Weekly Post 26.3.18- 1.4.18



  • andreada98507
    andreada98507 Posts: 24 Member
    edited March 2018
    Hello everyone! I'm not really new to the group, but it's been so very long since I've been around that I doubt anyone remembers me, and you all seem to be new to me too. I lost 30+ pounds on IF several years ago, gained 15 back but in the last year have taken 10 of the regained weight off again, so I'm holding at roughly 25 pounds lost, which I'm really pretty OK with overall, especially since I've developed a raging sweet tooth the last few years. But I still want/need to lose more, so right now I'm just doing a sort of pre-check in as I'm just in the planning stages of getting back to IF. I'm trying to decide whether to do the week or two of protein shakes only in the beginning, as many books advise, or to jump back into the reduced-cal meals right away. I hope to be back here frequently, as I'm sure that during the first few weeks I'll need to talk about it! Has MFP revised it's calorie counter? It was basically such a good feature, but on fast days it kept scolding me about not eating enough!

    BTW, @mamainthekitchen I came to love oatmeal myself when I did IF before. The beauty of it was that it stayed with me a long time, so I could stave off hunger well into mid-afternoon after an oatmeal breakfast. It's 140 cals, but well worth the expenditure.
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    Welcome back @andreada98507! Glad you will be rejoining us. Feel free to post whatever questions you would like. We have moved to using a weekly thread to keep in touch with each other but feel free to start new discussions if you like that better. Either way will work. Regarding the calorie counter, AFAIK, it still lectures you if you try to close your day out with too few calories. I don't close out my diary any more. It has saved me a lot of stress. :D
  • orlcam
    orlcam Posts: 533 Member
    The group's really kickin' now...happy to see it. Spring is in the air...getting everyone pumped up.

    Mini eggs are ok...I'd have to make them myself. Lots of great chocolate and baking recipes out there now using erythritol. (ooh, just found a keto recipe for lava cake.)

    Here's a good article for those looking for more info on erythritol...could this finally be the sweetener that takes on cane sugar?
    An excerpt:
    1. It’s heat stable.
    That means that you can add it to all your favorite baked goods.

    2. It’s calorie-free and doesn’t impact blood sugar.
    These words are so sweet they’re worth repeating. According to researchers at the European Commission, erythritol does not impact blood sugar.

    3. It’s safe.
    Studies have shown that erythritol is safe and it’s generally recognized as safe (GRAS) by the FDA.

    4. It’s not overly sweet.
    Even before we realized that artificial sweeteners were carcinogenic, back in 1995 when you were sipping on Diet Coke, you likely puckered at the flavor. That’s because it tasted too sweet. Thankfully, this sugar substitute is much less sweet and therefore, tastes realistic.

    5. It does not cause tooth decay.
    Unlike sugar, you don’t have to worry about damaging your teeth.

    OK my ladies...get your bonnets on...enjoy the holiday...come back Monday refreshed and ready to work!

  • orlcam
    orlcam Posts: 533 Member
    I tried to change the banner for spring...unfortunately they seem to have locked the altering of groups. It probably has something to do with the data breach.

    I'll put it here so you can enjoy it before the weekend. B)

    Darn...it doesn't appear that we can even upload images now. ...I'll try to link it from another website...

    OK, it worked...enjoy your Friday.
  • andreada98507
    andreada98507 Posts: 24 Member
    edited March 2018
    Thanks for the warm welcome, @jknight001 ! :smile: Thanks also for the tip about not closing out the diary. I may try that myself.
    orlcam wrote: »
    Here's a good article for those looking for more info on erythritol...could this finally be the sweetener that takes on cane sugar?
    An excerpt:
    1. It’s heat stable.
    That means that you can add it to all your favorite baked goods.

    2. It’s calorie-free and doesn’t impact blood sugar.
    These words are so sweet they’re worth repeating. According to researchers at the European Commission, erythritol does not impact blood sugar.

    3. It’s safe.
    Studies have shown that erythritol is safe and it’s generally recognized as safe (GRAS) by the FDA.

    4. It’s not overly sweet.
    Even before we realized that artificial sweeteners were carcinogenic, back in 1995 when you were sipping on Diet Coke, you likely puckered at the flavor. That’s because it tasted too sweet. Thankfully, this sugar substitute is much less sweet and therefore, tastes realistic.

    5. It does not cause tooth decay.
    Unlike sugar, you don’t have to worry about damaging your teeth.
    Hi @orlken! FYI: I've been using erythritol (Wholesome Organic Zero brand, which is pretty pricey, but well worth it, imo) for a while now and love it. It does have an odd quality though: it feels cold in the mouth. That's why I mostly use it to dust on berries and things like that. Using it alone for sweetness in coffee doesn't seem to be enough for me and I wonder if the sweetness may be affected by contact with heat. But I also use a stevia sweetner for my coffee that contains erythritol (the best one I've found is the Safeway brand), and don't notice any cold quality in it while it's just the right sweetness, but the slightly bitter taste of stevia apparently disappears with it's addition. What I'm hoping for is that someone will start using it, along with soy milk or something similar, to make a calorie-reduced ice cream. :grin:
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,980 Member
    edited March 2018
    Hi guys! Happy Friday and a Good Friday it is. :smile:

    Still rolling along here, doing my thing. Not much new to report. Looking forward to the weekend. It is finally acting like spring today! I likey...

    Loving the new pic @orlcam so cute! Thanks for the info on erythritol - I like what I am reading!

    Welcome @andreada98507 so glad you are rejoining our little group. I am interested in that erythritol brand you mentioned. We don't have Safeway here on the east coast, but bet my local Whole Foods would have it. They are the organic authority!
    I am normally not a huge fan of stevia because of that bitter taste. I have using coconut palm sugar from Trader Joe's in my coffee for the last few years. I love it. I use a small flat spoonful for the most part, otherwise sugar tastes too sweet to me. My taste buds have changed a lot. Years ago I used to use TWO packets of Splenda in my coffee. OMG just the thought of that makes me want to barf. LOL

    Everybody be well. Summer is almost here (in North America)! Chat with you all soon.
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    edited March 2018
    Hello all! Did my weigh-in today and down .8 lbs. Slow and steady does it.

    In regards to erythritol, I was reading my Allrecipes magazine today and saw Pyure advertised. It is a granulated combination of stevia and erythritol. They say you can bake with it. Forgive me if you all knew about this already. I know @orlcam said erythritol was FDA approved but I don't really trust the FDA. Would love to hear outside sources that have done long term studies on the stuff say it is ok. To much science influenced by politics out there.

    Hope to get rid of my cough soon. A woman the other day jokingly said,"I hear that you have the 7 week cough I had". That pretty much sums it up. :angry:
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Well, happy Good Friday people!

    Welcome @andreada98507 ! I don’t close my diary out either but I also know some people manually add 700 cals under mfp recipe index called intermittent fasting.... just like if you type in cucumber... instead type in IF to add 700 cals and that’ll give you 1200 cals so mfp doesn’t scold you. Also, glad you checked out our favorites list!! I should review those again too!! I also like adding 1/4 tsp of chia seeds and 1/2 tsp hemp seeds to my oatmeal... “they” say those are good for you!!

    Interesting sugar substitute articles Orlcam! I don’t use one myself... but maybe I should!!

    Grande Nachos for dinner tonight for the fam... This includes taco hamburger meat, olives and fresh jalepanos etc. I’ll have lettuce cups instead of the tortilla chips. Hopefully the rest of the weekend will keep me busy and away from the mini eggs as I’m cooking a turkey!!

    Off to look for a bonnet!!!!

  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,537 Member
    Weeeeellll, I forgot to fast today and I had an entire bag of jelly beans all to myself... except the black ones. Calories saved, right? LOL Also had a lot of leftover pizza. Maybe I will try again tomorrow.
    I read about the data breach. Well, I don't use my real name, so not so bad. What are they going to get? My dress size? My unhealthy affinity for snack cakes? Worst part is changing my password. I can't remember a new password! Stupid hackers!! LOL