Weekly Post 15/10/2018 - 21/10/2018

Meghan509 Posts: 1,998 Member
Good morning all!

Just wanted to get the new weekly thread going. I see I need to go catch up with all of the weekend action! Sorry for not getting in here to say hello. Crazy, busy weekend!

Going to catch up on last week and then come back with a fresh post in a bit.

Hope you are all off to a great day! Here is to a great week!!


  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Back! Had to do a little catching up.
    Love seeing everybody checking in! Feeling back on track and sticking to a plan is contagious, don't you think!!
    Thank you for your kind comments. I like coming here and checking in and keeping the thread going. It sort of feels strange if I don't post.

    My weekend was great and busy! Went to a couple of used book fairs. Had a memorial service on Saturday for a friend's Dad, and had a lovely dinner with my guy's family on Saturday night.

    Going to stick to 1200-1500 a day this week depending on the day. Planning to get to the gym each day after work Monday through Thursday and on the weekend at least once maybe twice if things are not too crazy.

    Yes, I would love a thread dedicated to "stats" as we used to call them on a low carb board I was on a billion years back. :) I will post mine here and then we can use the separate thread for going forward. @flossyruby1 do you want to kick that thread off, since it was your idea. :)

    I weigh in once a week on Fridays. I will post each week on Friday if that is cool.
    Female, 5 ' 4", 46 years old
    starting weight: 240 February 2012 :( , current weight: 176.6, goal weight: 145??
    Honestly I may update my goal to 160. We shall see how the weight comes off.

    Have a good day all. Chat with you soon.
  • flossyruby1
    flossyruby1 Posts: 337 Member
    @Meghan509 Awesome!! I’d be happy to get that going!! I’ll start it tomorrow and you know...it doesn’t matter what the check-in day is! So I’ll start the thread when I check in tomorrow!!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Good morning all!

    Cool, sounds like a plan @flossyruby1 I think that thread will be useful for a lot of reasons. It will help us be accountable and it will encourage others. (To name a few quick reasons off the top of my head)!

    Not too much happening here. Yesterday went well. Only thing is I skipped the gym because a) I was tired from staying up really late Sunday night watching football :), b) I reallllly needed to get my closet and shoes switched over from summer to winter. When it is 50/60 degrees Fahrenheit it is really time to put the summer open toed shoes away and bring out the leather boots, sweaters, etc. Got everything done last night. Pared down a few items too. Too much stuff that i don't wear that someone else can enjoy. Clothing, shoes, etc. etc.

    Today we have a luncheon for a colleague who is retiring. So that means I didn't bring my lunch, which makes me twitch a little. I just put in my breakfast and my dinner and I have like 800+ calories for the rest of the day. I am pretty sure if I don't go crazy at lunch, I will be fine. Just have no idea what they are serving. Could be pizza, salad, or something else. Sigh... I got this. Gulping some water now. Will head to the gym tonight after work.

    Have a good one all! For those who were fasting yesterday I hope your day went well!
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Hi all! Have a really nice lunch out yesterday but I was so full I could barely have dinner... then I blew it (with unmentionables). Today I’m fasting! Tuesday fasting is getting done!! Lunch will be 4 oz of 1%cottage cheese and some very tasty homegrown grape tomatoes! The I think a sriracha/mayo coleslaw salad for dinner with a little shredded chicken..yum!

    Meghan I was just talking about clearing out older shoes/sandals & boots on Saturday!! Key word there is ‘talking’... I’m staying home today to get lots of housework done as I think I forgot to clean last week!! I’ll try to add shoe clearing to my list! Good luck on your lunch! I’m sure you’ll be fine...

    Thanks flossy, look forward to participating in your motivating new thread! I’m all for new approaches to getting motivated!

    Off to get my cleaning uniform on!! (No I don’t have an apron!)

    Cheers! And who’s fasting today??
  • flossyruby1
    flossyruby1 Posts: 337 Member
    Weekly stats thread is up. When I weight in next week, I’ll copy my original info and add to it so you see a “running total”. Some members post the lbs lost, some do their weight, some add brief snippets about how they did, others just either say yeah or express their frustration. Whatever works for you!!! Let me know if you’d like me to change anything!
  • flossyruby1
    flossyruby1 Posts: 337 Member
    Just checking in today. Had my first textbook FD on Monday...it’s been a while since I’ve done that. I was hoping to see the scale dip below 150, but it was not meant to be. I’m subbing tomorrow, so I’ll be busy dealing with kids. It will make a good FD. I do best without a lot of idle time.

    I suspect my body’s refusal to cooperate has to do with how much I’m exercising. But I’m not going to quit. TBH, between seeing my 50th birthday on the horizon (April) and seeing what 50 typically looks like, I’m just not willing to turn into that. I started a new job with Weight Watchers and I’m seeing such a variety of shapes/sizes and what that looks like at different ages. Seeing people who are younger than me, but look older. Seeing older people who act younger. It’s been an interesting experience bc it’s shaping how I see myself getting older and what I want to be. I don’t know about you, but I feel like I’m always evolving. A year ago I was dancing...it’s all I ever thought about. Today, I’m runnning and cycling, lifting weights. Exercise has always helped me feel good about what my body can do. I bought a new bike yesterday. So if the running continues pain free, perhaps I’ll start to swim again and just do a triathlon. I’ve always been active, but having athletic goals helps to steer my focus from exercising to help me lose weight to finishing an event.

    Sorry for the rambling. It’s 6:15 am. Kids are still sleeping, so my mind is in control right now. Have a great day, everyone. It’s good to be back!!
  • flossyruby1
    flossyruby1 Posts: 337 Member
    Oops...forgot to mention-@meghan509, great job pre-planning!! That’s been my strategy this week. Hoping it pays off.

    @mamainthekitchen It’s always good to hear from you!!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Good morning all!

    Thanks for your kind words. The luncheon went pretty well. I had one slice of pizza and a big plate full of salad. I totally could have gone for more than one slice of pizza, because I love it. But instead I went back for seconds of salad. I had a few bites of a small piece of cake that they had. It was worth it because a bakery had baked it. Went to the gym after work last night and ate a normal dinner. All in all, not too shabby. Onward and upward!

    Found out via phone call reminder that I have a hair appointment tomorrow after work. I had not written that date in my calendar, so if she didn't call I would have forgotten. :( That means unfortunately I will need to miss the gym tomorrow. Not a good week doing just two workouts but not going to harp on the negative. Will try and hit the gym on the weekend and plan to do better next week. Four or more workouts in a week, is preferred. (For me).

    @mamainthekitchen too funny about the shoes! I found that since losing weight my foot got smaller! So shoes and boots that used to fit me fine when I was heavier, are now too loose. I never had a wide foot either. Very typical size 7 or 7 1/2 here. Totally average. If I try and wear those old shoes - woosh, off my shoe comes! Not cool! So I tossed a bunch of shoes and boots that are in pretty good shape. They will be heading off to an agency, group, etc. where someone can give them a good life.

    @flossyruby1 I hear you about big birthdays! My guy is five years older than me, so he and all his close buddies turned 50 last year. Big birthdays are a time for reflection for sure. You got this! I find that age is different from when you were younger. Like when my parents were turning 50, that seemed old. Now 50 is four years older than me. I feel young. I guess age is just a number. Women are like fine wine - better with age! ;)
    Exciting about your new job at WW. I do like that program a lot. It has worked for me on and off for the past 20+ years. Years ago when I was still in my late 20's I had a really nice lady who was our counselor at the time. They wanted me to get to goal so I could work there. They told me they would make me an inch taller so that I'd be closer to my goal. LOL Great people at WW! In my case, I scrapped WW and continued on with my journey of over eating and not exercising... But I will never forget that facility and the lovely people there!

    Well I guess I better get back to it. Thanks for the new thread, flossy! I will start posting there on Fridays. :)

    See you guys soon. Make it an awesome one!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Good morning everybody.

    Hope you are having a good day and a great week.

    Not much going on with me. Been busy at work which makes the time go by faster. :)

    About to have a little oatmeal and planning to stick to a 1200 calorie day.

    I'll check back later on you all. Have a good day. If you are fasting - hope your day is easy peasy!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Hello gang.

    Looking around... Where did everybody go? :)

    Hope your week is going well. Busy now. Will pop back in later to see if anybody has posted.

    Have a great day. TGIF!
  • flossyruby1
    flossyruby1 Posts: 337 Member
    Good morning, all!! I had a pretty FD yesterday that quickly deteriorated once I got home. I HATE that bc it’s such a waste. Today I’m “accidentally” fasting, which means I was late getting out the door, so I couldn’t make anything to eat. I’m not sure I’ll be eating lunch...I’ll decide when I get home. My week of preplanning my meals worked pretty well. I’m going to do it again this next week...hope it translates to a loss on the scale next time.

    Happy weekend!!
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member

    I’m fighting a cold!! First cold to have to fight off in about 4 years!!! Shouldn’t complain, but I will :#

    Great ideas to switch up your exercise Flossy! I’m not a bike rider, but my husband is and he uses that app, ‘map my ride’ to calculate his distance, speed, cals lost etc. makes my walking look worthless in terms of calories lost but I prefer to walk.

    Sounds like preplanning meals is the way to go. I can’t seem to ever do this! Too many opinionated people I live with to ever achieve that goal. I’m pretty good with making pasta as a side for ‘them’ and omit that for me, just add an extra veg. It’s the picking in between meals or the after dinner treats that gets me in trouble. Last night I headed to bed at 9:30 which is helpful for extra sleep but also I avoid the snacking hour! I need to do that more often!!! The last few nights I’ve really stuck to lower calorie days, today I may fast to take advantage of how I feel... so broth soup is in my future and maybe a boiled egg.

    Off to take a vitamin c drink!! Considering a walk because it’s gorgeous weather.... blue sky and a little crisp. Gardening may happen too if my head feels better later.

    Happy Friday people
    I added to the stats page!!!!! Woohoo
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,554 Member
    Hello, EVERYONE! It is great to see all of you back! @Meghan509 really held down the fort.
    Speaking of big birthdays, I am 40 today. Looked in the mirror really hard. I won't make it to 50 if I don't do something soon. The worst part is I just can't add anything else to my list of things to do right now. I have to figure out how to fast and lose weight without putting much time/thought into it. With school and work and family and everything else, I just can't seem to get fasting in, too. I have to figure this out soon.
    Sorry for the ramble. Have a great day! Happy fasting!
  • flossyruby1
    flossyruby1 Posts: 337 Member
    You are one busy girl @KateNkognito!!! I’ve been feeling the time crunch with everyone’s schedule, too. I’m trying to spend time on the weekends planning our meals and pre-prepping where appropriate. But when I get home from work, it doesn’t always pan out. Happy Birthday, BTW. 40 is a milestone for sure. I like myself more now...just with the exterior looked a little better :p
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    @flossyruby1 - I too really like the idea of a progress thread. It can be a really great tool to see yourself in the eyes of others. What I consider my own meager results might be amazing to another. I like the image @snaps27 posted with both the numbers and the graph. Maybe she can let us know how she did that?

    Had a OK week but gained a pound. Not sure why. There is always next week. :)

    @KateNkognito - A challenge to ponder - maybe you can't add anything to your list, however, by your own admission, the list won't matter if you are not taking good care of yourself. If you are open to it, write down all the reasons the list is more important than you. Might prove quite insightful. Another thought is not to go full force into 5:2 but do substitutions, i.e. apple for cake, rice cakes for potato chips, water for soda, etc. Those little things add up. And weighing and measuring can be quite time consuming, I know! I find bagged salads can make life a lot easier. Easy way to get veggies in. Also, if you can stand it, repeating meals can save lots of time. Create meals on MFP (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) and use it over and over again. Saves time on meal prep and calorie counting. Finally, ask for help. These hard goals we are trying to accomplish need accomplices. :) You are worth it!

    In my busy week, I forgot to congratulate @snaps27 on her PhD!!! You rock girl! Congratulations. Hope you get a good nap in this weekend. You have earned it!

    Going to check out the progress thread. Super excited about this new addition. :D

  • flossyruby1
    flossyruby1 Posts: 337 Member
    @jknight001 Thank you for the reminder that many small substitutions throughout the day can make a huge impact!! Tonight, I made enchiladas for my kids and didn’t use nearly as much cheese as the recipe called. I used to be more conscientious about things like that, but I’d gotten out of the habit!
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Hi all, well I thought I had a pretty good food day... healthy toasted salmon sandwich for lunch, no snack in the afternoon then chicken wings, veggie platter and homemade hummus & pita for dinner... then I found the rest of a chocolate bar in the freezer! Darn ... ended my day at just over 1800cals! Plus I didn’t walk today!! So I can’t even subtract if I wanted too! Well, I logged it and tomorrow is a new day, but even though, up until the choco bar, I thought my choices were ok... they really weren’t, never knew franks hot wings were so high in cals!!

    I’m really liking having my stats up and ‘out there’ so I’m determined to show a downward trend. Tomorrow I’m busy gardening at the folks then back to walk my dog. Have a great Monday people! Talk soon.