chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
edited September 2018 in Social Groups
Welcome one and all to August!

A new challenge month but the old spreadsheet!

So don't look for a new one of those, but continue to post your weight on the 'Keto Monthly Challenge Spreadsheet' which Nikki will update as needed. You can obviously also post your weight in this post and many do.

For anyone new out there; feel very welcome to join, we usually post our weigh Sundays and use the 'Keto Monthly Challenge Spreadsheet' also in 'Announcements' to track weight.

We use this thread to encourage each other and to add our weight as well if we want to and generally chat!

It's fun and it's been working and we've lost a shed load of weight between us. It seems to keep us going and even if we go up occasionally (and who doesn't!) we get back to it and continue the journey.

So here we go, good luck in August

To finish off July: Tuesday 31st

Sunday 08/05
Sunday 08/12
Sunday 08/19
Sunday 08/26

For those who like a complete month. Friday 08/31

Good luck to everyone, welcome to everyone new and well done the old faithfuls!!


  • LifeChoiceGrammy
    LifeChoiceGrammy Posts: 121 Member
    I need to get back on track!! Felt so good last summer at this I keep slipping
  • MaggieS18
    MaggieS18 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone! :) I'm a keto newbie, looking forward to this challenge.

    Starting weight: 169lbs
    Goal weight by 8/31: 157lbs

    Sunday 08/05:
    Sunday 08/12:
    Sunday 08/19:
    Sunday 08/26:

    Wrapping up August 08/31:

  • db19732018
    db19732018 Posts: 49 Member
    To finish off July: Tuesday 31st 174.4

    Sunday 08/05
    Sunday 08/12
    Sunday 08/19
    Sunday 08/26
  • goosecrosby88
    goosecrosby88 Posts: 6 Member
    Height: 6'7
    Weight on 7/31: 286lbs
    Goal weight by 8/31: 265lbs

    Sunday 08/05:
    Sunday 08/12:
    Sunday 08/19:
    Sunday 08/26:

    Wrapping up August 08/31:
  • Christina_V85
    Christina_V85 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Start weight: 319
    Current weight as of 7/30: 313.2

    Sunday 08/05:
    Sunday 08/12:
    Sunday 08/19:
    Sunday 08/26:

    Wrapping up August 08/31:
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    Rats!! Just gotten back from being away and I'm 4.6 pounds heavier than my all time lowest weight mid July!! So now 151 and no longer in the 140s mmmm! So back to normal life and hopefully back under 150 by Sunday, good news is that I have no more trips planned until November, though we had a really really good time so no regrets just back to good ol' Keto!!