulder. It may be taking a beating trying to keep the shoulders in place for the deadlifts, especially if you're letting the bar drop them forward as opposed to keeping them tucked into your back pocket by retracting the scapula (which, btw, also should be done on the OHP ;)).

    The clicking part does have me lean more towards the back of the shoulder here, as those are the muscles responsible for keeping the arm well in place and if they are weak or not well activated, it can cause clicking and pinching in the shoulder. Whereas the pec minor will restrict movement when it is tight, and will pull your shoulders out of a good posture for sure, but shouldn't compromise your stability.

    Those are just somewhat educated guesses though, so I could be way off. But the cues on the lifts are definitely worth it, either way. And if it really is just tightness in either of these muscles, you could get a lacrosse ball or a tennis ball and work on the tissues yourself up against a wall.
  • monica182
    monica182 Posts: 60 Member
    krokador wrote: »
    monica182 wrote: »

    I can only feel it when I stretch my arms in certain ways. I think it sort of comes from just above my armpit and through the side and top of my shoulder. Nothing hurts when I press it, it’s inside my shoulder. It’s not really painful, more of a dull ache that increases with some sharpness when I move my arm up. When I mimic the ohp movement by the time I get my elbow perpendicular with my shoulder that’s when it starts to hurt. My shoulder is clicking as I lift my arm up and down too which I’m pretty sure it wasn’t before. If I press my fingers in to the joint at the tip of my shoulder it seems to be the closest point of feeling where the pain is but all the muscles around that side of my back feel tight so I’m hoping it’s just muscular. When I wake up in the morning it’s worse but loosens up pretty quickly. Not sure if it’s because I lay on that side to sleep or just from not moving it.

    If that's on the front of the shoulder, it sounds like it may be the pec minor. In this case I'd say, you may be bending a bit backwards to get the weight up on ohp, and incorporating too much pecs, which are typically already quite stiff in general. They're fairly easy to stretch out, and correcting that might also be as simple as cueing yourself to tighten your butt when pressing up.

    If it's the back of the shoulder, the teres minor can refer pain to the tip of the shoulder. It's a small muscle that crosses under the lats, so it feels pretty deep, and it's responsible for externally rotating your shoulder. It may be taking a beating trying to keep the shoulders in place for the deadlifts, especially if you're letting the bar drop them forward as opposed to keeping them tucked into your back pocket by retracting the scapula (which, btw, also should be done on the OHP ;)).

    The clicking part does have me lean more towards the back of the shoulder here, as those are the muscles responsible for keeping the arm well in place and if they are weak or not well activated, it can cause clicking and pinching in the shoulder. Whereas the pec minor will restrict movement when it is tight, and will pull your shoulders out of a good posture for sure, but shouldn't compromise your stability.

    Those are just somewhat educated guesses though, so I could be way off. But the cues on the lifts are definitely worth it, either way. And if it really is just tightness in either of these muscles, you could get a lacrosse ball or a tennis ball and work on the tissues yourself up against a wall.

    Thank you so much for this, I really appreciate it! Definitely have crappy form on the ohp towards the last lift of the set and feel myself leaning back, but will also take note of keeping my shoulders back on both deadlift and ohp. Have felt a massive improvement today and hardly any pain at all so keeping my fingers crossed it was just tightness. I haven’t been stretching after my lifting and have been duly told off by the masseuse and given some stretching exercises to do.

    I can only do my lifting twice this week due to going camping over Easter so I think I’m going to lift tomorrow instead of today to give it extra recovery time. Will also drop my weight a bit on the ohp and concentrate on getting my form right and maybe increase reps before upping my weight again. Was getting a bit carried away about trying to get the weight increased and potentially letting form suffer as a result. Hopefully this was just a small warning to concentrate on form first!

    Thanks again for the advice.

  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Woah. All this cleaning yesterday took more of a toll than I thought it would. I was dragging my feet a bit getting up because I didn't sleep well earlier, but once I got to the gym, I was just not happy to be there (forgetting my phone and having to listen to what kids call "music" these days and not having my water bottle didn't help either).

    Got through my sets of "20s" anyway
    bench 75x18, 75x19, 75x16, 95x5, 115x3, 130x2 singles with 30s pauses, + 120x3 singles
    walking lunges as supersets, bodyweight only x8/10/12

    pendlay rows 65x20, 70x20, 70x19, 85x5, 100x3, 115x5 singles w/ 30s pauses
    superset with glute bridges 65x10, 70x12, 70x13 and sumo deadlifts 85x10, 100x12, 115x12

    that took me an hour and 20 minutes. It sucked. I'm taking tomorrow off xD
  • amyinthetardis1231
    amyinthetardis1231 Posts: 571 Member
    Kind of a weird gym day, had to cut my leg work a little short bc of my dumb shoulder being weird again, of all things. I had planned to do more weighted step-ups but when I got under the bar to get it on my back, I could not get my left shoulder to settle properly into place. I tried 4 times, it was just a no-go. Felt like it was going to pop out of joint, so I gave up and added a few min on the elliptical instead.

    Squats: A bunch of pause squats for warmups
    3x3 @ 155

    Sumo deadlifts: 3x6 @ 155
    Step up fail

    Elliptical 30 min

    Speaking of sumo, can anyone recommend a good legging that will withstand the barbell scraping up my legs without tearing holes in my leggings? I've ripped up 3 pairs of pants in a couple months.