August another day at the gym!



  • mustb60
    mustb60 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Upper body day:

    Bench press 5/3/1+ (2) @ 70/75/80
    OHP 5/5/5 @ 57/62/67
    Seated rows 10/10/10 @ 70
    Triceps cable pulldowns 10/10/10 @ 30
    Facepulls 10/10/10 @ 40/45/45

    I had to modify my arch some because my SI joints are constantly irritated, and a big arch makes them super inflamed. So tiny baby just-to-recruit-the-lats arch it is for the time being. I imagine at some point I'll have to switch to incline or dumbbell presses, but for now laying on my back is fine.

    It is amazing to see you are heavy lifting even during the pregnancy!! Your spirit and courage is inspiring!
  • amyinthetardis1231
    amyinthetardis1231 Posts: 571 Member
    mustb60 wrote: »

    It is amazing to see you are heavy lifting even during the pregnancy!! Your spirit and courage is inspiring!

    Thanks so much! I'm being very careful with it - because if there's ever a time to be careful it's now - but so far some lifts still feel good enough to continue. Today was <3 because deadlifts!

    Deadlifts 4/4/4 @ 132/142/147 Based on how today felt, I may not get much higher than this while I'm preggo, but I'm not worried about setting PRs. Just want to stay in the best condition I can while growing a small person.
    Elliptical 10 min
    Kettlebell swings 12/12/12 w/ 30 lb bell

    More dedicated stretching before and after than I have been, just to make sure everything feels relatively happy. So far the hip pain is minimal in deadlifts, although I'll keep my sets short to avoid further aggravating it.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    I ran the xman race yesterday (similar in level to a spartan sprint, I guess? 7.5km, high elevation, 40ish obstacles, biggest difference is penalties are usually extra running loops, not burpees).

    Finished with a time of 4:11:54.8, 2436th out of 2477.

    My everything feels sore today. I *know* passed a few people along the way that were struggling more than I was, so I'm not sure how I came that low, lol. I know I kept letting people by me (which slowed ME down, but I was going slower than them, so...) and I froze for like, 5+ minutes at the fireman pole xD There's work to do. Surprisingly tho, this felt a lot better than the other, easier race about a month ago. At least mentally.

    So uh, I'll report back in about a week when I get my muscles to start working again? xD
  • TheHobbit2017
    TheHobbit2017 Posts: 96 Member
    My last couple of sessions:

    Squats 60kg - 5x5
    OHP 27.5kg - 5,5,5,4,4
    Deadlifts 85kg - 1x5
    EZ bar curl 18kg - 8,8
    Seated calf raises 30kg - 12,12
    Green band pull-ups (45kg assist) - 10,10,10

    Squats 62.5kg- 5x5
    Bench 42.5kg - 5,4,5,4,5
    Row 40kg - 4,5,5,5,5
    Orange band dips (35kg assist) - 10,8,8
    Skull crusher 12.5kg - 10,10
    Planks - 40s, 40s, 40s
  • amyinthetardis1231
    amyinthetardis1231 Posts: 571 Member
    Upper body day! I wanted to do bench press but the two benches were in constant use today.

    Lat pulldowns 10/10/10 @ 70
    OHP 5/5/5 @ 55/60/65
    TRX rows 10/10/10
    TRX seated pullups 5/5/5
    Elliptical 13 min

    Still mostly looking fat at the gym, but the belly is slowly becoming more prominent. I'm sure I'll get some funny looks when I waddle up to the bar closer to the third trimester!
  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,587 Member
    Hey. New to this group and trying to get into a routine of lifting regularly to improve my strength for jiu jitsu. Starting light and adding weight slowly so it doesn't interfere with my jiu jitsu training (which happens at least 6 times a week.

    Started with this program on Friday, did Sunday and today (Tuesday). Legs feeling tender on stairs but not too bad. I also do assisted pull ups on the day with deadlifts.

    Today I did
    Squat 30kg
    OHP 15kg
    Deadlift 45kg
    Assisted pull up (30kg assist on my 72kg, so pulling about 40kg)
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Dory_42 wrote: »
    Hey. New to this group and trying to get into a routine of lifting regularly to improve my strength for jiu jitsu. Starting light and adding weight slowly so it doesn't interfere with my jiu jitsu training (which happens at least 6 times a week.

    Started with this program on Friday, did Sunday and today (Tuesday). Legs feeling tender on stairs but not too bad. I also do assisted pull ups on the day with deadlifts.

    Today I did
    Squat 30kg
    OHP 15kg
    Deadlift 45kg
    Assisted pull up (30kg assist on my 72kg, so pulling about 40kg)

    Welcome to the group! I hope you the strength gains to help your practice, but do monitor your body as best you can and don't overdo it. 6 days a week + 3 days a week lifting might be a lot. Make sure you eat enough to support that activity level :)

    So I went back to the gym yesterday and did SL workout A, kind of (see, there's a reaosn I still hang around! lol. It tends to be my default go-to when I need a deload-ish type of session xD)

    Squats 115x5, 120x5, 125x5
    + submax push-ups between sets (5/6/5)

    Bench 95x5, 100x5, 105x5
    + bulgarian split squats between sets x 6/8/10

    Row 85x8, 95x6, 100x5
    + hollow rocks between sets x20/15/15

    Will do workout B tomorrow to finish getting myself back in the groove, as I struggled a bit yesterday even though that was light-ish weight for me. Body needed some repair after that race! My calves are still brick-y!
  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,587 Member
    I'm used to the hectic training schedule and will often train 2 or 3 times a day, so while I'm added weights, I'm sticking to one jiu jitsu session a day and keeping my nutrition good.

    Thursday I did
    Squat 35kg
    Bench 20 kg
    BB Row 25kg
    plus some rehab exercises to help keep elbow tendonitis under control.

    Doms is decreasing every day, even though I keep training.

    That's me for weights the week. Next week will be Tue, Thu and Sat. My weekend includes a good few hours of jiu jitsu on Saturday and possibly an obstacle course race on Sunday (my friend is dragging me along, but I do have fun at them and we are happy doing it super slowly!!!)
  • theknitpicker
    theknitpicker Posts: 63 Member
    Hi all! New to the group but not new to SL, but restarting the programme after a long absence so lifts are light atm. This round I'm focusing on adding more accessory lifts for my own entertainment more than anything... Emphasising upper body as that always lags way behind! Goal is to get to at least 1 unassisted chin up & pull up by the end of this round!

    The week so far:
    Squat 5x5 @ 30kg
    Bench 5x5 @ 20kg
    Row 5x5 @ 30 kg
    Dips @ BW 5/7/6 -
    Push ups @ BW 10/10/9
    Planks @ BW 3x30 sec
    ... and then I helped my brother in law move house, which meant totally dismantling his kid's playsets and loading up the truck and I nearly died haha. Spent Sunday in a doms-coma and just laughed at myself

    Squat 5x5 @ 32.5kg
    OHP 5x5 @ 20kg - always a toughie for me, even at my best I only managed 25kg...
    Deadlift 3x5 @ 40kg - I always break the rules and do a 3x5 for this, unless its a bad gym day
    Chin up @ -23kg (assisted) 7/10/7
    Pull up @ -23kg (assisted) 8/7/4

    Not a bad start!
  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,587 Member
    Today I did more than planned because I can't tell the difference between the 15 kg bar and 20 kg bar!!!! I will learn... It was actually too much for me so will drop back next time. My form on the squat took strain and I would rather do lighter and correct than heavier and wrong.

    Squats - 45kgs (I bend forward too much with this)
    OHP - I was supposed to do 20 kg, but I tried 25kg (cos I though it was only 20) and couldn't do it, so dropped to what I should have been doing anyway.
    Deadlift - 55kg I could do this, so will keep it and increase next time.

    I normally do assisted pull ups but the machine was busy so I did 5x 10 second hangs from the bar for both overhand grip and underhand grip. My hands are sore from that, but I will survive.

    Tonight is Jiu jitsu again!!!!!!
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Have not reported for a few days again, but I've been keeping busy for sure!

    Thursday 24th

    Squats 125x5, 135x5, 145x5 (yeah, I was feeling a bit stronger, haha)
    I think I did something core-related in between sets, but now I can't recall and I don't have my log with me

    Then I alternated
    Deadlifts 185x5 195x5, 205x5

    OHP 65x5, 70x5, 70x5

    (or something along those lines)

    btw, those weights in pounds lol

    Saturday (26th)

    12 min build up to heavy front squat
    I built up to 160, ad then got buried by 170. I may or may not have been able to get 165 if I'd tried. It wasn't my best squat day

    10 min to complete:
    - 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Front squat at 60, 70, 80, 85 and 90% of heavy rep (95/115/125/135/145)
    - 25, 20, 15, 10, 5 recline rows
    - burpee RAT (I got 7 in like 30s at the end. barely made it!)

    I then did some double unders. 100 for time, in sets of >= 10 each. I think I missed 4 sets total with 0, 1 or 2 jumps. The rest were getting close to 20 in a row. So I'm gettign better at holding that groove, when I start with it, lol. Took close to 6 minutes, I think.

    Worked up to a "heavy" power clean. In that I got 125, tried it again and failed, but decided to try 130 anyway, then failed both times again. Then I futzed around with hang squat cleans and full power cleans (and vice-versa) with 85-95lbs for 8 minutes

    Main meat that day was an every 90s x 5 rounds of
    1- "heavy" strict pull-ups x3-5 (I got 5/4/4/3/4 I think with less assist than usual)
    2- 2 DB push press x10 w/ 30lbs
    3- 45s in sumo squat goblet hold

    and then a 2 min AMRAP of hanging knee raises. I got 35 - more limited by my grip than my abs xD

    Then EMOTM x10 of 1 arm (per round) w/ 35lbs KB
    - power clean x1
    - drop lunge x3
    - push press x3

    And I finished off with a WOD I'm gonna baptize Battleship:
    2000m rowing for time
    Every minute (after the 1st) on the minute: 1+1 push-up.
    IF you can't complete the push-ups and get back on the rower before the minute is up. Finish the push-ups, get back on the rower, and go back down the ladder of push-ups to continue

    It took me just over 15 minutes to complete, i think. Got up to 7 push-ups and just... My body couldn't xD I already struggle with push-ups. When fatigued from rowing, it's AWFUL xD

    Whew, starting to really feel all the work that's been done!

    Every 2 min x 10 rounds (20 min total):
    - Deadlift x 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (185, 205, 215, 225, 235)
    - Pike Presses x submax (feet on aerobic step) x7/7/6/7/5

    Finished off with a 9 min AMRAP of:
    - 9 sumo deadlift high pull
    - 9 squat thrusts
    - 9 jump lunges/leg

    I was 5 reps short of the 5th round. My legs. They burned.

    And then I went and climbed 7 flights of stairs to go see my mom in the hospital at lunch yesterday xD (will do again today, most likely. Hate elevators).

    Just enough to get a bit sweaty this morning. For time:
    10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
    - 1 leg KB deadlift /side (35lbs)
    - Hand release push-ups

    Took basically 10 minutes.

    Tomorrow may or may not be a doozy. I'm not sure if I'll be recovered enough to handle it. Lots of plate switching cardio again! lol
  • theknitpicker
    theknitpicker Posts: 63 Member
    Despite dealing with the randomest doms ever (just my right quad???) managed quite a good session this morning:

    Squat 5x5 @ 35kg
    Bench 5x5 @ 22.5kg
    Row 5x5 @ 32.5kg
    Dips @ BW 7/6/5 - but my form has definitely improved
    Push ups @ BW 3x10
    Planks @ BW 3x35 sec
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Well, I was right about today being something! Geez!

    Took me 40 minutes to warm-up to the proper weights for everything.

    With a 22 min time cap, perform 3 rounds of

    - deadlift x5 (185lbs)
    - back squat x5 (145lbs)
    - strict OHP x5 (75lbs)
    - strict pull-up x10 (assisted with ~80lbs)
    - burpees x20
    *** kicker: only allowed to use 1 bar for the whole thing, but rack is allowed
    (made for a bit of an odd loading pattern. 15#-10#-45# on deadlifts, had a 5er on the ground to unload the 45s, cleaned 95 to rack, added 25# on squats, then stripped down to a single 15# plate on each side on OHP)

    I reckon I could've handled a little more on the deadlifts is the DOMS and TOM had been a little less? Anyways, it was a sweat fest. I actually had 12 burpee into the last round at the cap, but I figured for 8 burpees I wasn't gonna stop there xD

    No extra work after that, though. I'm exhausted, and I'm going back tomorrow!
  • amyinthetardis1231
    amyinthetardis1231 Posts: 571 Member
    Pretty meh workout, but better than nothing. Hip pain continues and likely won't get better until after delivery, so continuing to work around it. 17 weeks pg and still going!

    Bench press: 5/5/5 @ 55/65/70
    Seated row: 10/10/10 @ 70
    Triceps cable pulldowns 7/7/7 @ 40
    Face pulls 7/7/7 @ 50

    My trainer came over and offered a form pointer during the pulldowns, so I mentioned that I'll need to work out a new exercise plan to work around the hip problems. I did all upper body today and my hip is still pretty miserable now. Still, I'd rather do even a light workout than nothing at all.
  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,587 Member
    Today I did

    Squat 5x5 40kgs Kept form the whole time so it was definitely too heavy for me last time. Did 10 pushups in each rest period

    Bench 5 x5 25kgs with 20 leg raises in rest

    BB Row 5 x 5 30kgs with 20 sit ups in rest.

    Two hours later I was training with our mma team for a couple of hours. Tonight is Jiu Jitsu class! Good day and I'm allowing myself a higher calorie limit to account for the third training session.

    My Saturday Jiu Jitsu session will be missed this week due to work so I got in the session with the team today to make up for it!

    We are hosting the Iron-man 70.3 World Champs this weekend so the whole city is in exercise mode. It's actually super festive!
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Pretty meh workout, but better than nothing. Hip pain continues and likely won't get better until after delivery, so continuing to work around it. 17 weeks pg and still going!

    I get hip pain from just having my period, so I can only imagine how bad pregnancy would feel. I don,t think that's ever in the cards for me! xD
    Dory_42 wrote: »
    We are hosting the Iron-man 70.3 World Champs this weekend so the whole city is in exercise mode. It's actually super festive!

    Ooh, I love when the town gets the festive, especially when it's about exercise stuff. Like, I always get super hyped just seeing the crossfit games, or going to a competition, I wish we could have that going on all the time!

    Well, maybe not ALL the time. One's gotta get some rest from time to time. The good ol' bod gets beaten up. I felt great this morning though, despite all the work yesterday. Workout sounded easy on paper, too.

    28 min CAP to complete 20 rounds per arm (alternating)
    - 3 KB hang power snatch
    - 3 thrusters
    - 3 front rack drop lunges
    - 3 russian swing

    I started at 35lbs. Managed the first 2 rounds unbroken, then had to do them 1 round/arm at a time. First 5 took 7:35. I got done with the next 5 around the 19 min mark. Decided to drop down to 30lbs - I was trashed. I managed a round and an arm strung together, barely, twice. Got 6 more rounds total (finished like 20s after the cap). For a total of 16/20

    Probably would've finished if I'd done 30 throughout, but hey. I pushed myself a bit. You gotta do it from time to time.

    Then, with heavy limbs, I went on to do

    - DB incline presses and rows, 20x12, 25x2x12, 30x12
    - barbell curls 35x12 and 35x10 with trx overhead triceps extensions x10/10
    - slightly bent over lateral raises 12x2x12

    Because yes, sometimes I do bodybuilding accessories ;)
  • theknitpicker
    theknitpicker Posts: 63 Member
    krokador wrote: »
    Because yes, sometimes I do bodybuilding accessories ;)

    Haha, well variety is the spice of life and all that ;)!

    Today felt pretty good, though I can't believe how busy the gym has been pre-7am all week...

    Squats: 5x5 @ 37.5kg - woop! Graduating to big-girl plates next time!
    OH Press: 5x5 @ 22.5kg - hard, ugly, and the last rep was a struggle, but DONE
    Deads: 3x5 @ 45kg
    Chinups: -23kg assist 10/9/7
    Pull Ups: 23kg assist 5/6/8

    Can' believe it was the last workout of August!
  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,587 Member
    No lifting planned for today but I had a session with my exercise physiotherapist and told him I had struggled to keep form on squats so he made me do them until he figured out the problem (which is all about my hip alignment). He has dropped me down to body weight and bar only until I get the correct movement down, but I'd rather fix it now than keep going heavier with my form wrong.

    I'm also going to stick to two lifting sessions. With my multiple jiu jitsu sessions in the week, which are often super high intensity, for now, this is enough for me. Progress will come at the right pace to not affect my training badly as well.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    I wanted absolutely nothing to do with running today, even though I'd been thinking I should do it this morning all week. I had my stuff on but lagged with doing other things this morning and ended up not having the time. So I went at lunch. Despite not wanting to. I was wearing my "HSTL Made" leggings, there was no way I was going to skip out on my run just for feeling lazy.

    Got 2 laps around the hospital (1 each way with about 1-2 minutes walking in between). Which equaled to about 3.5km in 25 mins. Nothing ground breaking, but I pushed the pace a bit and fought through some heavy-*kitten* legs and mild cramps. It's a win in my book!