15lb weight loss in March. Let’s Go!!!



  • Dad4Myla
    Dad4Myla Posts: 81 Member
    @meldwel you crushed it. And weather you hit or not, it only matters that you went after it and never gave up. We are all going through the same things. So it’s cool to be able to watch one another transform
  • Mellykay88
    Mellykay88 Posts: 306 Member
    Update! Had a bit of a stall, but have a 2 lb loss to report today. Probably not going to make it to 15 lbs for this month, but I’m still proud of my progress.

    Starting weight 332.2
    3/12/18 - 328.4
    3/16/18 - 326.6
    3/26/18 - 324.6
  • meldwel
    meldwel Posts: 143 Member
    @Mellykay88 you are doing so great!
  • bigghunny
    bigghunny Posts: 550 Member
    Hi everyone just got back into town from my awesome vacation. Congrats everyone for all your great loss numbers. Had a major setback on the scale but enjoyed my time away. After this vacation I realized how I got this size. So many bad food choices and not holding myself accountable. So needless to say had a big gain over the week. Looking forward to a new challenge next month and I am here cheering you guys on. Have a great week everyone!
  • Mellykay88
    Mellykay88 Posts: 306 Member
    @bigghunny most likely a lot of what you are seeing on the scale is water weight. It’s hard to do too much damage over a short-time. Also, it’s so awesome that you were able to learn more about yourself. That insight is so important to long term success. Along my journey my “mindless eating” has greatly reduced. When I go overboard it’s definitely consciously... which means I can stop it before I spiral.
  • bigghunny
    bigghunny Posts: 550 Member
    @Mellykay88 from one Melanie to another thank you for that! I hope its just water weight...lol It did make me realize this is a lifetime change not just some fad diet. You are are such an inspiration to me and everyone.
  • Mellykay88
    Mellykay88 Posts: 306 Member
    @bigghunny Awe shucks! You guys keep me going too. I don’t really have anyone in real life who is on this journey, so having this community has been a huge factor in my ability to really do this this time.
  • kwiris0328
    kwiris0328 Posts: 51 Member
    WoooHooo! I finally had a great weight loss week! I lost 5 pounds in the first three weeks of March and 7 last week. And I didn't reduce calories this week from the past two at all. Crazy! I'm so glad I kept at it. I'm 3 pounds to the goal with 3 days left!

    SW: 380
    W1: 378
    W2: 376
    W3: 375
    Wk4: 368

    Total weight loss: 12 pounds

    Today's my 40th birthday so happy birthday to me!!!
  • bigghunny
    bigghunny Posts: 550 Member
    @kwiris0328 HAPPY BIRTHDAY! That is so awesome about the 12 lbs. Hope you have a wonderful day! :)
  • meldwel
    meldwel Posts: 143 Member
    @kwiris0328 great job!! Happy birthday! Hope you have a great day :)
  • cnavarro002
    cnavarro002 Posts: 235 Member
    @kwiris0328 HAPPY BIRTHDAY! What a great way to celebrate! 40's are going to be good to you, just wait and see!
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    Happy day! My cousin and best friend are your age, too, and I'm not far behind. You're giving yourself an excellent present! lol
  • Dad4Myla
    Dad4Myla Posts: 81 Member
    3/1 380
    3/9. 376.6 -3.4
    3/16 371.2 -5.4
    3/23 365 -6.2
    3/30 361.2 -3.8
    March total weight loss was 18.8
    Next month, I will be making a group challenge that we all work together to hit a group Total of weight loss
  • JJKM02
    JJKM02 Posts: 250 Member
    @Dad4Myla That is incredible! You have had an amazing month and your hard work is paying off. Very inspiring!
  • JJKM02
    JJKM02 Posts: 250 Member
    So here is my update for the month. I set out to lose 15 pounds like all of us did. I ate well all the time, was consistently under my calories, and worked out 3-5 times per week. I hit a stall or my weight loss slowed which I know is normal and that I need to trust the process. So I did and will continue to do so.

    Today was my weigh in day and I am pleased to report that I am down 1.9 lbs this week. My previous weight was 304.6 and today I am 302.7. I lost 6.1 pounds in March. Not the greatest, but I know I worked hard! I am looking forward to next month’s challenge...count me in! I am so close to being in the 200s!
  • cnavarro002
    cnavarro002 Posts: 235 Member
    edited March 2018
    Total loss for March was only 4.4, but I'll take it. Got some great suggestions from our nutrition class last night that I will start incorporating into my daily food intake. I'm excited to see if this helps. Basically a) I am not eating enough at each meal. I need to try to eat 500 calories per meal and then snacks as needed in between. B) Also need to try and incorporate at least 3 of the 4 food groups (fruits & veggies, protein, whole grains & dairy) in each meal. Finally need to make dinner smaller to accommodate a bigger breakfast (yikes this one is going to be hard!). Learning how to eat is hard - who would have thought!

    @Dad4Myla amazing job! Way to be an inspiration and I'm looking forward to next months challenge!
  • cnavarro002
    cnavarro002 Posts: 235 Member
    I have no idea why that darn emoji got inserted in my post and I can't edit it out! Oh well, be cool everyone!
  • meldwel
    meldwel Posts: 143 Member
    I DID IT!!
    SW: 344.6
    Wk1: 340.2 (4.4)
    Wk2: 399. (1.2)
    Wk3: 333.8 (5.2)
    Wk4: 329. (4.8)
    Total loss: 15.6
  • bigghunny
    bigghunny Posts: 550 Member
    @Dad4Myla awesome job! @meldwel omg girl you rocked it! Everyone did such a great job on their weightloss whether it was 2 lbs or 18. Let's keep it going.