Anxiety and depression

skigal303 Posts: 39 Member
I love that I found this group!! I have anxiety (very bad) and moderate to mild depression. I KNOW that exercising makes my mind feel better, but I lack motivation to get up and do it. Right now I'm working towards a goal of 3 days outside exercise per week and one day of yoga.


  • Amerikanka5
    Amerikanka5 Posts: 16 Member
    Skigal303 that's awesome!
  • raven56706
    raven56706 Posts: 918 Member
    all here to help all out
  • brightresolve
    brightresolve Posts: 1,024 Member
    That's the trick, isn't it... motivating to do what helps when it feels like it won't help. Glad I found this during an insomniac browse. Your goal sounds great, @skigal303
  • brightresolve
    brightresolve Posts: 1,024 Member
    ... Anxiety here too, and mild depression at times. Some situational from a family thing, most just me and my brain lol.
  • jo_nz
    jo_nz Posts: 548 Member
    Anxiety and mild-ish depression here too.

    I have recently joined the gym and feeling a lot better since then, but unsure how long this level of enthusiasm will last!
    I also go to Tai Chi once or twice a week, if I can (depends on my husband's work which is unpredictable).
  • CESturrock
    CESturrock Posts: 3 Member
    I am looking for some help! I have started the C25K programme too but I also have severe anxiety and I'm very anxious about exercise and going out in public and exercising! Any tips?
  • Amerikanka5
    Amerikanka5 Posts: 16 Member
    CESturrock wrote: »
    I am looking for some help! I have started the C25K programme too but I also have severe anxiety and I'm very anxious about exercise and going out in public and exercising! Any tips?

    One thing that helped me was reinforcing the idea that no one is looking at you. They are focused on their own workouts or driving or whatever.

    I have found that the pitter patter of running is very comforting and helps me to relax. The benefits outweigh the (sometimes extreme) amount of work we have to do to get out the door.

  • Amerikanka5
    Amerikanka5 Posts: 16 Member
    jo_nz wrote: »
    Anxiety and mild-ish depression here too.

    I have recently joined the gym and feeling a lot better since then, but unsure how long this level of enthusiasm will last!
    I also go to Tai Chi once or twice a week, if I can (depends on my husband's work which is unpredictable).

    How is Tai chi? I've wanted to try it but they only offer a fusion class at my gym.
  • jo_nz
    jo_nz Posts: 548 Member
    How is Tai chi? I've wanted to try it but they only offer a fusion class at my gym.
    I really enjoy it. Learning the forms has been as much a brain workout as a physical one. It's gentle and quiet and meditative. <3

    I also go through the forms in my head at night if I am having trouble relaxing and getting to sleep.

    I am lucky the tai chi school is really close - we have people come from all over the city to the classes, but it's about 3 mins drive from me (probably 20min walk, but it's too cold and dark here at the moment for me to want to do that - maybe in the warmer months).

    And the people are lovely. It's a fairly friendly but quiet bunch - suits me perfectly.
  • CESturrock
    CESturrock Posts: 3 Member
    CESturrock wrote: »
    I am looking for some help! I have started the C25K programme too but I also have severe anxiety and I'm very anxious about exercise and going out in public and exercising! Any tips?

    One thing that helped me was reinforcing the idea that no one is looking at you. They are focused on their own workouts or driving or whatever.

    I have found that the pitter patter of running is very comforting and helps me to relax. The benefits outweigh the (sometimes extreme) amount of work we have to do to get out the door.

    I know that in the sort of logical part of my brain but at the same time it's so hard to overcome! have you just started C25K too?
  • jo_nz
    jo_nz Posts: 548 Member
    Hi all!
    Thought I would check in here - everyone doing okay??

    I'm going along about the same as usual - not much weight progress over the last little while for me, but have been to see the doctor last week and now on a new med to help get my migraines under control again. They had been getting really bad/frequent and at the same time I've not been sleeping well and feeling pretty depressed and stressed.

    As a bonus, the meds are not only good for hopefully reducing migraines (time will tell), but have a side effect of drowsiness. So I take them a couple of hours before bed, and have been sleeping great! It makes such a difference to feel so rested.

    I have a lot more energy to get stuff done at the moment, including more home cooking, so I'm hoping this will help me move along with my weight goals too - pretty hard to care about diet when I was feeling so rotten.

    I've not been getting to the gym much, but still enjoying tai chi. We (myself, husband, kids) are also considering joining the local kung fu school. If we do, I might cancel the gym for now...only so many hours in a day.