Week 3 Weigh In - October 15

cxwhit3 Posts: 293 Member
Sorry I'm late - I had a busy day and it got past me!!

Challenge Start Weight:
Challenge Goal:

Week 1:
Week 2:
Week 3:

A positive thought for the week:
Healthy snack or meal:
Best workout this week:



  • arameni
    arameni Posts: 105 Member
    Challenge Start Weight: 129.6
    Challenge Goal: 125
    Week 1: 132.6
    Week 2: 128.6
    Week 3: 129.0

    :s slightly back up, which I know is OK. I guess I just need to get back into logging more often and more accurately.

    A positive thought for the week: lol not many. I've been sick and in denial about it. At least my fever stood no chance against modern medicine?? Tested negative for flu, but I've got a newly sore throat.
    Healthy snack or meal: I did eat a salad this week! Cooked a pot pie with biscuit topping that rocked my socks off!
    Best workout this week: again, I've been sick. Bleh. I did take my dog on 4 walks Saturday though because we don't have a yard and she needs potty breaks.

    Get y'all's flu shots!
  • gesundundmunter
    gesundundmunter Posts: 226 Member
    Challenge Start Weight: 228.6
    Challenge Goal:215.0
    Week 1: 229.2
    Week 2: 228.4
    Week 3: 228.8

    Positive thought for the week: Aiming at maintaining this weight.
    Healthy snack or meal: Strawberry Cheesecake light yoghurt.
    Best workout this week: Body bike during TV treat.

    Grueling schedule, 18-hour days for school work and job, too little sleep. Needed heartier food and treats as “consolation.” I think I’ll be lucky to maintain through the end of the semester.
  • cxwhit3
    cxwhit3 Posts: 293 Member
    Challenge Start Weight: 137
    Challenge Goal: 132
    Week 1: 136
    Week 2: 137
    Week 3: 134

    Positive thought: I think I may have experienced a ‘whoosh’! After several months of bouncing up and down between 135 and 137 I finally feel like I am getting somewhere with running again, the new medication is starting to kick in (I can make a fist this morning at 6am, haven’t been able to do that since Christmas), and I am feeling POSITIVE!

    Healthy snack: ready cut carrot batons & a single portion pot of low fat philadelphia. The ready cut batons are the way forward!

    Best workout: 20 mins running without a walk break (week 5 run 3)

    I need that flu shot @arameni ... thanks for the reminder!

    I got my flu shot just this week. Am also trying to get the new shingles vaccination. For those of us over 50, it should be covered by most health care plans and is a series of two shots that are supposed to be 90% effective. (I've had the other one, which was 50% effective). If you had chicken pox when you were a kid (or later) then you have the shingles virus dormant in your system. And stress is one of the major activators! My stepmom got it 5 years ago a week before my dad died even though she had the older shot and she's still on nerve blockers and suffering from flareups!
  • cxwhit3
    cxwhit3 Posts: 293 Member
    Challenge Start Weight: 171.8
    Challenge Goal: 165

    Week 1: 171.4
    Week 2: 171.7
    Week 3: 174.7

    Comments: Don't ask - I have no idea what's going on with me. We've been eating out a lot and hanging with the grandkids (which mean finger food availability). Or maybe I'm just getting ready to hibernate. Either way, not a good direction. I've got to get my head back in the game!!
  • poeciliareticulata
    poeciliareticulata Posts: 110 Member
    cxwhit3 wrote: »

    I got my flu shot just this week. Am also trying to get the new shingles vaccination. For those of us over 50, it should be covered by most health care plans and is a series of two shots that are supposed to be 90% effective. (I've had the other one, which was 50% effective). If you had chicken pox when you were a kid (or later) then you have the shingles virus dormant in your system. And stress is one of the major activators! My stepmom got it 5 years ago a week before my dad died even though she had the older shot and she's still on nerve blockers and suffering from flareups!

    I’m in the UK where you can get the shingles vaccine on the NHS if you are either 70 or 78 (very precise). Chickenpox vaccination isn’t one of the childhood vaccinations here, so nearly everyone gets chickenpox as a kid (my class at school got down to 2 when I had it!). I’m not allowed live vaccines with my medication though, so shingles is out. I’ve booked an appointment with my GP for next week so I will ask about flu though.
  • shroodle88
    shroodle88 Posts: 123 Member
    Challenge Start Weight: 67kg January 2018
    Challenge Goal: 57kg

    Week 1:
    Week 2:
    Week 3: 60kg (lowest recorded on Saturday was 57.8kg)

    A positive thought for the week: I saw the magic number 57 on the scales!

    Healthy snack or meal: alpro soy yoghurt with oats and chia seeds for breakfast. Surprisingly nice!

    Best workout this week: swimming 1000m twice

    Comments: Sorry, I'm late this week! First, I got a tendon injury from running. Not terrible, but I am pausing. Oh what a bummer! I am swimming instead, but it's not the same in terms of calorie burn. Second, after a brilliant week of heroic discipline and weightloss, the scales started moving again. But then I lost it on Sunday - I know my triggers, I just seem unable to stop. But ... inspite of the number on the scales, my body feels different: slim legs and definitely less tummy fat. So I am trusting that instead.

    Actually, dear group, can I ask: What do you do to avoid emotional eating? My triggers are mostly around work stress and work-related social anxiety. At the moment, I am on a research/networking trip and I get so nervous around meetings/conferences that I fill myself up with food to tame the anxiety. I am sane on most other occasions, but this one gets me EVERY time. - Any tips or tricks are greatly appreciated!
  • cxwhit3
    cxwhit3 Posts: 293 Member
    leonadixon wrote: »
    Start Weight:200.8 (January 2018)
    Challenge Start Weight:189.8
    Challenge Goal Weight:175

    Weigh in #1: 186.6
    Weigh in #2: 186.4
    Weigh in #3: 190.4

    Comments: So a couple of things here for me! I did NOT make my weigh in by 8 pounds for work. Oh well, just keep swimming. I need to lose 19 pounds in the next year now. Well within my goals and should be achievable.

    I bought a new scale because mine was being very weird and inconsistent (it was pretty old). THIS scale is weighing 2 pounds more than my other one. So I have an extra 2 from that going forward. I also decided to take a diet break for 10 days. I was going to do 2 weeks but it's already making me crazy. I have been dieting for 9 months straight. I needed a psychological break and it made sense to do it after my work weigh in. Trying to eat at maintenance during this time, so I have another 2 pounds extra from that. The nice thing is, it's NOT freaking me out! Back on track with lots of diligence and less pressure starting on Monday. I can still make this goal! Have a great week everyone :smiley:

    I hear you! We are all here for you!
  • leonadixon
    leonadixon Posts: 479 Member
    shroodle88 wrote: »
    Challenge Start Weight: 67kg January 2018
    Challenge Goal: 57kg

    Week 1:
    Week 2:
    Week 3: 60kg (lowest recorded on Saturday was 57.8kg)

    A positive thought for the week: I saw the magic number 57 on the scales!

    Healthy snack or meal: alpro soy yoghurt with oats and chia seeds for breakfast. Surprisingly nice!

    Best workout this week: swimming 1000m twice

    Comments: Sorry, I'm late this week! First, I got a tendon injury from running. Not terrible, but I am pausing. Oh what a bummer! I am swimming instead, but it's not the same in terms of calorie burn. Second, after a brilliant week of heroic discipline and weightloss, the scales started moving again. But then I lost it on Sunday - I know my triggers, I just seem unable to stop. But ... inspite of the number on the scales, my body feels different: slim legs and definitely less tummy fat. So I am trusting that instead.

    Actually, dear group, can I ask: What do you do to avoid emotional eating? My triggers are mostly around work stress and work-related social anxiety. At the moment, I am on a research/networking trip and I get so nervous around meetings/conferences that I fill myself up with food to tame the anxiety. I am sane on most other occasions, but this one gets me EVERY time. - Any tips or tricks are greatly appreciated!

    I've gotten my emotional eating pretty well contained (mostly). The first thing that helped me was moving to Intermittent Fasting. Not in any strict sense, but eating 2 meals a day (lunch and dinner to maintain a deficit). When I moved to only 2 larger meals, I was not hungry enough to eat when I don't need to. I also gave up on some core triggers for me (sweets) for about a month and this helped tremendously as well to get cravings out of my system. Good luck to you!
  • SmithsonianEmpress
    SmithsonianEmpress Posts: 1,163 Member
    shroodle88 wrote: »
    Challenge Start Weight: 67kg January 2018
    Challenge Goal: 57kg

    Week 1:
    Week 2:
    Week 3: 60kg (lowest recorded on Saturday was 57.8kg)

    A positive thought for the week: I saw the magic number 57 on the scales!

    Healthy snack or meal: alpro soy yoghurt with oats and chia seeds for breakfast. Surprisingly nice!

    Best workout this week: swimming 1000m twice

    Comments: Sorry, I'm late this week! First, I got a tendon injury from running. Not terrible, but I am pausing. Oh what a bummer! I am swimming instead, but it's not the same in terms of calorie burn. Second, after a brilliant week of heroic discipline and weightloss, the scales started moving again. But then I lost it on Sunday - I know my triggers, I just seem unable to stop. But ... inspite of the number on the scales, my body feels different: slim legs and definitely less tummy fat. So I am trusting that instead.

    Actually, dear group, can I ask: What do you do to avoid emotional eating? My triggers are mostly around work stress and work-related social anxiety. At the moment, I am on a research/networking trip and I get so nervous around meetings/conferences that I fill myself up with food to tame the anxiety. I am sane on most other occasions, but this one gets me EVERY time. - Any tips or tricks are greatly appreciated!

    No advice about the anxiety eating just wanted to tell you you’re not alone. Instead of me eating though I get BAD headaches. I realize at some point last year they were anxiety related by truly observing that after the “event” the headache leaves.
  • shroodle88
    shroodle88 Posts: 123 Member
    Thanks Leonadixon & Smithonian! I appreciate your comments. There are a few interesting things about intermittent fasting and emotional eating out on the interwebs. I guess it makes sense to have no-food times in the day and simply make it a no-go area. Can I ask you how do handle dinner invitations, and social situations where food is a requirement? Instead of sweets might have to give up alcohol - not because I am a drinker but because it paralyses any kind of willpower around food for me.
  • leonadixon
    leonadixon Posts: 479 Member
    shroodle88 wrote: »
    Thanks Leonadixon & Smithonian! I appreciate your comments. There are a few interesting things about intermittent fasting and emotional eating out on the interwebs. I guess it makes sense to have no-food times in the day and simply make it a no-go area. Can I ask you how do handle dinner invitations, and social situations where food is a requirement? Instead of sweets might have to give up alcohol - not because I am a drinker but because it paralyses any kind of willpower around food for me.

    I just plan ahead. I look up their menu ahead of time if they have it available and if not, find something comparable and log it. Once it's logged, I know how to plan. I think it helps with the sweets and alcohol as well when you know what calories you have to "play with" or not. You will find your way as you experiment with it. Just be kind to yourself and HONEST with your tracking. Being honest with my tracking has helped me a ton. Rather than just not logging when I knew I had a crap day was just ruining my progress and my mental state about the whole process.
  • shroodle88
    shroodle88 Posts: 123 Member
    leonadixon wrote: »
    shroodle88 wrote: »
    Thanks Leonadixon & Smithonian! I appreciate your comments. There are a few interesting things about intermittent fasting and emotional eating out on the interwebs. I guess it makes sense to have no-food times in the day and simply make it a no-go area. Can I ask you how do handle dinner invitations, and social situations where food is a requirement? Instead of sweets might have to give up alcohol - not because I am a drinker but because it paralyses any kind of willpower around food for me.

    I just plan ahead. I look up their menu ahead of time if they have it available and if not, find something comparable and log it. Once it's logged, I know how to plan. I think it helps with the sweets and alcohol as well when you know what calories you have to "play with" or not. You will find your way as you experiment with it. Just be kind to yourself and HONEST with your tracking. Being honest with my tracking has helped me a ton. Rather than just not logging when I knew I had a crap day was just ruining my progress and my mental state about the whole process.

    Yes, I also find planning very useful and log consistently. Only, sometimes it's not enough. :-) I'm actually considering online counselling. I need to learn a different way of dealing with negative emotions. I've never done this, but I would like to make a break - the prospect of fighting myself for the rest of my life to keep my weight and lose the same 2kg all over again every month is just daunting.
  • cxwhit3
    cxwhit3 Posts: 293 Member
    shroodle88 wrote: »
    leonadixon wrote: »
    shroodle88 wrote: »
    Thanks Leonadixon & Smithonian! I appreciate your comments. There are a few interesting things about intermittent fasting and emotional eating out on the interwebs. I guess it makes sense to have no-food times in the day and simply make it a no-go area. Can I ask you how do handle dinner invitations, and social situations where food is a requirement? Instead of sweets might have to give up alcohol - not because I am a drinker but because it paralyses any kind of willpower around food for me.

    I just plan ahead. I look up their menu ahead of time if they have it available and if not, find something comparable and log it. Once it's logged, I know how to plan. I think it helps with the sweets and alcohol as well when you know what calories you have to "play with" or not. You will find your way as you experiment with it. Just be kind to yourself and HONEST with your tracking. Being honest with my tracking has helped me a ton. Rather than just not logging when I knew I had a crap day was just ruining my progress and my mental state about the whole process.

    Yes, I also find planning very useful and log consistently. Only, sometimes it's not enough. :-) I'm actually considering online counselling. I need to learn a different way of dealing with negative emotions. I've never done this, but I would like to make a break - the prospect of fighting myself for the rest of my life to keep my weight and lose the same 2kg all over again every month is just daunting.

    This might sound silly, but do you knit? An article I read a couple of years ago recommended knitting as a stress reliever. The reason was that the repetition is soothing and apparently so is working with fibers. Plus you produce/create something useful/fun/beautiful. I find it also keeps my hands busy so I don’t eat and requires that my hands stay clean so I can’t eat while doing it