When July in bed all day because the heat won't go away... Go to the gym! [Workout Thread]



  • mustb60
    mustb60 Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited July 2018
    July Weightlifting
    Goal: 3 times/ week
    Wk1: 2 ~Wk2: 3 ~ Wk3: ~Wk4: ~

    13/7/18 Squat/bench lift/bent.row√
    Squat 5x5 27 kg 65 lbs
    Bench press 5x5 24.5 kg 59.5 lbs
    Barbell rows 5x10 30 kg

    Pull down 10×3 15 kg
    Cable row 10×3 15 kg
    Dumbbell side raise 10×3 5 kg
    Triceps extension 10×2 10 kg

    Today I felt that my calf muscles, gastrocnemius to be exact, is getting wider as my slim jeans felt tighter there. Having mixed feelings about it! May be my ATG squat is taking load off my thighs and putting stress on lower leg? Though can feel the burn in my quads but not noticing any difference in hamstrings and quadriceps.
  • TheHobbit2017
    TheHobbit2017 Posts: 96 Member
    mustb60 wrote: »
    I am on a calorie deficit so not increasing plates on the bar for a week. Planning a slow increase next week.
    Awsome job guys!! It's really inspiring to see your numbers!!

    I totally get this, I’m on a deficit so when I feel a weight is enough I stick to the same weight next time. Squats are the ones I watch mainly due to a previous calf strain and a niggle in my quad sometimes. Just take it slowly :)
  • mustb60
    mustb60 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Thank you! Now I am reassured that I am not sinning by not going up every session! ;) I was wondering if the modification is okay but after last injury I am totally careful and don't want to repeat old mistakes.
  • hanlonsk
    hanlonsk Posts: 762 Member
    Yeah, when I am lifting regularly alon*with either regular running and/or calorie deficit, my weights ar much less likely to increase... sometimes staying steady is exactly what you need.
  • TheHobbit2017
    TheHobbit2017 Posts: 96 Member
    Today’s numbers:

    Squats - 55kg 5x5 (all hard so took 3 mins rest between each),
    OHP - 27.5kg 5,5,5,5,4 (3rd try so deload time),
    Deadlift - 70kg 1x5

    My app gave me the option to use .5kg incriments if I need to which is good as I recon that will help me no end on the OHP and row. Tbh 70kg deadlift was tough too so who knows. Just following the app by the letter. Using more 3 min rests between sets that’s for sure
  • mustb60
    mustb60 Posts: 1,090 Member
    @TheHobbit2017 Wow! Great session!!
    Today I increased some load on OHP and Deadlift but no change in Squat.
    July Weightlifting
    Goal: 3 times/ week
    Wk1: 2 ~Wk2: 3 ~ Wk3 1: ~Wk4:

    17/7/18 Squat/OP/Deadlift√
    Squat 5×5 27 kg 65 lbs
    OP 5×5 24.5 kg 54 lbs
    Dead lift 5×2 45 kg 99 lbs
    Pull down 10×1 15 kg
    Cable row 10×1 15 kg
    Dumbbell side raise 10×1 5 kg
    Triceps extension 10×1 10 kg
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Sorry for lack of updates again. Things have just been awfully hectic. Made it to the gym twice since last time, and I ran 30ish minutes last friday at lunch.


    Snatch cycling - 1 power snatch from ground, 1 hang power, 1 hang squat snatch. EMTOM x8. I did 75lbs first 2-3 minutes and 80 the rest.

    Squats @150 3x5 (just didn't have it in me to do 5 sets after the snatches. These were slow and hard xD)

    OHP @ 72.5 4x5

    Deadlift 165x3, 185x5, 205x4, 205x5
    somehow couldn't finish the last rep on that 1st set at 205. Original plan was to go to 215 but apparently I was too tired xD

    Yesterday (Tuesday):

    EMOTM x10 of squat clean and jerks, ascending load (kinda)
    85x2, 90x2, 92.5x4, 95x1, 100x1. Or something along those lines. I'm only really sure of the last 2 sets and the startign weight right now, lol

    Then every 5 min x20 (4 rounds) of
    - 2KB Power clean & press x5 (Kbs were 30lbs each)
    - 2KB Front Squat x5
    - 2KB eye-level russian swings x20 (broke 'em down into 10/10 except for 1 round)
    - 10 floor/leg assisted barbell pull-up
    - 200ish ft of 2KB farmer's walk

    I was totally knackered after this. Hoping to run at lunch today (if it's not too awful out there, heatwave of my 2 *****), hit another workout tomorrow and rest friday in prevision o fthe OCR saturday. It's actually kind of going to suck, what with all that's been going on,but the victory of finishing it no matter what is something I need right now.
  • TheHobbit2017
    TheHobbit2017 Posts: 96 Member
    Today’s numbers:

    Squats 57.5kg - 5,5,5,5,4 (didn’t want to progress to 60 yet)
    Bench 40kg - 5x5 🎉 🎉 (even got 6 on last round!)
    Row 40kg - 5,4,5,5,5 - so ganna get this next time!
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Ran a 4k in like 31 minutes at lunch yesterday. Happy to say I did NOT stop once, and could've kept going a bit, even! :)

    Today was a gruesome one. Mainly on my hands xD

    100 barbell thrusters for time, 10 min CAP. 45lbs. I got 98. Shredded the outside of BOTH my thumbs in the process, because friction :/

    then 100 knees to bows for time (in sets of 5+): 73 total. My grip is shot, I have blisters over my calluses, and also ripped the inside of my left hand a smidge.

    Just... ow. Sometimes simple is awful xD
  • mustb60
    mustb60 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Today’s numbers:

    Squats 57.5kg - 5,5,5,5,4 (didn’t want to progress to 60 yet)
    Bench 40kg - 5x5 🎉 🎉 (even got 6 on last round!)
    Row 40kg - 5,4,5,5,5 - so ganna get this next time!

    Impressive session!! 🎉🎉 I wish I could be as stronger faster!! Have to postpone today's session for tomorrow due to TOM.
  • mustb60
    mustb60 Posts: 1,090 Member
    krokador wrote: »
    Ran a 4k in like 31 minutes at lunch yesterday. Happy to say I did NOT stop once, and could've kept going a bit, even! :)

    Today was a gruesome one. Mainly on my hands xD

    100 barbell thrusters for time, 10 min CAP. 45lbs. I got 98. Shredded the outside of BOTH my thumbs in the process, because friction :/

    then 100 knees to bows for time (in sets of 5+): 73 total. My grip is shot, I have blisters over my calluses, and also ripped the inside of my left hand a smidge.

    Just... ow. Sometimes simple is awful xD

    All wounds are medals of war!! ;) You are really inspiring!!
  • TheHobbit2017
    TheHobbit2017 Posts: 96 Member
    Something a bit differnt today.... was a fitness test we do every 3 months. Measurements (all going in the right direction), the Cooper test which was 6mins @ 8.5kmph and then 6mins @9kmp. Managed it non stop which was faster than last time. I’ll train towards getting a straight 12 mins @9mph next time. The I did 17 press ups in under a minute. My sit-ups were much less but I must admit I’ve been neglecting core. That I will change in the next 3 months. I’ve also been told to up my calories to 3000 per day 😳 we’re see what the next few months brings 💪
  • mustb60
    mustb60 Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited July 2018
    Seeing the measurements going down is a great victory and so is the Cooper test! Well done you!! :) What exercise would you plan for the core strength?
  • mustb60
    mustb60 Posts: 1,090 Member
    July Weightlifting
    Goal: 3 times/ week
    Wk1: 2 ~Wk2: 3 ~ Wk3: 2 ~Wk4:

    24/7/18 Squat/bench lift/bent.row

    22/7/18 Squat/bench lift/bent.row√
    Squat 5x5 29.5 kg 65 lbs
    Bench press 5x5 24.5 kg 54 lbs
    Barbell rows 5x10 30 kg 66

    Pull down 10×3 15 kg
    Cable row 10×3 15 kg
    Dumbbell side raise 10×3 5 kg
    Triceps extension 10×2 10 kg
  • TheHobbit2017
    TheHobbit2017 Posts: 96 Member
    mustb60 wrote: »
    Seeing the measurements going down is a great victory and so is the Cooper test! Well done you!! :) What exercise would you plan for the core strength?

    Hey thanks, my pt has done me a program that utilised the swiss ball while doing various moves both with dumbbells and without. Also plank and trx stuff. When I have a physical copy I’ll take a pic
  • TheHobbit2017
    TheHobbit2017 Posts: 96 Member
    Last two sessions as follows....

    Squats 57.5kg - 5,5,5,5,4 (form still poo),
    OHP 22.5kg - 10,5,5,5,5 - easy by following the apps deload advice.
    Deadlift 75kg - 1x3 (very hard)

    Squats 57.5kg 5x5 form much better so moving on
    Bench 42.5kg - 5,3,3,4,2 (didn’t think I’d get more than 2!)
    Row 40kg - 5,5,5,5,4 (form not my best so repeating)

    So from the above clearly still gaining strength so will plow on. Am upping carbs for a while
  • mustb60
    mustb60 Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited July 2018
    July Weightlifting
    Goal: 3 times/ week
    Wk1: 2 ~Wk2: 3 ~ Wk3: 2 ~Wk4: 1

    24/7/18 Squat/OP/Deadlift√
    Squat 5×5 29.5 kg 65 lbs
    OP 5×5 24.5 kg 54 lbs
    Dead lift 5×2 45 kg 99 lbs
  • TheHobbit2017
    TheHobbit2017 Posts: 96 Member
    mustb60 wrote: »
    July Weightlifting
    Goal: 3 times/ week
    Wk1: 2 ~Wk2: 3 ~ Wk3: 2 ~Wk4: 1

    24/7/18 Squat/OP/Deadlift√
    Squat 5×5 29.5 kg 65 lbs
    OP 5×5 24.5 kg 54 lbs
    Dead lift 5×2 45 kg 99 lbs

    Impressive OHP so difficult to keep progressing! Keep it up
  • TheHobbit2017
    TheHobbit2017 Posts: 96 Member
    Today’s numbers:

    Squat 60kg - 5,5,5,4,4 (felt actually real easy but last 2 sets didn’t want to push it),
    OHP 23.5kg - 5x5 90seconds rest all easy,
    Deadlifts 60kg x 5 then 75kg x 5 - really hard so listed it as 4 so I could repeat

    Dips on green band 12,12,12,12
    Pull-ups on band 12,12,10
  • mustb60
    mustb60 Posts: 1,090 Member
    July Weightlifting
    Goal: 3 times/ week
    Wk1: 2 ~Wk2: 3 ~ Wk3: 2 ~Wk4: 2

    26/7/18 Squat/bench lift/bent.row√

    Squat 5x5 29.5 kg 65 lbs
    Bench press 5x5 24.5 kg 54 lbs
    Barbell rows 5x10 30 kg 66

    Pull down 10×3 15 kg
    Cable row 10×3 15 kg
    Dumbbell side raise 10×3 5 kg
    Triceps extension 10×2 10 kg
    Front raise 10×2 5 kg

    24/7/18 Squat/OP/Deadlift√
    Squat 5×5 29.5 kg 65 lbs
    OP 5×5 24.5 kg 54 lbs
    Dead lift 5×2 45 kg 99 lbs