Comment when you complete a workout



  • tehanuthefirst
    tehanuthefirst Posts: 66 Member
    Ouch! That sounds super challenging! I might get a bit stronger before I do that. As it is, my arms shake when I do the side plank so holding my balance and supporting my weight on one arm is a challenge already.
  • TisBonnie
    TisBonnie Posts: 48 Member
    I have a simple ab workout that was part of a post-natal tummy recovery class I did (planks rip your abs apart so they’re not advised for that). It’s 3 exercises. Let me know if anyone’s interested and I’ll hunt up the instructions.
  • tehanuthefirst
    tehanuthefirst Posts: 66 Member
    TisBonnie wrote: »
    I have a simple ab workout that was part of a post-natal tummy recovery class I did (planks rip your abs apart so they’re not advised for that). It’s 3 exercises. Let me know if anyone’s interested and I’ll hunt up the instructions.
    Argh! This is the thing about the fitness industry. I was doing planks because I read some article about how crunches are the worst thing ever and you should do planks instead. Now it turns out planks are bad and I should be doing something else!

    I'll stick with the planks for now as I'm nine years post-natal and my abs are coping okay, but thanks!

  • cassandrac915
    cassandrac915 Posts: 36 Member
    I'm open to try new workouts.
  • tehanuthefirst
    tehanuthefirst Posts: 66 Member
    I'm taking ideas from My Fitness Pal when they appear on my dash and look workable. I don't really want to have to think much about workouts - just do them and get on with my day.
  • TisBonnie
    TisBonnie Posts: 48 Member
    Argh! This is the thing about the fitness industry. I was doing planks because I read some article about how crunches are the worst thing ever and you should do planks instead. Now it turns out planks are bad and I should be doing something else!

    I think crunches probably *are* unnecessarily tough on the body — the back, I think? But as far as I know, planks are fine as long as the linea alba isn’t weak and stretched, or one is full of those lovely hormones that loosen up your ligaments.

    I’ll post pics & instructions asap.
  • tehanuthefirst
    tehanuthefirst Posts: 66 Member
    My pregnancy didn't go to full term so my tummy didn't get reeeeaaaaaally stretched - my son was born about seven weeks early. (Way before we'd got his cot ready or finished our antenatal classes. He still does things in a hurry, too).
  • TisBonnie
    TisBonnie Posts: 48 Member
    I put the ab/core workout in the Favorite Exercises thread.
  • cassandrac915
    cassandrac915 Posts: 36 Member
    Woo! I'm not as consistent as I'd like, but .... Finished my 2 1/2 hours of cardio this week. Half hour on a stationary bike and two one-hour sessions on elliptical. I'm doing an intermittent fasting challenge this month to see if it will finally get the scale to budge and I find myself a little more tired than usual, so last week I didn't get any gym time, other than my Saturday pole dance class, but this week I did so maybe I just needed to get into my groove with it or something (?) I also managed to get two sessions in the sauna with my Fasciablasters after each of the elliptical sessions. It's been a great week, aside from my bf getting sick.
  • tehanuthefirst
    tehanuthefirst Posts: 66 Member
    I'm interested to see how you go on the intermittent fasting! It's been working well for me up til now, though I've plateaued for the last two weeks - not worrying about it yet as I can still see my muscles developing. Frustrating though because I reward myself with a new pair of leggings whenever I lose a kilo....hanging out for my next purchase!
  • cassandrac915
    cassandrac915 Posts: 36 Member
    edited October 2018
    Oh geez, sorry I didn't respond sooner. I found that intermittent fasting worked for me in the form of 2 meals per day. I tried one, but found that I was really tired and unmotivated for working out. I'm also keto, tried carnivore, gained weight on it (I'm told that's not uncommon, but the jury is still out as to whether it's lean mass or fat or if it's bad or just a temporary fluctuation.) then I went back to keto (eating 3 meals per day if I feel like it) and have been losing 1-2 pounds per week with a little bounce over the course of the week.