Just preparing to start Keto!



  • h4power
    h4power Posts: 13 Member
    skctilidie wrote: »
    h4power wrote: »
    I am 11 days in, just looking to reduce body fat %.... not finding it hard to stick to the diet but am finding it hard to get fats higher than protein....

    If you’re not on a medically necessary keto diet, you don’t really have to. Carbs are a limit, protein should be a goal to hit so that you don’t end up losing muscle mass, and eat the fats that you need to feel satisfied. I almost always eat more protein than fat and am down more than 20 pounds since mid-April (even despite at least half a dozen days where I allowed myself a carb-heavy treat).

    That's good news, i'm finding it easy to eat around 13-1400 calories a day and only carbs from veggies and salads.
  • MandaLuvsHockey
    MandaLuvsHockey Posts: 25 Member
    I'm preparing to start this by the end of the week and I'm really hopinh this works. I'm a bit nervous that I am going to do it wrong (not so much the carbs but eating too much calories etc). I guess when your mind is taught to eat low cal to lose weight its hard to switch gears.

    Hopefully, like everything else once you do it for a few days, it becomes easier (lol the knowing what to do becomes easier, maybe not the "doing" quite so quickly).Already picked up a few tips here which I am hoping will help. The one thing I have learned on MFP is that everyone is different. There isn't only one way to achieve success.

    My only question for now...in about 7 weeks I am on holiday for a week. As we are going somewhere that eats a lot of meat and veg I am hoping I don't do too badly. However, I do know I will have potaotes, bread and likely some sugar, either in fruit or ice cream. How is that going to effect me - in Keto Flu type terms and also in the weight loss (ie- will 6 days off Keto completely detrail everything?)
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
    I'm preparing to start this by the end of the week and I'm really hopinh this works. I'm a bit nervous that I am going to do it wrong (not so much the carbs but eating too much calories etc). I guess when your mind is taught to eat low cal to lose weight its hard to switch gears.

    Hopefully, like everything else once you do it for a few days, it becomes easier (lol the knowing what to do becomes easier, maybe not the "doing" quite so quickly).Already picked up a few tips here which I am hoping will help. The one thing I have learned on MFP is that everyone is different. There isn't only one way to achieve success.

    My only question for now...in about 7 weeks I am on holiday for a week. As we are going somewhere that eats a lot of meat and veg I am hoping I don't do too badly. However, I do know I will have potaotes, bread and likely some sugar, either in fruit or ice cream. How is that going to effect me - in Keto Flu type terms and also in the weight loss (ie- will 6 days off Keto completely detrail everything?)

    No. Unless you aren't able to make yourself go back on plan... Just make sure to pay attention to your electrolytes. Which you should ALWAYS do. Keto dieters need to keep their sodium at 3000mg-5000mg daily. Naturesis caused by ketosis causes you to shed sodium. Low sodium causes your body to leech the other electrolytes out. And to feel like trash. Keto flu is a misnomer. It's nothing but electrolyte imbalance caused by switching over to ketosis.
    Weight-wise, unless you go guano-crazy eating way too much, you'll likely gain nothing more than 3-10 lbs (varies by person) of temporary water weight due to refilling glycogen stores with the sudden increase in carbs. A week or so of on-plan eating should help you shed that.

    The only way you're going to mess up keto is to eat too many carbs AND too any calories. Keto only works if you are in a calorie deficit. So track what you eat, and you'll know exactly where you are. I find the absolutely best strategy is to PLAN AHEAD. In fact, I pre-log my food for the day the night before. I know carbs and cals already, so I just need to tweak specific gram amounts on my servings when they're plated.*

    *disclaimer: I did keto for 1.5 years, but am no longer keto, just low-carb. :smile:
  • updownnile
    updownnile Posts: 3 Member
    This is day 1 for me and so far so good. I would love to connect with others!! Please add me (not sure how that works yet but I will figure it out tonight). This is my first time doing Keto and first time using MFP and am super excited for both. :)
  • MandaLuvsHockey
    MandaLuvsHockey Posts: 25 Member
    Thank you so much baconslave and kpk54. . I don't mind putting on some water weight because I know that will come off. We are going to Portugal and I plan on eating a lot of the steak cooked on the stones where they give you your own seasonings. I will ensure I add lots of salt. Luckily for me, I don't really drink that often so I don't need to worry ablout that. I also plan to do a lot of walking so that should help offset the calories.
    I have been wondering what would happen if I slipped once back in the real world so to speak. I will never be a person who can avoid every temptation, all the time. Having days every now and then where I have fries or bread is going to happen.
    Last year I lost about 20 lbs before I was going away (on CICO). However it was my birthday about two weeks before I went and that totally derailed me. I knew I would eat poorly when away so I just kind of gave up. Then in Toronto I ate bad (so, so, so bad) EVERY day for ten days. In the end, with all the walking I did, I only gained 2 lbs. I am my own worst enemy - had I just moved on from my birthday weekend it would have never really impacted me!

    Out of curosity..I read somewhere when I was learning about keto about doing a carb loading day every month...Ive never seen that again- so I assume that isn't something most people do?
  • shirli2018
    shirli2018 Posts: 74 Member
    @MandaLuvsHockey curb loading works for guys. Not so much for us girls due to the hormone fluctuation.
    It works great for guys who do a lot of weight training but it is a weekly loading not monthly.
  • bigpapawes
    bigpapawes Posts: 10 Member
    h4power wrote: »
    skctilidie wrote: »
    h4power wrote: »
    I am 11 days in, just looking to reduce body fat %.... not finding it hard to stick to the diet but am finding it hard to get fats higher than protein....

    If you’re not on a medically necessary keto diet, you don’t really have to. Carbs are a limit, protein should be a goal to hit so that you don’t end up losing muscle mass, and eat the fats that you need to feel satisfied. I almost always eat more protein than fat and am down more than 20 pounds since mid-April (even despite at least half a dozen days where I allowed myself a carb-heavy treat).

    That's good news, i'm finding it easy to eat around 13-1400 calories a day and only carbs from veggies and salads.

    What if any, are you doing for exercise? What is the reasoning for the huge calorie deficit? While Keto metabolically is protein scavenging (meaning generally it will not break down muscle if using fat as a fuel source), it does take some time before becoming fat adapted in order to do so. That said once fat adapted long periods of large calorie deficits will take their toll.
    What is your starting weight and how fast are you wanting to lose? As with any diet if looking to just lose body fat calorie intake should not be too far below metabolic rate or the body will go into a catabolic state.
  • 2t9nty
    2t9nty Posts: 1,611 Member
    edited June 2018
    Dunno - I have hard goal 500 calories under the total my scale app gives me as my basal rate. I have a soft goal 200-300 calories lower. My hard goal right now is 1600. I have been keto for 20 months, so I claim I am about as adapted as I am going to get.

    That 1300-1400 works well for me. Energy is good. FWIW, I am 6'3". I realize I am operating at a calorie deficit, but that is what I am trying to do. I am losing about a pound a week. I am not completely sure what catabolic is, but I suspect I am not if it is something bad.
  • MarandaFretts
    MarandaFretts Posts: 2 Member
    edited June 2018
    My fiancé and I have been on keto diet for 6 days now. For the most part our diet is the same ( I drink coffee, he doesn’t ). I bought the keto strips and I am in ketosis but he is not. Does anyone know why?
  • Deadberri
    Deadberri Posts: 38 Member
    I've been on Keto for 7 weeks now. I was doing pretty good the first month. I only had a few mistakes, but the past week or so it's gotten out of hand. I definitely know it's a lot to deal with that I haven't been prepping my meals. But I also feel like I need that extra push that I don't have necessarily. Looking for a buddy or buddies to give tips and help keep me accountable.
  • Real0610
    Real0610 Posts: 2 Member
    I am just starting out on a keto diet this week. Looking for keto buddies and any advice, recipes, websites that anyone has had success with - let's partner up!
  • ldruss1546
    ldruss1546 Posts: 12 Member
    I started today have only ate one meal because im not sure of anything

  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    ldruss1546 wrote: »
    I started today have only ate one meal because im not sure of anything

    Do a google search of "Dr. Eric Westman Page 4". He is the director of the (keto) obesity clinic at Duke University. Page 4 is in his guide that he provides his patients. It is a food list. You can find a printable copy if you look through a few of the sites. As he says at his clinic videos, "If it's not on page 4, don't eat it".

    Or you could pat yourself on the back and know by eating only one meal you just accomplished intermittent fasting or OMAD - One Meal A Day. :) Both are eating schedules some folks find helpful to weight loss and health.

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,706 Member
    @kpk54 Thank you, great lists.
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    Thanks. And here's the list (now that I am on my desktop). Page 4 (and 5). "If it's not on page 4, don't eat it". @idruss1456

  • jrmie333
    jrmie333 Posts: 149 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    vet tip: PLAN AHEAD.

    Prelog your day in advance the night before. Know where your food is coming from and what it is. This way there are neither "oops I ate all my carbs by 1pm!" nor "I'm so hungry I'm just going to eat something else. Oops! That was too much cals and carbs!" Know the on-plan meals you can have at the local restaurants so you can be flexible if plans change.

    Also, always have keto emergency snacks on hand in case you get hangries that won't quit or everything goes sideways when life wrecks your plans or contingencies by making you miss a meal or have one late.

    Hangry decisions are WOE wreckers.

    That is what i want to know : keto friendly snacks.
  • xDaniDragonflyx
    xDaniDragonflyx Posts: 201 Member
    jrmie333 wrote: »

    That is what i want to know : keto friendly snacks.

    Snacks that I like: pork rinds, cheese, pepperoni sticks, nuts, Whisps (cheese chips), tuna pouches, hard boiled eggs, half an avocado. I don't snack very much because I'm just not that hungry, but when I do, it's usually a mix of these things and serves as a meal instead. Hope that helps!