Weekly Post 18.6.18 - 24.6.18

KateNkognito Posts: 1,554 Member
Hey, all! Fast day here, but I am getting a migraine, so I don't know if I will make it. Sometimes it makes me not at all hungry so fasting is easier. Sometimes I can't handle the hunger and the headache at the same time.
I hope you all have great weeks! Happy Fasting!!


  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Hi all... crickets were from my end!! I’ll try to keep up to date on my mfp activity, I’m missing it. Last two weeks were crazy! Fridge leaked... water filter broken but we didn’t know... listening to little drips in the middle of the night!!! Omg... then the car... idk.. transmission belt or chain, not sure but I was without a car!! Daughter got hired at another hospital for casual list so that’s a good thing. Then 2 birthdays & Father’s Day!! Oh my dinners & dinners , drinks and desserts and more drinks!! I feel a little toxic! Just got back from a very hot walk (30C here) this afternoon!! Tried waking the path by the ocean but no breeze today at all. Walked with my dog this morning while cooler... whew... I’m not good with heat! But two walks today... I’m very happy!! That’s what I did years ago to loose my weight. I’ve just got to put myself first again!! Always feeling pulled in every direction for people and since I’m not working I seem to have no excuse to not help or do for others... my son says well what do you do all day anyhow?? Sigh.....

    Sending positive fasting vibes !!! Will check in tomorrow!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,554 Member
    @mamainthekitchen Yikes! I hope it all settles down! And cools down! I used to be a SAHM, too. I know what you mean. BUT, your health is more important. :smile: When someone asks what you did all day, hand them a copy of "If You Give a Mom a Muffin"!
    Yesterday's fast turned into just a lighter day. Will fast for sure today. :wink: I have lots to do, so I should keep busy. Planning on grilling some chicken and shrimp and maybe a little steak or hamburger for dinner so I don't have to cook again for a few days. It is just too HOT.
    Happy fasting and have a great week!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Hi guys!
    Sorry to hear about your chaos lately, @mamainthekitchen !
    Things are good here. Monday's fast went smoothly, next one tomorrow. Back at the gym which is cool.
    Beautiful and hot weather here on the east coast. Sunny and 80 degrees Fahrenheit! Been sitting outside during lunch and reading a book. Got some great book recommendations for mystery and thrillers. Let me know if anyone is interested!
    See you guys soon. :)
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    This extra warm weather doesn’t make me want to eat... except I’m craving pina coladas!!! Made some yesterday without alcohol, but soooo yummy! Going to try spicy chicken tacos sometime this week, I haven’t figured out the calorie content yet but how much could it be :p

    Hope everyone’s doing well!!

  • sjgold123
    sjgold123 Posts: 133 Member
    I'm here but only just after my birthday and camping i've not been on it which is so tough when last week i sat and ate watermellon when others ate cake....oh well it will come back..
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Hi guys!
    Happy birthday to you @sjgold123
    Hope you had a great day!
    Things are good here. Plugging along! Happy first day of summer, to us in the northern hemisphere!
    Light day today. Hope to lose a little something, tomorrow when I weigh in.
    See you all soon. B)
  • sjgold123
    sjgold123 Posts: 133 Member
    Thanks Meghan. You sound so upbeat! X
    I'm slowly getting back on it but it's a testing week as just very demanding which makes you feel like crumbling. I'm logging so hopefully that will prompt me to re- focus!