Unwelcome Comments



  • marianlyn
    marianlyn Posts: 144 Member
    @Kinsey214 Ugh!! That is so frustrating! It’s baffling how carrying a life inside us gives everyone a green light to comment on everything we do! Do you need a bunch of us to counter-post some body-positive messages on your wall?? Just to say well-done for listening to your body and your doctor and doing what’s best for baby??
  • karen_thinmint
    karen_thinmint Posts: 499 Member
    @Kinsey214 I'm sorry that's awful. Why would people leave those comments? With a 3rd, your body goes into muscle memory for the shape of the belly. Of course a ftm doesn't have a bump as big. I'm sure you're being healthy and keeping active, and that's the most important thing
  • Balanced_Elephant
    Balanced_Elephant Posts: 18 Member
    @marianlyn I appreciate the offer. None of the rude comments will change how I'm doing everything. I'm sure I'm healthier than the rude people so I'm ok with it lol... I also saw the comment you put about your cousin- wow. Some people amaze me haha. I'm sure you look pregnant ;)
  • SaritaJack
    SaritaJack Posts: 48 Member
    I still can't decide if it's welcome or unwelcome, but I'm starting to get tired of people telling me I'm barely showing. It's true that most of my outfits have been pretty loose-fitting, but even when I hold my shirt against me to show how massive my bump actually is, most of the time no one believes that I'm actually 32 weeks along.
    It's so weird, because to my husband and I my bump is huge. With my other two pregnancies I gained all over and just looked like a whale, but this time I've mostly gained baby weight, and we're both always commenting on what a big baby he is, haha.
    But seriously, my normal clothes don't fit. My body has changed drastically. If you can't tell I'm pregnant, how unhealthy do you think I am?!
  • marianlyn
    marianlyn Posts: 144 Member
    This morning I dropped my 3 year old off at daycare and one of the teachers looks pointedly at my belly and asks, “Do we know what it is?” I assumed she meant to ask if we know baby’s sex, so I said no. And she responds, “Well you’re no fun!!”
    Oh. Ok. I had no idea how to respond. I think I just shrugged and went to help my kid hang up his jacket. My tolerance for this stuff is pretty low and my hormones are high at 35w4d! :P
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    edited August 2018
    I'm having a rough time at work. I returned from my mat leave for baby 1 three weeks ago. I informed my boss on Tuesday that I'm pregnant and told him I'm not announcing publicly yet.

    Within 1.5 days he has already hinted in front of other people that I'm pregnant 3 times. And he's inappropriate with what he says. He asked when I told him I was pregnant "Is this a planned pregnancy"? Last pregnant he asked when we conceived (i.e. when my husband and I boned wtf). All through my last maternity leave he would contact me a minimum of weekly on Facebook messenger to get photos of my child. I couldn't get him to leave me alone. When I returned, I discovered 3 photos of my child only on display on my desk (I didn't tell him he could). He also kept showing up at my house while I was on leave and I had to keep pretending I couldn't answer the door. Now he keeps attempting to guilt trip me by saying things like "My prince (he means my kid) is special to me" or "But I'm not allowed to see my Prince" (when I kept declining to meet with my boss on my maternity leave. Or by saying "Why didn't you tell me earlier you were pregnant! Now I have to meet with my boss again!" (Well whoopitdy-doo you have to spend 15 mins talking to someone who is awesome, why should that affect any of my decisions?)

    I ended up going to HR to make an informal complaint. Now it's the day after and I'm getting worried that the situation might get worse not better.

    Why do people have to be so stupid/inappropriate/insane around pregnant people and mothers???

    I just can't seem to shake my anxiety. It's not as bad as it was post-partum, but I kinda feel like it's becoming consuming again...
  • sunnyhike58
    sunnyhike58 Posts: 13 Member
    @VeryKatie That is really inappropriate and weird!! I think you should find a new place for work if you can. Keep track of everything and keep HR in the loop. Also, block him on Facebook.
  • cooliocat123
    cooliocat123 Posts: 48 Member
    edited September 2018
    With my last pregnancy, I was super puffy and sick with preenclampsia. I had someone tell me that it must have been due to a sin of mine that I got sick, and that she hoped God would use it. I was so ill I didn’t know what to say, and I can’t even remember today who it was, but it still hurts (and to be clear- I don’t believe what she said at ALL!) I remember another person the same day saying she could hardly recognize me.