August 2018 LC Basics Challenge: Week 1 (8/1-8/7)



  • SenchaJill
    SenchaJill Posts: 633 Member
    8/3 Day #3

    🎯=/< Carb Goal
    🎯=/<Calorie Goal
    😫Hit Minimum Steps
    🎯7-8 Hours of Sleep
    🎯Log Everything
    🎯No Food After Supper
  • jogetsgains
    jogetsgains Posts: 341 Member
    Aug 3

    Log all food. πŸ™‚
    Meet Calorie Goal. πŸ˜•
    Stretch daily. πŸ˜•
    Exercise 3x per week. πŸ™‚ 1 down
    Live purposefully. πŸ™‚ scheduled 4 tmrw

  • Bimby46
    Bimby46 Posts: 33 Member
    Goals: Week One 8/1-8/3

    Calorie range ++
    Net Carb range ++
    Water +++
    Live each day with purpose+++
  • PamamaJane
    PamamaJane Posts: 288 Member
    So far, so good. It's encouraging to make all my goals and even more so to make my goals three days in a row. Here's looking forward to another good day.
  • Niki_Fitz
    Niki_Fitz Posts: 951 Member
    edited August 2018
    3/31 Eat below carb goal
    3/31 Make whole food choices
    3/31 Eat below or at maintenance calories
    3/31 Strength 3x and jog/sprint 2x weekly
    2/31 Keep NEAT high

    Had a wedding rehearsal dinner last night but stayed on plan around all the pasta and beverages. Scale is moving in the right direction.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Apparently, I'm good at meeting my goals, but not good at documenting!
  • lisaloumn2
    lisaloumn2 Posts: 203 Member
    logged - yep
    macros - was just at the edge on carbs, and still under fat/protein
    exercised - yep - usual 5:30am class
    at the wedding did not have champagne or dessert so was under calories for the day.

    I am one lb away from my mini goal of being under 160 by 8/24 - fingers crossed to hit it next week then onto the next goal.
  • PamamaJane
    PamamaJane Posts: 288 Member
    Missing my 250+ steps per hour today. First Saturday Mass this morning and didn't want to be sitting in the pew swinging my arm back and forth. :p

  • SenchaJill
    SenchaJill Posts: 633 Member

    🌟=/< Carb Goal
    🌟=/<Calorie Goal (counting exercise calories)
    🌟Hit Minimum Steps
    🌟7-8 Hours of Sleep
    🌟Log Everything
    🌟No Food After Supper
  • jogetsgains
    jogetsgains Posts: 341 Member
    Aug 4

    Log all food. πŸ™‚

    Meet Calorie Goal. πŸ˜•

    Stretch daily. πŸ™‚

    Exercise 3x per week. πŸ™‚ 2 down

    Live purposefully. 😐 I scheduled too much in one day, but not too disappointed. It will take some practice for weekend activities. Scheduling tomorrow but being gentler on myself.

  • Adelia979
    Adelia979 Posts: 31 Member
    Oh, me too! (Just a few days of a late start)
    Logging daily - not an issue, but still a goal.
    Water & Electrolytes - I'm having a surprisingly hard time remembering to drink water.
    Carb Goal: 20g net or less
    Exercise: it's a pretty good workout to care for two infants, but I'm trying to walk more with or without them. It's been too hot and rainy for them so trying to remember to take a lunch break at work so I can go walk for a bit.
  • lisaloumn2
    lisaloumn2 Posts: 203 Member

    logged - check
    macros- under for carbs- just a tad over protein/fat, still under calories
    exercise- Sat is usually an off day for me and because of the rain did not mow the lawn
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    I'll post because I said "I'll play". My recaps will basically run Sunday through Saturday because it fits my thinking. :)

    Short version July 29-August 4:
    1) Continue to explore Cronometer features.
    2) Continue towards "balanced macros" via increase of nutrient dense carbohydrates and see where it leads me in regards to hunger.
    3) Do the exercises prescribed for the issues noted in #3 below.
    4) Increase NEAT mostly through increased steps in the safety of my home.
    5) Despite #4...get out of the house and socialize more. Use my cane if needed. :/

    Long version...July 29-August 4
    1) Subscribed to Cronometer for a year ($34.94) out of personal interests. I "played with" the free version for a few months off and on.

    2) Set macro targets to 20% carbs and proteins and 50% fats. These percentages equate to about 90 grams of each based on my maintenance calories. While I met those "targets" without focus, it was not via my preferred foods. It will suffice to say upping my carbs and reaching them "happened" because I made many dessert recipes this past week to select the 2 I wish to serve at my "La Fete d'Octobre". Winners are Madeleines and Mille Feuille. Dessert recipe selection week is over. :)

    3) Determined that as much as I want to "exercise" it basically did not happen and progress will be slow. I'll not elaborate on physical issues other than to say: Dystonia, an old torn rotator cuff/bicep subluxation, my recent and 1st bout ever (at age 64) with sciatica (improving from June but still existing) and a resulting sprained ankle due to my left foot dragging.

    4) I did manage 110 minutes towards exercise which helped me determine that now is not the time and/or find and engage in more appropriate exercise. ;) Focus will be increased NEAT + appropriate stretching. My baseline of "steps/day" established from June/July is ~3500. Sad. This past week I improved that to average 5700 rounded.

  • PamamaJane
    PamamaJane Posts: 288 Member
    Five days in.
    • Log all food 5/5 <3
    • Make or surpass step goal 5/5 <3
    • Make hourly 250+ step goals 3/5 >:)
    • Make or surpass activity goal 5/5 <3
    • Make hydration goal 5/5 <3
    • Stay under Calorie and Carb goals 4/5 >:)

    This is much better than I've done in months and months, if not years. Not perfect but I'm happy with it.

  • SenchaJill
    SenchaJill Posts: 633 Member
    Aug. 5

    🌟=/< Carb Goal (net)
    🌟=/<Calorie Goal (with exercise calories)
    🌟Hit Minimum Steps
    ❌7-8 Hours of Sleep
    🌟Log Everything
    🌟No Food After Supper
  • jogetsgains
    jogetsgains Posts: 341 Member
    Aug 5

    Log all food. πŸ™‚
    Meet Calorie Goal. πŸ˜•
    Stretch daily. πŸ™‚
    Exercise 3x per week. πŸ™‚ 3 down
    Live purposefully. πŸ™‚

  • lisaloumn2
    lisaloumn2 Posts: 203 Member

    logged B)
    macros- over on fat by a hair but under total calories B)
    another no exercise day- was planning a morning class but my kiddo was getting ready to leave for Illinois for 2 weeks so stayed home to watch her off and then tracked her by phone for the next 6 hours (drove herself 400 miles for the 1st time)

    made low carb cheesecake yesterday and even though I cut back on the amount of sugar substitute it asked for, it is still super sweet.
  • Niki_Fitz
    Niki_Fitz Posts: 951 Member
    Eat below carb goal - 4
    Whole food choices - 4
    Maintenance cals or below - 3
    Strength 3x, run 2x, rest 2x weekly - 3
    Keep NEAT high - 5

    8/5 On plan for wedding celebration, off plan with a hangover and some kind of self sabotage eating on Sunday. Today’s a new day.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    8/5 results:

    log 3/31
    calories 2/31
    carbs 3/31
    exercise 2/31

    The weekend was probably way better than the numbers look. I didn't work out, but I was at the beach playing in the waves and walking around town. I wasn't able to log because I didn't have a computer and couldn't get the app to work on my phone, or actually get anything internet to work on my phone so it's probably just the signal there. I was very aware of what I was eating since I couldn't log, and I'm very sure carbs were totally within goal every day. Not entirely sure that calories were in line, but I'm very sure they were not over maintenance levels. So, even though the weekend looks kind of terrible from a results standpoint, I feel like I made the best out of what I had available.
  • Adelia979
    Adelia979 Posts: 31 Member
    Logging daily βœ”
    Water & Electrolytes πŸ‘Ž Barely managed to remember yesterday.
    Carb Goal βœ”
    Exercise πŸ‘Ž One of my twins is still sick so my day revolved around taking care of her more than normal and it was too hot to have them outside (90Β° yesterday!).