Hello, all!

sykin Posts: 1,676 Member
edited July 2018 in Social Groups
Hey everyone! Boy am I glad to have found this group! I did a search a week ago for a Keto group but the search function on the message boards is ridiculous and I couldn't find anything. I was shocked there were no groups for Keto, but I thought perhaps it just wasn't meant to be. Then someone mentioned this group in another challenge thread and TADA! Here I am.

My name is Missie and I've been on/off MFP since 2011. My heaviest weight was 196 and lowest was 145 - all from hard work, counting calories, exercising...blah blah blah. Slowly over the years though, no matter how much exercise I did, the weight kept coming back. I finally had it after seeing my BFF's Keto results after only 2 months and decided to try again. See, my husband and I tried Keto once upon a time like a year or two ago for about 2 weeks. Buuuuuut, we were super lazy about it. And if I wanted a bagel, I ate a bagel. So....no wonder it didn't work and we only gained weight while doing it. LOL This time, I'm the only one doing it in my household, but I feel much more prepared.

I started Keto again June 21st with the goal to lose 15 pounds by August 30th. I've lost 9 so far but I've already dropped one pants size. I have a costume to fit into for a sci-fi convention over Labor Day weekend - one I haven't fit into since 2012. I tried it on recently just to see how it was fitting and it's at the point where I COULD wear it, but it doesn't fit *quite* right. So I'm hoping by end of August, it will be amazing to wear.

I've found I lose motivation when I have long-term goals instead of short-term ones. So for now, 150 is all I'm hoping to get down to. Once I get there, I'll see how I feel and will decide if I want to keep going. I loved how I previously looked at 145 and how clothes fit. But I'm a bit older now (that was in 2011, btw) and I've had quite a bit of gain/lose action going on so I don't know how my skill will react to being that small again.

I LOVE challenge groups. I used to help with a popular Harry Potter challenge group here on MFP but it became too stressful with real life stuff. Now that I'm doing Keto, I cannot keep up with that challenge as they have very specific challenge items that would not follow my current WOE and I'd rather not hurt my team by having points docked because I didn't do the challenges. So this challenge group is amazing. I love seeing everyone's results (I may have stalked the spreadsheet already) and I'm looking forward to continuing to track mine here as well.

Anyway - as you can tell, I'm chatty. If you'd like to add me, I'm always up for new friends. Just make a note that you are part of this group so I know where the request came from. LOL


edit: funny enough, I just received an email telling me that today is my 7 year anniversary joining MFP. And they included this link in the email: https://blog.myfitnesspal.com/ask-dietitian-opinion-ketogenic-diet/


  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    welcome to the Keto side!
  • jheffe
    jheffe Posts: 34 Member
    Welcome and good luck with keto...I just started about 2 weeks ago!
  • Foggiblu
    Foggiblu Posts: 20 Member
    I’m trying to learn all I can and start this weekend
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    Foggiblu wrote: »
    I’m trying to learn all I can and start this weekend

    Barring any medical issues not mentioned by you:

    Keep your carbs low, your calories in check and if you start to feel signs of "keto flu" (lethargic, nauseous, etc) don't be afraid to up your sodium to 3000-5000mg if you have no medical reason not to. Increased sodium intake is needed by most people (all people??) when eating very low carb.

    Have plenty of keto options available for urges to eat. If you go over on calories, it is better they are "keto" foods. If you falter and go face first into those high carb things you previously ate, say "Oops" and get back on track.

    If you're still wondering what to eat, take a look at dietdoctor.com or do a google search such as "Dr Eric Westman page 4". Dr Westman is the Director of the Duke University Obesity Clinic that is keto. As he says in his videos, "If it's not on page 4, don't eat it". Good luck. <3

  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Glad you found the group. :) Congrats on your success so far.

    ....so, what is your costume? Trekkie? ;)

    The blog you linked was pretty good. The main error I saw was citing a metabolic advantage of 400-600 kcal. It looks like it is more like maybe 100 kcal as found by Hall a couple of years ago (who I hate to cite as I think he is incredibly biased against LCHF which shows in how he presents his research... actually I think he's an idiot but YMMV. ;) LOL)

  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Foggiblu wrote: »
    I’m trying to learn all I can and start this weekend

    I would ease into it. Some people find it a bit easier that way. It can give you time to find more food options that you like. Just make sure to increase sodium to at least 3000-5000 mg a day (2300 mg = 1 tsp salt).
  • sykin
    sykin Posts: 1,676 Member
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    ....so, what is your costume? Trekkie? ;)

    LOL - not quite. One of the costumes I'll be wearing is of Kahlan Amnell, a badass Confessor in a world where women pretty much rule everything. It's very empowering being her :) Her skill is compassion/understanding/truth through touch. Speaking with her forces the truth from your mouth and with her touch, she becomes your entire world - basically your existence no longer matters - only she does.

    She's from a book series called "The Sword of Truth" by Terry Goodkind. The books are alright, it's more the characters I'm in love with. It's not spectacular writing but I recommend it if you're into fantasy, magic, love, longing, etc.

  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,016 Member
    sykin wrote: »
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    ....so, what is your costume? Trekkie? ;)

    LOL - not quite. One of the costumes I'll be wearing is of Kahlan Amnell, a badass Confessor in a world where women pretty much rule everything. It's very empowering being her :) Her skill is compassion/understanding/truth through touch. Speaking with her forces the truth from your mouth and with her touch, she becomes your entire world - basically your existence no longer matters - only she does.

    She's from a book series called "The Sword of Truth" by Terry Goodkind. The books are alright, it's more the characters I'm in love with. It's not spectacular writing but I recommend it if you're into fantasy, magic, love, longing, etc.


    I just can't get into the newest ones. It's not because they are together finally. It's because he went zombie. Have some dang originality wouldjapleeze! Plus, it's been awhile since I read the older ones, but has he gotten more gory, and the characters more flat? Or is it just me. I just stopped reading the 2nd of the new trilogy out of disinterest. Maybe it's just me?

    Sorry for the geek out. :lol:
  • sykin
    sykin Posts: 1,676 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    I just can't get into the newest ones. It's not because they are together finally. It's because he went zombie. Have some dang originality wouldjapleeze! Plus, it's been awhile since I read the older ones, but has he gotten more gory, and the characters more flat? Or is it just me. I just stopped reading the 2nd of the new trilogy out of disinterest. Maybe it's just me?

    Sorry for the geek out. :lol:

    No need to apologize! You know, it took me a while to read the books and I actually put the first book down for 2 years before getting the audiobook and just listening to the series. The typos and grammatical errors....omg...his editor should have been fired. Anyway - that's totally a side thing.

    I will be honest in that I read the first book of the latest section of books and...never picked up the second one. I think I have it. I found the first book in the newest section to be bland, boring, one-dimensional. So yeah, I totally see what you're talking about! I'll eventually read them, I'm sure, because I love the characters so much, but I'm definitely not in a hurry.

    I'm also having a serious conflict of moral judgement with Mr. Goodkind himself over his public embarrassment/shaming of the cover artist for his latest book. I mean, who does that?!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,016 Member
    sykin wrote: »
    baconslave wrote: »
    I just can't get into the newest ones. It's not because they are together finally. It's because he went zombie. Have some dang originality wouldjapleeze! Plus, it's been awhile since I read the older ones, but has he gotten more gory, and the characters more flat? Or is it just me. I just stopped reading the 2nd of the new trilogy out of disinterest. Maybe it's just me?

    Sorry for the geek out. :lol:

    No need to apologize! You know, it took me a while to read the books and I actually put the first book down for 2 years before getting the audiobook and just listening to the series. The typos and grammatical errors....omg...his editor should have been fired. Anyway - that's totally a side thing.

    I will be honest in that I read the first book of the latest section of books and...never picked up the second one. I think I have it. I found the first book in the newest section to be bland, boring, one-dimensional. So yeah, I totally see what you're talking about! I'll eventually read them, I'm sure, because I love the characters so much, but I'm definitely not in a hurry.

    I'm also having a serious conflict of moral judgement with Mr. Goodkind himself over his public embarrassment/shaming of the cover artist for his latest book. I mean, who does that?!

    Yeah. I'll eventually snag that book from the library again.
    I find that authors, once they've written more than 5 or 6 in a series, start getting like this. A lot of them. Like Terry Brooks and the Shannara series. I keep coming back, since I've been reading his stuff since I was 15, but I did have the same issue with Sorcerer's Daughter. I finished it, but it took me a bit. I think their creativity machine starts to get tapped out and in Goodkind's case his characters are just are tired and are like "can we be done? PLEEEEEEEASE!"
    I'm just so over zombies and Kahlan being made a damsel in distress. She is anything but. Grrrr. :rage:
    And his bullcrap on the cover artist :noway:
  • sykin
    sykin Posts: 1,676 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    Yeah. I'll eventually snag that book from the library again.
    I find that authors, once they've written more than 5 or 6 in a series, start getting like this. A lot of them. Like Terry Brooks and the Shannara series. I keep coming back, since I've been reading his stuff since I was 15, but I did have the same issue with Sorcerer's Daughter. I finished it, but it took me a bit. I think their creativity machine starts to get tapped out and in Goodkind's case his characters are just are tired and are like "can we be done? PLEEEEEEEASE!"
    I'm just so over zombies and Kahlan being made a damsel in distress. She is anything but. Grrrr. :rage:
    And his bullcrap on the cover artist :noway:

    I read through the first book in the Shannara series as I loved the idea of the show but knew there had to be more to it. The first book was fascinating, but it took a LONG time to get pretty much anywhere in the story. I have the first 4 books sitting on my shelf waiting to be read. Perhaps I'll pick them up again and start the second book.

    I prefer to read a series of books over one, usually because I get so wrapped up in characters and I feel like it's hard to get a good grasp on creating a world when there's only one book. But I do agree that usually what I find happens is I love the first couple, the middle ones I plod through because I'm a completionist, and then the ending books are BAM IN YOUR FACE and I get sad the series is over.

    We'll see what happens with the Game of Thrones series. LOL I think it'll be another 15 years before he releases the next book. hahahaha
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I tried Goodkind once but never got into it. Maybe I'll try again this summer.

    Right now I'm reading Brandon Sanderson's Stormlight series. They're not bad but his books get slooooow in the middle.

    I hear you on the Game of Thrones. I think Martin would get more slack if he was a younger man.... With a less fat head.

    Patrick Rothfuss is my favourite right now. Love his characters.

    And the Bloody Nine - my favourite character ever!
  • sykin
    sykin Posts: 1,676 Member
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    I tried Goodkind once but never got into it. Maybe I'll try again this summer.

    Right now I'm reading Brandon Sanderson's Stormlight series. They're not bad but his books get slooooow in the middle.

    I hear you on the Game of Thrones. I think Martin would get more slack if he was a younger man.... With a less fat head.

    Patrick Rothfuss is my favourite right now. Love his characters.

    And the Bloody Nine - my favourite character ever!

    Awesome! Thank you for the suggestions! I'll have to check into them. I haven't read those! I'm ALWAYS looking for suggestions. I devour audiobooks because I commute 5 hours a day. Definitely passes the time much quicker.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,016 Member
    edited July 2018
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    I tried Goodkind once but never got into it. Maybe I'll try again this summer.

    Right now I'm reading Brandon Sanderson's Stormlight series. They're not bad but his books get slooooow in the middle.

    I hear you on the Game of Thrones. I think Martin would get more slack if he was a younger man.... With a less fat head.

    Patrick Rothfuss is my favourite right now. Love his characters.

    And the Bloody Nine - my favourite character ever!

    I recently discovered Sanderson. Our libraries are way behind the 8 ball on getting them though. :rage:
    I'll have to google Rothfuss.

    I stopped reading Game of Thrones (I was reading it before the show was even made)...I have Dancing With Dragons...but I'm afraid of who he's going to kill next so I won't open it. I've only seen Season 1 of the series. It just isn't the books, y'know?

    sykin wrote: »
    baconslave wrote: »
    Yeah. I'll eventually snag that book from the library again.
    I find that authors, once they've written more than 5 or 6 in a series, start getting like this. A lot of them. Like Terry Brooks and the Shannara series. I keep coming back, since I've been reading his stuff since I was 15, but I did have the same issue with Sorcerer's Daughter. I finished it, but it took me a bit. I think their creativity machine starts to get tapped out and in Goodkind's case his characters are just are tired and are like "can we be done? PLEEEEEEEASE!"
    I'm just so over zombies and Kahlan being made a damsel in distress. She is anything but. Grrrr. :rage:
    And his bullcrap on the cover artist :noway:

    I read through the first book in the Shannara series as I loved the idea of the show but knew there had to be more to it. The first book was fascinating, but it took a LONG time to get pretty much anywhere in the story. I have the first 4 books sitting on my shelf waiting to be read. Perhaps I'll pick them up again and start the second book.

    I prefer to read a series of books over one, usually because I get so wrapped up in characters and I feel like it's hard to get a good grasp on creating a world when there's only one book. But I do agree that usually what I find happens is I love the first couple, the middle ones I plod through because I'm a completionist, and then the ending books are BAM IN YOUR FACE and I get sad the series is over.

    We'll see what happens with the Game of Thrones series. LOL I think it'll be another 15 years before he releases the next book. hahahaha

    Yep. :lol:
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Joe Abercrombie has the bloody nine character. Similar to Martin's books but characters aren't quite as evil. Every bit as flawed though.

    Patrick Rothfuss is finishing his Kingkiller Trilogy still. You might want to give it a year and then you'll have a complete series. His books are excellent.