Introduce Yourself!



  • KemaVA
    KemaVA Posts: 81 Member
    Hello Everyone! My name is Kema. I started Keto August 5 but then went on vacation at an all inclusive resort for a week and fell off. I restarted Keto Aug 26. I am now on week 4. I am 5'1 .5 and weigh 129. I would like to change my body fat composition. Right now I am at 32% body fat. My goal is to lower down to 22%.

    I look forward to learning from this group and adding new recipes to my menu.
  • ShaeDetermined
    ShaeDetermined Posts: 1,525 Member
    Brand new to this group.
    I'm Shay, 40yrs old, from NYC.
    I'm just completing my fifth week of keto, and my first week of incorporating IF.
    The weight loss is relatively slow (6lbs in my first month), but I am loving how I feel.
    I'm looking for like- minded friends, so please add me!
  • EvilOverlordsMom
    I'm Jess, I'm on day 3 of keto. I chose keto, because I need to lose over 200lbs, and I've tried every type of diet out there, all ended with me falling back into the same routines over and over, usually heavier than before the diet attempt. I'm married, with a daughter. The whole family is on this journey with me, unlike other diet attempts, what I cook is what they eat. It's going well, 3 days and the husband has already lost a pants size (possibly water weight), but very proud of him, and super excited that he is on this journey with me!
  • Everyonelies
    Everyonelies Posts: 225 Member
    Good morning everyone!
    I started Keto yesterday. Well, a test run of it. I have always had issues with weight, mainly around my belly (I'm an apple!) and it's always been a struggle.

    I also have PCOS. This means I have more fat around my belly, fertility issues, hair loss and a beard. <---this one suuuuuuucks!!

    I have tried Whole 30 before, which seems like a more strict diet, and I did lose about 9lbs in a month...only meant to be done for a month. A friend started to mention Keto a while back. She hasn't done it because she doesn't feel disciplined enough, but thinks I will do ok on it.

    I started some research on it, and yes, losing weight is obviously what got me hooked, but then I read all the benefits it has on PCOS!!! It mentions the stop of hair loss and the elimination (possibly) of excess facial hair!! SOLD!!

    My diary is open to friends...add me!(?) and I have my fitbit synched to my diary, which I think I will remove, it changes the numbers on me. I am doing 35g of carbs as of right now, which is still high, but I need to start slowly, maybe next week bring it down some more. Protein is an issue too...I eat a lot of salmon and chicken, high protein!

    Help! How can I get in more fat, less carbs/protein without eating half a jar of coconut oil a day??

    @CaitMinusWeight Have you seen any positive effects on your PCOS?
  • tnf2499
    tnf2499 Posts: 22 Member
    Hello everyone. My name is Tara and I am starting my 2 week on Keto diet. Staying around 20 carbs a day. I have lost 10 lbs. Looking to lose a lot more. It has gotten much easier for me as I am learning more about the low carb lifestyle.
  • swarren1037
    swarren1037 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi I'm Stephanie - I'm new to keto, new to discussion boards in MFP, and not at all new to working at weight loss. In the past I've tried counting calories, often in MFP. I've had very little success sticking to plans, staying motivated, etc. I have 200 pounds to lose (yikes! writing it makes it so real!). I thought I would try this community thing to find accountability, and to get some tips on keto. I am finding it difficult to stay under 25 g of carbs. I meal prepped successfully this weekend, although I still ate lunch out and went way over on carbs today. Hope we can help each other move forward!
  • gwendyprism
    gwendyprism Posts: 222 Member
    Hi, I'm Gwen. Haven't started keto yet but today is day one eliminating added sugar. I'm 64 and have struggled with weight many times over the years. Several years ago I lost 50# on a 1200 calorie diet and have kept it off but am struggling to lose any more weight with low calorie. When I wondered what stopped working, I realized with the 50# loss I had also eliminated added sugar and flour. I realized every time I've done well at weight loss it's been with a low carb strategy. I have been told I was pre-diabetic which I think basically means insulin resistant. Thats why i think keto will be healthiest for me. I am a sweet fiend so giving that up is a difficult choice.
  • CDiddyGetsFitty
    CDiddyGetsFitty Posts: 35 Member
    Hi guys! I'm Chris. I lost a lot of weight before and got pretty fit, but strayed from good habits during about 2 years on night shift, where I regained the weight. I will follow keto consistently, and that means community. And I like the community I see here. :)
  • Wafflekinz
    Wafflekinz Posts: 1 Member
    Hey, my name is Lainee! I tried keto once before about 5 years ago and had great success. I lost about 25 lbs in 3 weeks! However, at that point in my life, it wasn't possible to make it a permanent lifestyle change. Now, I'm back at it again! I'm on day 5 now. Before this, I'd been eating (mostly) clean and healthy for the past 11 months. I had lost a little over 40 lbs in that time, but hit a plateau about a month ago. I decided I needed to up my game and try keto again, as a permanent (or at least very long-term) change. I'm now at 50.4 lbs lost! :smiley: So far I feel SO much better, and I've had very limited desire/cravings for high-carb foods. The hardest thing for me has been to find meals that both I and my non-keto husband can eat. We can't afford to cook separate dinners (though breakfast and lunch are separate since he works outside the home and I run a business from home). I'm honestly more sad to see some of my favorite fruits, vegetables, and Halo Top go than anything else, haha.
  • leahk80
    leahk80 Posts: 114 Member
    Hi, my name is Leah and I have never tried Keto. My doctor has put me on a low carb diet and I really have no idea how to go about it. I'm really not a cook so it will be a challenge for me but I'm willing to do it. Any advice for a newbie? :smile:
  • ArmyMedic23PFA
    ArmyMedic23PFA Posts: 726 Member
    Not sure if l've already said Hello, so Hello xx
  • ClaudiaDawn2
    ClaudiaDawn2 Posts: 103 Member
    Hi, I'm Claudia. Just wrapping up week 3 of Keto with a 4 pound loss (but have to admit I cheated a little with some wine), but still keeping my carbs around 30.

    I started eating healthy in June of 2017, watching calories and eating fruits & vegetables and low fat protein, staying away from bread. I lost 50 pounds doing that but hit a plateau and decided to give Keto a try. I'd like to lose 30 more pounds.

    It's kinda hard to wrap my head around the high fat eating when all my life I was told to eat low fat to lose weight.

    I have no problem cooking main entrees while doing Keto, but struggle with side dishes while keeping carbs under 30 per day.
  • ShayFloyd755
    ShayFloyd755 Posts: 1 Member
    My name is Shay and I am on day 4 of Keto. I am excited to connect with others on the same journey.
  • alevbrant
    alevbrant Posts: 26 Member
    Ali here. I am about day 10 on Keto. I am feeling pretty darn good. No cravings, feeling satisfied though out the day. I'm also finding that when I exercise there is less of a hump to have to get over when I start. My mood has balanced out too. I've lost 3.5 pounds as of last Saturday weigh in. I'm looking to shed the weight (belly and hips) gained from pregnancy. I'm closing in on 50 years old, and want to head into those years feeling healthy and strong in my body. My goal is to lose a total of 15 pounds, but I'd be happy with 12. Look forward to reading more of your stories!
  • alevbrant
    alevbrant Posts: 26 Member
    Hi, I'm Gwen. Haven't started keto yet but today is day one eliminating added sugar. I'm 64 and have struggled with weight many times over the years. Several years ago I lost 50# on a 1200 calorie diet and have kept it off but am struggling to lose any more weight with low calorie. When I wondered what stopped working, I realized with the 50# loss I had also eliminated added sugar and flour. I realized every time I've done well at weight loss it's been with a low carb strategy. I have been told I was pre-diabetic which I think basically means insulin resistant. Thats why i think keto will be healthiest for me. I am a sweet fiend so giving that up is a difficult choice.

    25 C is pretty low to start with. Have you considered starting with 50 C/day then working your way down? My sweet involves chocolate, so my Keto replacement has been 1/4 C ricotta cheese, 2 Tbsp cocoa powder and just enough stevia pdr to make it sweet. Spoonful of almond butter with a square of 90% dark chocolate is also a go to for me when I'm needing a fix. Good luck!
  • Toyaxrose
    Toyaxrose Posts: 3 Member
    Hi. This is my 3rd time on Keto. I’ve been on Keto for 1.1 month now. I can pretty much say I’m enjoying it. My anxiety and depression is down to zero. Depression was my main reason why I chose this diet. I mean, yeah the results because you get amazing results on this diet, but with depression I gained about 120 lbs over the years. I’m now about 20 lbs down and back into the 200s! I’m so excited! I combine IF, KETO, and CICO. It’s also great for my work schedule.
  • mehditfaitif
    mehditfaitif Posts: 9 Member
    hi my name is mahdi im from morocco and i live in oman 28 years old i just started keto diet 3 days ago and id like some tips and help how to count carbs and whats the best keto food
  • ClaudiaDawn2
    ClaudiaDawn2 Posts: 103 Member
    hi my name is mahdi im from morocco and i live in oman 28 years old i just started keto diet 3 days ago and id like some tips and help how to count carbs and whats the best keto food

    I would recommend watching 2 Fit Docs on YouTube. Dr. Becky is a nutritionist and Dr. Keith shows how he lost 80 pounds on the Keto diet.
  • Beckymomof3girls
    Beckymomof3girls Posts: 102 Member
    Hi! I'm Becky. I've been eating keto this time around since 10/1. After having my second daughter, I went keto to lose the baby weight and then some. I upped my carbs a bit because I started distance running and kept the weight off until I got pregnant with my third. I ended up gaining over 70lbs with her 😬 and have only lost about 25 of it, even though she's 10mo now, 15 of it since starting keto. I want to lose another 100-120lbs.
  • CentaurusSoter
    CentaurusSoter Posts: 433 Member
    Howdy folks. Started keto mid-July, didn't figure I'd stick with it a week before I killed someone for a bowl of pasta.

    Day 137 now. Down 30kg (66lbs), a bunch of pant sizes, a few shirt sizes, and feeling great. Hands work again, up and biking 10+ miles,5 times a week or more. I needed to know if I could go back to a normal diet, and ate carbs normally for 3 days. Gained back a bit of weight, was constantly starving, and felt terrible. Good to know that going off keto is an option, but going high carb again isn't.

    So, I log my meals, workout when I don't want to workout, post on my feed throughout the day, and log anything I eat or drink.

    Feel free to add me if you're active. I'm always up for sharing info if I have it, and I enjoy seeing the success of others.

    Also, my main goal is to break the 136kg (299lbs) barrier by the end of the year. Pre-thanksgiving, it was a lot closer. Now, it's a week later, and not too far away. I'll be logging in and logging food regardless.