Interesting Reading

julepige Posts: 24 Member
Thought i would share this with you all.


  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    edited August 2018
    I've always thought of Atkins, phase 1 and maybe phase 2, as just a type of ketogenic diet. A ketogenic diet is just one with low enough in carbs that one is in ketosis basically all of the time. You can do that with Atkins, vegetarian, vegan, carnivore, clean eating, paleo, medically therapeutic 4:1 KD, Mediterranean or whatever. It can be done with 50 g carbs, or 20 or zero or even 200g if those carbs are timed around strenuous activity.

    I like Atkins as a good guide for people who are not sure where to start, and who plan to increase carbs again in the future. I've read it. It's a good book.

    But I have to admit, I remember back in the 90s thinking that Atkins was insane, and all of its followers were going to die of clogged arteries.... Like a sink with fat poured into it. :blush:
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    My mother always said the low-fat diet for clogged arteries was dumb, "everyone should know you can't dissolve fat in water, if you want to clear clogged arteries you need more fat, not less."

    It's probably a way oversimplified version of what really happens internally, but she's in her 60s and not on any meds, so way better off than most of her friends.
  • julepige
    julepige Posts: 24 Member
    If only the knew back then what we know today, and more peopler would have joined the diet. I remember when i told my husband i was on atkins diet words to me ( your stupid it doesn't work and is bad for you) 1 year later he had to eat his own words, he joined me on my low carb and got rid of his diabetes with a 2 stone lost. i have been doing low carb for around 8 years on and off.