


  • andreascjonsson
    andreascjonsson Posts: 433 Member
    Dory_42 wrote: »
    Hi, im new here!
    This seems like a great initiative so im happy to join it. I have lost 21kg previously and im now going to bulk. As the bulking has gone much worse than my weightloss i feel like i need a little extra shove in the right direction, and i thought this challange was the perfect way to do it. Im also going to start my martial arts training again the 1st of june so it lines up perfectly^^

    Awesome, what martial art do you train? I'm a Brazilian Jui Jitsu blue belt. Hoping to add judo to my schedule in July.

    Im doing MMA/muy thai and submission wrestling atm but i have done some BJJ too previously. We got a really good double black belt under duda soares and eddie bravo here in stockholm. Judo is a good compliment since i feel like bjj is lacking in the takedown department sometimes^^
  • Lorrieonline
    Lorrieonline Posts: 31 Member
    Hello, I'm Lorrie and ready to get back to business. So thankful to join a challenge where we can motivate one another. Last year at the end of October, I fell out of my routines, MFP logging, kept falling farther behind. Life stress and multiple sclerosis have been my downfall when instead need to be my reason for getting better and better. Very happy to meet everyone here and sharing motivation and successes (and recipes)! I'm 55 and want to feel awesome again! I love researching, finding great foods and recipes! (Went from 136 in October, to my current 163 pounds.)
  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,587 Member
    Dory_42 wrote: »
    Hi, im new here!
    This seems like a great initiative so im happy to join it. I have lost 21kg previously and im now going to bulk. As the bulking has gone much worse than my weightloss i feel like i need a little extra shove in the right direction, and i thought this challange was the perfect way to do it. Im also going to start my martial arts training again the 1st of june so it lines up perfectly^^

    Awesome, what martial art do you train? I'm a Brazilian Jui Jitsu blue belt. Hoping to add judo to my schedule in July.

    Im doing MMA/muy thai and submission wrestling atm but i have done some BJJ too previously. We got a really good double black belt under duda soares and eddie bravo here in stockholm. Judo is a good compliment since i feel like bjj is lacking in the takedown department sometimes^^

    I train at an mma gym so we cover a fair amount of wrestling and judo aspects as well to ensure we can do take downs in competition. Busy prepping for the first ADCC of the South African season which will be my first no gi competition.

    Stockholm is awesome. I visited it a number of years ago when my dad was working in Finland.
  • yellobird13
    yellobird13 Posts: 118 Member
    First time doing this challenge. My name is Eva and I have about 10-15 pounds to shed and am trying to get into better shape. Adding daily meditation to the challenge for myself to help with stress eating.
  • kahlan84
    kahlan84 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm really excited to start this challenge. I will be involved with it for many months to come since I have quite a bit of weight to lose. I'm trying to learn to make myself a priority and take care of myself instead of always putting off what's important to me.
  • catherinrose4
    catherinrose4 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi, just joined in! Excited to be in this challenge. Need to lose about 25-30 lbs.
  • hititskip
    hititskip Posts: 42 Member
    First time doing this challenge! My name is Michelle. I've struggled with my weight since puberty but at the end of last year I topped out at a high of 301. At that point I asked my doctor for further instructions that just "lose weight." He sent me to a specialist and with his guidance and medication I've lost 30 pounds so far. The medications have helped me to jump start this process but I do hope to stop taking them soon and I want to be able to continue to lose weight just by eating better and exercising. This challenge seems like a great way to start building the habits that should make me successful in the long term.
  • PeaceQT18
    PeaceQT18 Posts: 56 Member
    @acaliforniadreamer Congrats on your weight loss. I too have lost a lot of weight but I have done it with various diets. The latest one I am doing I began on May 2nd and so far I have dropped almost 17 lbs in 4 weeks which isn't that great but any loss is good especially since I have NOT worked out AT ALL... I am planning on beginning some workout regimen today which I have some apps on my phone and some yoga sculpting videos at home.
    Lets see how it goes having this group as an accountability.
  • Ver000nika
    Ver000nika Posts: 72 Member

    I'm new here. Became more health-addicted ca month ago and weekends are still quite hard for me. I eat way too much from Fri to Sun.
  • hititskip
    hititskip Posts: 42 Member
    @PeaceQT18 I would definitely consider 17 pounds in 4 weeks an amazing loss!
  • Cbkkata
    Cbkkata Posts: 28 Member
    I'm new to this challenge as well. Looking to drop around 50lb, only 15 of which is baby weight. I have a 9 month old and now weigh more than I did when I gave birth. As a breastfeeding mom, I have to eat more calories in order to feed my baby, but that doesn't mean I can't be smart about it, or work out!! Currently at 265#!!!

    I like Smart Goals
    S-specific- #50 in 6 months
    M- measurable-averages a weekly loss of 1.66 lb a week
    A- attainable- I've heard of people loosing as much as 2 lb a wool
    R- realistic- this loss would bring me to the edge of a Healthy BIN
    T-timebound- 6 months is a long time, but I can measure my progress in weeks. (Nov 20, is 6 months from when I made my goal)
  • DeniseRSmith
    DeniseRSmith Posts: 15 Member
    I’m new to the MFP community and not sure I am posting my introduction to the June UAC correctly. Hoping not to embarrass myself. I am up for the challenge and if I can figure out how post and reply to the group I’m in.
  • memere101
    memere101 Posts: 461 Member
    Good morning everyone! I’m excited to join this group today. I’m Linda, I’m getting ready to turn 56 and I am from Virginia. I need to lose at least 30 pounds and get my health back on track. I used to be on MFP all the time and was really good at tracking all my food. I’m a mom of 5 and grandma to 9...I have been putting everyone else and their needs ahead of my own health for way too long! I have had a really rough time since losing my dad last August. Dealing with severe depression, new major health issues, and a new grandbaby that lives with us, means that I need to get back on track immediately and I need the support of a group like this. Looking forward to meeting everyone and making some new friends and being part of the family :smile:
  • Stardust620
    Stardust620 Posts: 250 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm new to the group and cautiously optimistic. In the past I've found that participating in challenges and logging my calories/exercise regularly has been the most effective way for me to lose weight. However, it comes back on so easily when I stop checking in, which is why I think this challenge will be useful for me. I am currently at my heaviest weight ever and going through a low point in my life. I have about 100 pounds to lose and while I know that the time is overdue to make some big changes, I always find myself motivated for a few days and then give up as soon as someone waves some ice cream in front of my face or I just feel too tired to stick with it. I'm really hoping this group will help me find some like-minded people to connect with so we can support & encourage each other and will help me stay motivated and determined long enough to see some changes. If you want an accountability buddy to check in with outside of the challenge, please add me! The more the better!
  • traci543
    traci543 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I’m new to this challenge! I’ve put on 3 pounds in the last two months and I’m looking to lose about 5-10. It’s not a lot, but for me, the maintenance in healthy eating is what I find most challenging. Even more than the healthy eating, I am looking to achieve my fitness goals—I want to workout 3-4 times per week and become toned. I’m 26, 5’1”, and 153 pounds. I wear a size 6 and I’m actually the “smallest” I’ve ever been in my twenties. I’m happy with how I look but I really am looking for an accountability partner to help me achieve these goals and maintain my progress!

  • beginforthelasttime16
    beginforthelasttime16 Posts: 533 Member
    This is my first time here and this is EXACTLY what I need! If I'm not incredibly OCD with my calories and fitness, I simply "forget" that I'm working towards being healthy.
    I'm 28, 5'5'' and currently 231.8. I did a re-set on May 21st and I've lost 4 pounds since then.
    I'm looking to lose a total of 80 pounds so a final goal of 155 pounds which will put me right in the healthy weight range for my height.
    I just got married in March and my husband has the worst eating habits. I really need to focus on not following suit because it's already showing in the way my clothes fit after only 2 months.
  • Smile276
    Smile276 Posts: 3 Member
    edited May 2018
    Hello! :wink: My name is Eri, and I’m a college student 5”0 trying to get to 100 lb this summer.

    More than that though, I’m trying to develop a healthier lifestyle - better eating habits so I don’t have to think about food all the time :( and instead focus on studying, and work on fitness, since it’s all about feeling comfortable in your own body right?

    I’m all for being happy :D Feel free to add me as a friend, we can do this together!
  • mjsenior
    mjsenior Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I'm Mel and I live in the UK. I have recently turned 49 and I am determined not to be fat at 50! I would like to lose around 20 pounds and get generally fitter. I have been a yo-yo dieter for years, so I know what I need to do to slim down, but I get complacent and struggle to maintain it. Being more accountable will definitely help me avoid 'cheating' and 'forgetting' those snacks that seem to fall into my mouth so easily! We have recently got a puppy which I am hoping will keep me on a more active path. I am good when I get into a routine, but when the routine slips it all goes a bit 'pear shaped'. `i'm really looking forward to the support and motivation.
  • nnoodles22
    nnoodles22 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I'm hoping to make a lifestyle change because my eating is getting out of control. I'm currently 147lbs at 5'0" and I'm hoping to get down to 115lbs by the end of December. I also start school in August, so I'm hoping to get healthy habits before then and at least kick off my weight loss. My goal is to lose at least 1lb/week, and I'm going out of the country at the end of join, so won't make it in the winner's circle, but I'm really excited to start and hopefully this challenge will keep me accountable so I start to make more healthy choices!!