Introduce Yourself!

CaitMinusWeight Posts: 26 Member
edited June 2018 in Social Groups
Hello everyone! I'd love for you all to introduce yourselves, maybe why/when you started Keto, some goals you've set for yourself, etc. Whatever you're comfortable sharing!


  • lelagemann1
    lelagemann1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I'm Lauren and this week will be the first week that I am going to try the Keto-friendly lifestyle. I have been an athlete my entire life up until the point I started college. I've only gained about 5 pounds in the three years I've been at college (I now weight 150 pounds), but just don't have as much energy as I was when I was an athlete. My boyfriend's parents started the Keto Diet about two weeks ago and both have already had a lot of success with it, so I figured I would give it a try! My boyfriend is at basic training for the army this summer and has already lost a lot of weight, so I figured I should lose some too! haha I'm hoping this group can help give me some ideas for recipes as well as just support for making the lifestyle change!
  • brieomac
    brieomac Posts: 14 Member
    Hi, I'm Brie and I am trying to get back to the fitness level I had before grad school and babies. I used to run, I'd like to again, and I just like having less of me to move around. Also, I have a big birthday in 6 months and I'd like to greet my next decade with a renewed commitment to healthy habits. Keto...its the thing I haven't tried yet!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,418 Member
    @felldowngotup - good luck on Wednesday. My son just had that same surgery last week, the only thing he complained about was the sleepiness, which we promptly said "go sleep some more". I hope it's the same for you too!! :)
  • queenemma12
    queenemma12 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello, All. I'm Emma

    I am in my first week back on keto. I chose keto over other diets to combat very serious craving/food addiction problems. I had a big weight gain (20lbs/mo) as a result of hormonal birth control last year so I am trying to get back to recognizing the person I see in the mirror!

    Thank you all for your stories!! SO excited to be part of this group!
  • TranquilaSoon
    TranquilaSoon Posts: 12 Member
    Hi, my name is Christina. 2nd time around on Keto. I was on it last Fall but fell off the wagon. This time I am following Chris Kresser's 30 day reset diet which is Keto-like. So, I am starting my 3rd week & down 8lbs. Been monitoring my ketosis stats & staying between "small" to "moderate". Sure glad the Keto flu is gone! I want to wish everyone all the best & willpower to succeed. Thanks ❤
  • dmbjewel71
    dmbjewel71 Posts: 6 Member
    My name is Adrienne and I’m on day 1 of keto. After weeks of research, I decided to take this past weekend to shop and prep for today to be my start date. Did anyone else find meal planning to fit your macros incredibly hard? Just for the ease of it, I planned the same breakfast, lunch and dinner for the work week - it felt like some big science equation trying to figure out foods for each meal to fit everything in and at my macros! Hoping that gets easier?
    My name is Adrienne and I’m on day 1 of keto. After weeks of research, I decided to take this past weekend to shop and prep for today to be my start date. Did anyone else find meal planning to fit your macros incredibly hard? Just for the ease of it, I planned the same breakfast, lunch and dinner for the work week - it felt like some big science equation trying to figure out foods for each meal to fit everything in and at my macros! Hoping that gets easier?