May challenge?

Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
Heyo, I'm back! So my goal for May is to regain the independence that I lost from my spinal fusion surgery that I had on April 30th! I'm currently at: able to walk up the street and around the corner with a walker or cane before turning back, sometimes need assistance getting out of bed or out of chairs, can't bend or twist at all. I'm not sure what my weight is at the moment, probably around 195ish mark, but planning to keep eaticng square meals with a vegetable and not snacking. Aiming for 190 by June. Will start physical therapy at some point this month!


  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    Welcome back @Kirstie155 Hopefully your recovery is going smooth! Glad to hear from you! =)
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    @Kirstie155 I think that's a great goal! Recovery sounds very difficult. It sounds like you're plugging away at it though. Keep up the good work!

    My goal is to not gain more than 3 lbs this month. If I kept my weight steady and did not gain any this month, that would be even better. Also, maintaining activity with walks, a visit to the gym, or some form of exercise. I have been unmotivated and slacking, but I feel like I will regret it if I don't do something. My chicken wings are extra floppy right now too, I can at least exercise my arms!
  • girlalmighty08
    girlalmighty08 Posts: 130 Member
    I haven't done any goal setting for a few months so I figure it's time to get back in to it! For May my goals are pretty simple - I like to stick to the tried and true! lol

    1. Lose 4% body weight
    2. Workout 3-4 times per work

    My partner has also decided that he needs to drop a few pounds so he's banned bread from his diet as well as a few other carb favorites. I'm going to really focus on making family meals that are chock full of protein and veggies.. thank goodness it's BBQ season!
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,949 Member
    @Kirstie155 Yikes, that sounds hard, but you sound like you're doing ok. I hope you mend quickly and feel less pain! Your body might need maintenance calories to heal quickly, so don't push too hard on the diet. But healthy foods like you listed are a great idea!
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    Welp, I'm gonna go ahead and call it for the end of the month. I've done ok with not gaining a lot of weight this month. I've stayed around the same weight for about 5 weeks now. I've given up on any sort of exercise though. I'm too tired/hot/sore/puffy/braxton-hicksy/out of breath. So I'll have to keep that in mind for June goals and adjust accordingly. How did y'all do?
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