Comment when you complete a workout



  • TisBonnie
    TisBonnie Posts: 48 Member
    25 minute walk at moderate pace.
  • tehanuthefirst
    tehanuthefirst Posts: 66 Member
    Today's workout was feeding branches into a big chipper-mulcher. I hate that machine. It's loud, the branches kick back and fly up in my face, I have to wear ear and eye and sun protection, and that scene in "Fargo" where they hide the evidence of a murder by putting the body into one of these machines keeps coming to mind.
  • tehanuthefirst
    tehanuthefirst Posts: 66 Member
    30 minutes on the exercycle and a bit of marching with Air Force Band.
  • TisBonnie
    TisBonnie Posts: 48 Member
    10 minute dance warmup
    Weightlifting w/universal gym: 2 sets of 10 reps
    Stretching cool-down
  • tehanuthefirst
    tehanuthefirst Posts: 66 Member
    Almost an hour of exercycle while editing and posting stuff...will walk to work, too.
  • TisBonnie
    TisBonnie Posts: 48 Member
    20 minutes of dancing.
  • TisBonnie
    TisBonnie Posts: 48 Member
    1.2 km walk.
  • kttyson
    kttyson Posts: 77 Member
    I’m going to admit that I fell off the exercising this week, but commit to posting about a new workout soon!
  • tehanuthefirst
    tehanuthefirst Posts: 66 Member
    Another 30mins on the bike....will lift some weights. We're moving offices tomorrow, and I'll be glad I can lift things more easily
  • TisBonnie
    TisBonnie Posts: 48 Member
    I’ve been keeping up with weights 2x/week and cardio 2x/week, just haven’t posted about it!
  • cassandrac915
    cassandrac915 Posts: 36 Member
    Half hour on elliptical, going faster than usual.
  • wiremog
    wiremog Posts: 34 Member
    Jillian Michaels 30 day shred this morning! Level 1 kills me, haven't dared look at 2 and 3 yet, lol
  • cassandrac915
    cassandrac915 Posts: 36 Member
    Half hour on elliptical, average speed about 10 strides per minute more than usual.
  • cassandrac915
    cassandrac915 Posts: 36 Member
    edited May 2018
    An hour on elliptical before work, going pretty fast. Got work done quickly, spent some time on weights in the employee gym, but by then I was too tired to really do a whole lot. Omg, my legs are killing me.
  • aetinydancer
    aetinydancer Posts: 2 Member
  • tehanuthefirst
    tehanuthefirst Posts: 66 Member
    That is some fantastic art!
  • tehanuthefirst
    tehanuthefirst Posts: 66 Member
    An hour on elliptical before work, going pretty fast. Got work done quickly, spent some time on weights in the employee gym, but by then I was too tired to really do a whole lot. Omg, my legs are killing me.
    How you feeling today? Great that you have a work gym - that makes things so much easier!

  • tehanuthefirst
    tehanuthefirst Posts: 66 Member
    Planking!!! Who does planking? I've just started doing it thanks to one of those email news thingies myfitnesspal sends....Ufffff! Painful. But definitely one of those exercises where it helps to visualise Daisy working out and remembering how good her midriff looks while I'm counting down the seconds holding a pose. Ouch!

    I can see the difference though.

    Visible abs or bust!
  • cassandrac915
    cassandrac915 Posts: 36 Member
    An hour on elliptical before work, going pretty fast. Got work done quickly, spent some time on weights in the employee gym, but by then I was too tired to really do a whole lot. Omg, my legs are killing me.
    How you feeling today? Great that you have a work gym - that makes things so much easier!

    I haven't been checking in as much as I probably should, but to finally answer the question-- I recovered and then did it again this week. An hour on elliptical on Monday, half hour and an hour of weights on Wednesday, an hour on elliptical today. Woo! Weekly goal done. Now I just have to get through an early morning pole dance class tomorrow without groaning too much and then I can have some rest.
  • cassandrac915
    cassandrac915 Posts: 36 Member
    edited May 2018
    Planking!!! Who does planking? I've just started doing it thanks to one of those email news thingies myfitnesspal sends....Ufffff! Painful. But definitely one of those exercises where it helps to visualise Daisy working out and remembering how good her midriff looks while I'm counting down the seconds holding a pose. Ouch!

    I can see the difference though.

    Visible abs or bust!

    I hear you on planking. There's a variation on that I learned in parkour class where you get into push-up position on your palms, then try to alternate picking up hands and touching the opposite shoulder. But the trick is: holding the core rigid and keeping balance, no leaning side to side. This one friggin' kills my abs every time.