
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,747 Member
    j8nh8cd38get.png Well, Keto is presenting a new challenge. All my life, my biggest challenge was how to lose weight and stay healthy. Now it's going to be how to stop losing weight.

    I'm thinking of going back to low carb (net < 100) and adding a few low glycemic starches. But yesterday a commercial featuring hash browns was so appealing that it scared me. This is gonna be tricky...
  • Freischuetz
    Freischuetz Posts: 147 Member
    i am not that satisfied with losing weight again, now i am up to 2500 cal on a day without workout...

    Sunday 08/05: 172.2
    Sunday 08/12: 170.4 at 10.0% BF
    Sunday 08/19: 168.6
    Sunday 08/26:
  • eggfooyamyam
    eggfooyamyam Posts: 196 Member
    Thanks to eggfooyamyam, I managed to log my food 6 out of 7 days this week. As a result, I had a Sunday loss for the first time this month of August. My hope is this will reverse my trend of weight gain and start a new trend of moving toward my goals.

    Thank you for suggesting that we check-in and hold each other accountable. That helped me get back in the swing of Keto. I might still be eating hamburger buns if not for you. Okay, I only did that once... but it's a slippery slope.

  • shirli2018
    shirli2018 Posts: 74 Member
    edited August 2018
    Start Weight (May 24,2018) 248.2 lbs

    GW for August 210.0 lbs
    Near term goal 179.9 lbs

    Sunday 08/05 219.6
    Sunday 08/12 215.4 (-4.2)
    Sunday 08/19 214.5 (-0.9)
    Sunday 08/26
    Friday 08/31

    It's been really hot here this week and I didn't feel like eating at all. I was also dehydrated most of the week and that caused tummy issues-not so good. On the scales things were going in the wrong direction but I can see my left ankle swollen from all the retained water. As the week progressed I managed to get the fluids under control and things got better. As for a NSV- my jeans that I bought 3 weeks ago are getting a bit too roomy and I had to wear a belt. I feel loved like I'm constantly rearranging my closet finding items that now fit me well. I wish we had a community closer where we can check out cloths to use between sizes 😏

    I'm will be on the road this week and looking forward to escape the heat although I will be replacing dry heat with humidity. Oh well summer will be over soon 😅

    @d_dc_lady so sorry to hear your cat is gone. I can imagine that it has been hard going through the bad news on his illness and the hard decision you had to make. I admire you that even in all this difficult time you didn't give up and in the back of your mind you know what is your WOE, so pausing for a bit sometimes it's what we need. Best of luck with your fast this week.
  • Re_Banana
    Re_Banana Posts: 73 Member
    @beautifulchaos135 Who cares if it's water weight, it's still weight! Congrats on your loss This week. 👏👏
  • beautifulchaos135
    beautifulchaos135 Posts: 37 Member
    @Re_Banana thank you! I know it will slow down but like I said, I’ll take it :smile:
  • shoebox13
    shoebox13 Posts: 8 Member
    Started Keto on 8/6/18. Had a first good week with weight loss, then it slowed down. I have been trying to figure out what works for me. I had no problem getting into ketosis, but not sure my body knows what to do with the ketones. I'm starting to feel better - no amazing energy yet though :(

    SW - 228.2
    GW - 160
    End of August GW - 205 (this is probably a little too optimistic, but I'd rather aim high, right?)

    Sunday, August 5 - 228.2
    Sunday, August 12 - 220.2
    Sunday, August 19 - 217.4
    Sunday, August 26
    Friday, August 31
  • jrmie333
    jrmie333 Posts: 149 Member
    NikkiJRM wrote: »
    @jrmie333 Thank you!

    How is it for you with the no dairy?
    I thought I was managing well until I went to a bbq and that was a WRAP!

    Is there any way you can have an allergen test done? It may be the easiest way to figure out what is causing you issues.

    @NikkiJRM dairy free seems to be working. Not feeling as sicked. I have yet to have my hormones checked again. Just added mct oil coconut flavor to my teas as well. So we will see. I will ask Dr.abt allergen testing , hopefully I can do it. Will keep y all updated.
  • WholeFoods4Lyfe
    WholeFoods4Lyfe Posts: 1,518 Member
    HW: 275lbs
    Keto starting weight 5/31/18: 229lbs

    To finish off July 7/31: 208.5

    Sunday 08/05: 205.7
    Sunday 08/12: 201.6
    Sunday 08/19: 201.1 (technically 8/18, I’m currently on vacation with no scale)
    Sunday 08/26:

    Wrapping up August 8/31:

    I’m on vacation right now. I’m not eating anything crazy, but it’s hard keeping to strict Carnivore. I did kind of cheat tonight too with an ear of corn and also had a cappuccino (almond milk/sugar free syrup). I’m getting at least 10k steps per day, so...silver lining?!?!

  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Goals: 28" waist - 154 lbs - 17% bf

    8/1 - 30" - 157 - 18.4%
    8/7 - 29.5" - 155.4 - 17.9%
    8/10 - 29" - 153.4 - 17.2%
    8/14 - 29" - 154.8 - 17.5%
    8/17 - 29" - 154.4 - 17.5%
    8/24 - 28.5"

    I didn't take the time to hop on the scale this morning because I was already late and half dressed when I realized I probably needed a checkpoint for the week...however, I did a quick waist measurement, and YAY!!! I'm hoping to lose that last half inch in the final week, but even if I don't it was totally worth it just to make as much progress as I have.

    For those of you going dairy free - anyone else can ignore the rest of this post:

    I was vegan for 5 years and here are some of my favorites, might save you some time (and money) testing out replacements, and these are all just my opinions, so feel free to disagree...cashew milk is the best replacement for half and half or cream and it's amazing in tea/coffee...almond milk is probably my favorite for a plain milk like cooking or cereals or just drinking balance is the best butter cheese is gross except cream cheese, Vegan Gourmet and Tofutti both have decent soy based cream cheese...Daiya brand is the best approximation of sliced or shredded cheese and it kind of melts watchful on the cheese replacements because some of them are made with milk protein so they are labeled "lactose free" or "dairy free" Go Veggie brand is one that I specifically remember doing that, so look for a "vegan" label if you want it 100% no milk based ingredients or read the ingredients and know what they all mean...coconut milk yogurts are the best tasting, the other milk alternative bases are kind of bland...for sour cream I would just go with a plain non-dairy yogurt...for mayo Veganaise by Follow Your Heart is quite good...and if you want to have a splurge or treat and have ice cream So Delicious is so very very yum, and they have a Turtle Trails that was totally my very favorite weakness...fortunately it's only in small containers.
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,747 Member
    Dairy allergy & here are my favorites:

    Almond Breeze unsweetened chocolate almond milk
    Daiya non-dairy cheeses (all of them)
    Chao original creamy non-dairy cheese
    Tofutti cream cheese
    Daiya non-dairy yogurt (cherry)
  • jrmie333
    jrmie333 Posts: 149 Member
    shoebox13 wrote: »
    Started Keto on 8/6/18. Had a first good week with weight loss, then it slowed down. I have been trying to figure out what works for me. I had no problem getting into ketosis, but not sure my body knows what to do with the ketones. I'm starting to feel better - no amazing energy yet though :(

    SW - 228.2
    GW - 160
    End of August GW - 205 (this is probably a little too optimistic, but I'd rather aim high, right?)

    Sunday, August 5 - 228.2
    Sunday, August 12 - 220.2
    Sunday, August 19 - 217.4
    Sunday, August 26
    Friday, August 31

    It seems to me that u r doing fantastic. Keep up with the good work.