Anyone one just wake up and find that they are blobby?

For years, I worked out an hour a day, maintained an 18%ish bodyfat. In the last year, I took it all for granted and started to slack off with tracking and working out. Now, I'm up over 25% bodyfat, and parts of me jiggle when I walk.

I just needed to 1) vent 2) kick myself on MFP and 3) ask if anyone has gone from fit to blobby and back again and how you kept your motivation up.



  • coletteg67
    coletteg67 Posts: 4 Member
    I can relate! It's like I was reading about myself... The hardest part is getting started.

    It's only been a couple of months (after a year of "bad" habits), but the changes in my body get me excited to keep it up. It's like my body remembers and wants to get back in shape more than I do.

    Here's what I did:
    - I set small goals that I can control. Instead of trying to lose 'x' amount of bodyfat, I focus on increasing strength, healthy eating most days or running a little longer.
    - Take pictures and measurements every other week.
    - If I mess up or don't meet a goal, I reset.
    - Compare where I came from, instead of where I want to go.
    - Find people to exercise with to keep up the motivation.
    - If I don't feel like exercising, I commit to 15 minutes or one set. Once I start, I usually do a full workout!

    Good luck! :-)
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,069 Member
    coletteg67 wrote: »
    p.s. I saw that your profile title. I just wanted to mention that I look young for my age, but I am 50 and post menopausal. I have to work harder than I did when I was younger, but I feel I'm in the best shape of my life. Go for it!!!

    Holy crap! You are 50? I thought I looked young. You look amazing and still have the face of a teenager.
  • sjonesmse
    sjonesmse Posts: 5 Member
    Yeah, I'm working on my journey bad to fit (for like the third or fourth time in 6 years). I'm super sensitive to sodium, it seems, so on top of the little extra winter fluff I'm hanging onto any morning puffiness makes me feel like the Michelin man. Working out in the mornings works well for me due to the proximity to this experience, lol.

    My motivation is old pics of me doing sports I love--physical feats that I literally cannot do right now due to lack of strength or my strength-to-weight ratio. I don't need much else. I know where I've been and I know I can get back there. But yeah, it's harder as you get older. I'm 33 and I'm already feeling it. That's going to make me more vigilant in the future.
  • TitaniaEcks
    TitaniaEcks Posts: 351 Member
    Girl, I have gone from tight to slightly jiggly to tight so many times I can't even count. 25% is so manageable. You could be tight again in a month or three. Handle that shiz. 25% is nothing. I have faith in you.
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,062 Member
    edited May 2018
    I was doing great before the dreaded desk job.

    I probably realized I was putting on some weight, but it wasn't until I was a good 20+ pounds over my "old" weight before it really hit me. I didn't care that much for some reason, and let it continue to creep up. Divorce and the subsequent fall out from that didn't help. Hit the all time high, and when I couldn't even squeeze into my biggest work pants, I knew things were beyond bad. That was my big wake-up call.

    Was steadily making good progress when in December 2016 badly broke my leg. That led to being laid up, losing muscle, and eventually not caring that I was putting weight back on as I was more concerned with keeping my leg attached to my body, and eating out was a mild comfort when there wasn't much else. I knew I was undoing some of my progress, that I'd have to lose it again, and I was okay with that decision.

    So, now that the leg drama is mostly behind me (it'll never be 100% but I can do *most* things) it's back at it.

    The first time I put on the weight it was kind of like just waking up to realize I had gotten fat. This last time I was well aware of it, but it was a choice to be okay with it.
  • ltlsnbl75
    ltlsnbl75 Posts: 36 Member
    I have went from skinny, to not skinny, back to skinny and back to the not skinny right now. I am at my heaviest weight (outside of pregnancy) ever. 2 years ago I started a desk job and quickly quit working out. NO excuse available either because I was working M-F 8-5 but it all of a sudden seemed like I didn't have time. I spent 7 years working a job on my feet and on the go, working either 6am - 4pm or 4pm - 6am and I still managed to exercise. Now when I get off and get home it seems like there is rarely time to get a workout in and honestly I have been to lazy to get up earlier in the morning. I have been hit hard with insomnia over the last year too.

  • NYCDutchess
    NYCDutchess Posts: 622 Member
    Yes, I even had Lipo a few years ago and gained it all back...which FN sucks!! UGH I'm not a big person. I'm 5'2" and about 155 (I WAS ALWAYS around 125-130) I don't know WHAT to do with myself... I'm really unhappy. I did no carb for 5 weeks and didn't even see a difference... I need to lose for real and I'm feeling really stuck.
  • ltlsnbl75
    ltlsnbl75 Posts: 36 Member
    Yes, I even had Lipo a few years ago and gained it all back...which FN sucks!! UGH I'm not a big person. I'm 5'2" and about 155 (I WAS ALWAYS around 125-130) I don't know WHAT to do with myself... I'm really unhappy. I did no carb for 5 weeks and didn't even see a difference... I need to lose for real and I'm feeling really stuck.

    I am only 5'2" also and I am stuck 146-147. I feel my best and healthiest at 125-130 and I am just struggling with it right now.
  • christinaagar
    christinaagar Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 5'2" also and at moment 128 but initially wanted to get back to 110 but then realized it's not necessarily the weight but the shape I want to change. Obviously that involves getting rid of some weight but also toning the body. In the last few weeks I have lost a few pounds but what has really thrilled me is have lost nearly 3" off my waist just by doing 5 mins abs work out twice per day and dumbbell work out for top half of my body four times a week plus all the walking I do with my job. Obviously I am sticking to my 1200 calorie intake just about. So I am focusing more on shape than weight as those scales scare me!
  • RadishEater
    RadishEater Posts: 470 Member
    I'm 5'2" also and at moment 128 but initially wanted to get back to 110 but then realized it's not necessarily the weight but the shape I want to change. Obviously that involves getting rid of some weight but also toning the body. In the last few weeks I have lost a few pounds but what has really thrilled me is have lost nearly 3" off my waist just by doing 5 mins abs work out twice per day and dumbbell work out for top half of my body four times a week plus all the walking I do with my job. Obviously I am sticking to my 1200 calorie intake just about. So I am focusing more on shape than weight as those scales scare me!

    Wow you lost 3" off your waist in a couple of weeks?? I didn't know ones body could change shape that fast.
    I feel like the inches I lost off my waist happened over 6 months. Now in recomp, it is even slower but I swear my stomach seems a bit flatter than it did 3 months ago
  • mclduck
    mclduck Posts: 7 Member
    Definitely! In my twenties I have gone from 20 pounds over to fit to 20 pounds over to fit twice. I am currently 15 pounds over where I want to be. I am fairly frustrated because I started tracking my food carefully last week and exercising more but my weight increased half a pound. I am right there with you with needing to lose weight and keep it off.
  • Judith509
    Judith509 Posts: 8 Member
    For years I took pride in a flat belly, vowing I wouldn't have that belly pooch, as my sister calls it. But then journeying through menopause at the same time as losing a job and injuring my back, there it was, the dreaded pooch. I gained about 15 pounds over a 2 year span. Menopause is behind me, as are about 10-11 of the pounds. The pooch persists as does other "blobby" areas to use your words. What is so frustrating is the 5-7 pounds I want gone to get back to where I was before injuring my back. I joined a gym, am diligent with my workouts, track food, etc, etc. My walking buddy has suggested that this might just be where my body "wants to be". Do we accept the curves and soft edges?
  • Letitiamcd
    Letitiamcd Posts: 13 Member
    edited June 2018
    You're not alone. It's so hard to maintain or lose weight while we live our lives and try to stay motivated to do it all. Like some of the others who replied, I am only 5'2" and gained close to 60 pounds with both my pregnancies. I quickly lost the weight after my first daughter but the second one was much tougher.

    I found that joining communities like this really helped just to vent and get some motivation. I also did a few DietBets where I would have to bet on myself to lose the weight and I found that to be highly motivating because I tend to be very Type A. I've also found as I get older that strength training makes a HUGE difference in my appearance and has really boosted my confidence in all aspects of my life.

    You can do it! Stay strong!!
  • catgerm
    catgerm Posts: 44 Member
    After kids, I gained about 20 lbs. I was able to lose it by using MFP, but then gained 15 back.

    I recently started using it again to get back on track. One thing that really helped me was doing a Kitchari Detox. I feel like it helped me detox off of the sugars and garbage I was eating. If u google it, there’s a ton of info on it. You won’t be hungry, and it’s super easy o make. I’m actually going to only eat that today.

    Good luck!