Bunny Hopping in to April: April Accountability & Weigh-In



  • nikkit321
    nikkit321 Posts: 1,485 Member
    Height 5'5.5 (I like to claim 5'6")
    April goal: 155 lbs
    Ultimate goal: 140 lbs.

    March 22 - 162.5

    April 6 - 159.6
    April 13 - 160.2
    April 20 -
    April 27 -

    Am disappointed to report that I am back in the 60's - really wanted to post a lower 50's number. Although I know it's a gluten issue, thought I made a gluten-free pasta dish Tuesday night, only to realize as I was cleaning up after dinner that the pasta was not gf. Hence water retention for several days. So I'll be happy that it's only a half pound gain to report and be more diligent about gluten. I am back on track with running consistently...so am confident. We've got this!
  • theknitpicker
    theknitpicker Posts: 63 Member
    Height: 5'0" / 153 cm
    HW: 61.7 kg
    GW: 47.5

    End-of-March SW: 53.4kg / 30.2 % BFP (Moving Average 53.5 kg)
    April GW: 52.5 kg / 29 % BF

    April 6: 52.6 kg / 29.4% BF (Moving Average 53.2 kg)
    April 13: 52.5 kg / 28.8% BF (Moving Average 52.6 kg)
    April 20:
    April 27:

    While the weight lost might not seem significant, I'm thrilled by the dip in BFP, and watching the moving average come down. In fact, I would consider this week a total success. StrongLifts going well, I really like the format of the programme, so I'll keep you updated on how that goes, but I love having a set programme so I can literally track like for like progress. I'm a routine fiend I guess.

    What isn't so great this week is I've done something bad to something in my neck - just feels like the muscles that turn it side to side are supertight, or I've pinched something, but basically unless I'm sitting ramrod straight or am doing exercises with good form, I get no relief - sleeping is a nightmare!

    Hoping to book myself into a chiropractor this week, but its always a bit of a downer on your journey when your body isn't at it's best. Will keep you updated! But April's goals are looking well & truly smashable!

  • Urbancowbarn
    Urbancowbarn Posts: 97 Member
    edited April 2018
    H: 5’ 6”
    SW 161 (5/17)
    SBF% 25.28
    CW — fluctuating between 144-147
    CBF% 21.70
    April goal: 142
    Ultimate goal: 139-136lbs (fluctuating)
    BF% Goal 20%

    April 6: 145 BF% 22.24
    April 13: 146 BF% 21.70

    Started the week at 144, but had some sodium heavy snacks and a heavy meal last night. I’m excited to see some number proof that recomp is working by the decrease in BF percentage. Also went down half an inch in waist measurement. Hooray!
  • gutsnglory6
    gutsnglory6 Posts: 76 Member
    Height: 5'9"
    SW (this time around): 148.7 (Feb 27)
    GW: 135
    April GW: 139

    March 1: 147 (24.4 BF)
    April 1: 142 (21.8 BF)
    April 7: 142.4
    April 14: 142.4

    TOM hit this morning, so I’m not putting too much stock in that number. My weight was down in the low 141s earlier this week, so I feel like I’ve made some progress.

    Staying within my calories has felt like more of a challenge lately. I’m going to have to sit down and meal plan a bit better.

    I’m travelling for work Monday, so that will be another challenge to staying on track.

    Also, an NSV: I have started Jillian Michaels’ 30 Day Shred SO many times, and have never gotten past Level 1. Today will be day 5 of Level 2, meaning I’m halfway through.
  • MichelleWithMoxie
    MichelleWithMoxie Posts: 1,817 Member
    Height: 5’1”
    SW April: 113 lbs
    April goal: 109

    4/7: 111.4
    4/14: 112.0

    Ugh. That’s annoying
  • Go_Deskercise
    Go_Deskercise Posts: 1,630 Member
    Height: 5'5"
    Heaviest Weight: 138 LBS
    Ultimate goal: 117-120 LBS
    Current Weight: 124.4
    April Goal: 122 LBS

    Apr 1: 124.4
    Apr 6: 126.8 (oopsie... wrong direction lol)
    Apr 10: 127.2 - Today I gave myself the slap in the face that I needed to wake up - I've been lying to myself about my food intake and exercise calories burned and hoping that the scale will just magically go lower instead of higher. It's time for me to let go of the excuses I've been making and finally get to my goal weight. I WILL do this!

    Apr 14: 126.6
  • LlamaLlime
    LlamaLlime Posts: 10 Member
    Height 5'9"

    April 1: 143
    April 7:142
    April 14:139.2
    April 28:

    This week's goal is to work out 4 times. I've been slacking off recently and need to get back on track.
  • Cora0477
    Cora0477 Posts: 326 Member
    Height 5'4"
    April 1: 136
    April 8: 133.4
    April 15: 131.8
    April 22:
    April 29:
    April Goal: 132
    Ultimate GW: 125

    This week was harder motivation wise than the last two. Took so much more effort. But I managed to stay at or under my calories every day, and at or over my exercise goals every day. And success! I can’t believe it. I beat my April goal half way through!
  • Tryingtogetfitdeb
    Tryingtogetfitdeb Posts: 294 Member
    April 2 64kg (FFS)
    April 9 63.4kg
    April 16 63.9kg

    My target for this month seems so far away, I was 62.7 last week at one point, but then had days out with the kids and stopped tracking, was my husbands birthday yesterday too.

    Good points for last week were I went running 3 times!! And did my second longest run ever of 8km :)

    I really must try harder, I’ve got a mini break with my friends the end of May and I’d love to feel happier.

    My target this month is going to be 62kg

  • io8785a
    io8785a Posts: 35 Member
    Height: 5'5"
    SW: 154 lbs
    GW: 130

    April 1: 135.4
    April 8: 135.8
    April 15: 135.2
    April 22
    April 29:

    NSV: I held a plank for a full minute! My max previously was up to 45 seconds.
  • theknitpicker
    theknitpicker Posts: 63 Member
    Just a quick update - went to the chiropractor last night which COMPLETELY sorted me out - and reassured me that my gym/StrongLifts routine wasn't causing any harm... if anything it's my desk set up (sedentary jobs will kill you, man). Woop! Back on it! Let's smash this week!

  • DomesticKat
    DomesticKat Posts: 565 Member
    Chugging along here! I've been busy and haven't been checking in as much but I'm reading along and seeing how you're all doing. I set myself a second goal of 130 and getting into a healthy BMI (I think that's 131 or 132) and then seeing how things look there. I have a hard time envisioning myself any lower than that because I haven't been that low since junior high school!

    Height: 5'1"
    HW: 195 April 2017
    SW April: 141
    Ultimate goal: ?
    April goal: 135-36.

    April 1st: 141
    April 6th: 140.2
    April 10th: 139.6
    April 17th: 138.2

  • Starflight00
    Starflight00 Posts: 112 Member
    Hey all, thought I'd check in after weeks of silence. :)

    I stopped logging and counting for a while, and it seems I'm maintaining ok for the moment. I weighed myself this morning and trending weight went a bit up (58.5 vs 58.2 9 days ago), but it's TOM and I've been developing a strong evening M&M's addiction. Scale puts my BF% at 31%, but I really find it hard to believe when looking in the mirror...

    Feeling pretty awesome otherwise, size 27" jeans still fit, I'm wearing tight tops and there's no muffin top to be seen (still a bit of a tummy though, but as long is it doesn't get bigger, I can live with it).

    Plan is to start toning up a bit for the summer with short bodyweight exercises at home, bike to work and maybe start running again. Weather is awesome, it's 25°C/77°F right now!