
laishface Posts: 6 Member
Hey there. I was recently put on a variation of keto to help repopulate my gut flora and lose some weight. Essentially I eat keto with the exception of no dairy except yogurt. At any rate, I'm looking to make more friends on MFP so I can cheer on their successes in my newsfeed and keep motivated to keep going - the doc says I gotta shoot for 90 days. If you are logging in daily and looking for support / motivation, maybe we can cheer each other on?


  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    If you can have yogurt, you should also be able to have kefir, which has even more beneficial bacteria than yogurt.

    I am always up for more friends, but I'm a sketchy version of keto with carb cycling, so not sure if that will help or be a distraction.

    And I obnoxiously post in my newsfeed like 3-5 times a day...if you think you can take it, send me a friend request, I accept them all...
  • kimmydear
    kimmydear Posts: 298 Member
    Yes please feel free to request me. I'm not no dairy though as I use heavy whipping cream. Welcome to keto!
  • Bintzie
    Bintzie Posts: 24 Member
    Always looking for more keto buddies. Feel free to add me. :smile:
  • FlyingMolly
    FlyingMolly Posts: 490 Member
    You’re (all!) welcome to add me as well! I’m on keto for psychological rather than physical reasons, so I take breaks now and then. I just don’t log those days and pick back up again when I’m ready to come back into ketosis. :)