TEAM: The Big Butt Theory (November)

AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
Welcome to the Challenge new and returning teammates!! This is the conversation/weigh in thread for your Team :) Keep on losing because our first weigh ins begin THIS Sunday! I am here for you should you need anything - simply message me or tag me by putting an '@' just before my username (NO SPACES) and I will get to you asap! ~ Ashley @AB0215 or Craig @craigo3154 .


    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Hello, team The Big Butt Theory! Welcome to November and a special welcome to the newcomers. Please take a moment to introduce yourselves to the team and tell us a little bit about your goals for the month.

    Hi, my name is Lisa and I have been with this team since last October and in a leadership role since December. I am your captain for November. I am 52, a Canadian living in Southern Ontario, married 27 years and have two grown sons. One is done school, living at home and working at the family business. The other is still in school, but completing his business degree in Germany.

    Truthfully, I am really struggling right now. I just can't seem to stay at it consistently, You know what they say....consistency is key!! But, being involved with this group helps to at least keep my head above water!! If you are struggling, it can help you, too. So, the more you interact, the more you will feel the team's support.

    A little about this runs Sunday to Saturday. Post your weigh-in on this thread on your chosen weigh-in day. If you need to miss a weigh-in, let me know. If you forget to post a weigh-in, post as soon as you remember, up until Saturday evening. (I'd say Saturday at midnight, EDT, but I am not up that late!) Please post a weight even if you have gained. There is no judgement here, only support, and it happens to all of us at some point!! If you miss two weigh-ins, you will be removed from the month and will have to re-register for the next month if you wish to continue.

    Yes, this is a weight loss challenge, but I would like you to think of it more as a support group. Sometimes, you can do all the right things, but the scale just doesn't move. If you have taken measurements you will be able to see that you are making progress, just not contributing to the team's weight loss. But we don't want you to despair, or leave, if this happens, thus the focus on the "support" aspect!

    We are all here for the same lose weight and get healthy. Some days will go better than others....weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint, after all!! But with the support of this team, and some hard work, we can all make it to the finish line!

    Have a great November, everyone!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Hello again, team TBBT. The November challenge doesn't officially start until Sunday November the 4th, but I thought I'd give you some more information so that you can be ready to jump in with both feet! Within the main weight loss challenge we have another optional, but highly recommended, challenge. It is called the Mini Ultimate Accountability Challenge, or the Mini Challenge. It is based on another MFP challenge group by the same name, or UAC.

    The way it works is simple:

    1. Log everything you eat that has calories in MFP.
    2. Stay inside your allotted daily calorie budget.
    3. Do at least 20 minutes of activity daily. This could be anything that gets you off the couch and being active: run, walk, cycle, swim, gardening, housework, yoga, gym, etc.
    4. Report each day on this thread (something to the effect of logged food: yes, under calories: yes, exercise: yes, and a brief description is nice)

    ****When you post your accountability, please put the date, or the day of the week to which you are referring. We are all in different time zones, and some people post in the evening for that day, and others post the next morning, so it gets confusing trying to decipher without a day or date. Thanks!!!*****

    You get one free pass day a week (went over calories, could not log food, rest day, etc.) At the end of the week, if you have managed to be "accountable" for at least 6 of 7 days, you will be recognized on this thread as being in the Winner's Circle!

    This strategy works for weight loss because it is based on CI<CO. When calories in are less than calories out, you stay inside your allotted daily calorie budget, and you will lose weight! And exercise is just good for you, plus it will burn calories and help with the calories out portion of the equation!

    What's great about this challenge is that it works for everyone, as long as you are honest with yourself. There are no dietary restrictions, so you can eat whatever you like, and follow whatever plan you like. Your own daily calorie budget is set by you and MFP and you choose your own exercise and intensity of exercise! Plus it is a practice that can be carried beyond weight loss into maintenance! If you are having a bad week, a new week and a fresh start is just around the corner!

    Consistency and new habits have been shown to be the keys to long term successful weight loss. Why not make the Mini Ultimate Accountability Challenge your new habit, that you do consistently!!

    Week #1 for the Mini Challenge starts Sunday, November the 4th!!
  • ddeliciosa
    ddeliciosa Posts: 168 Member
    Hey there big booty Judies. My name is Danielle. I'm 23 - getting my doctorate in pharmacy (last year, yay!), have two wonderful little dogs, and just trying to get back on the healthy track. I've let my health and weight slip a bit during school, and I'd like to get back to my pre-pharmacy school weight (140s, I'm 161ish now). Right now my calorie goal is set to 1200, which may be adjusted if it seems unobtainable and I'm starting up couch to 5k (again). I'm looking forward to joining the team.
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    ddeliciosa wrote: »
    Hey there big booty Judies. My name is Danielle. I'm 23 - getting my doctorate in pharmacy (last year, yay!), have two wonderful little dogs, and just trying to get back on the healthy track. I've let my health and weight slip a bit during school, and I'd like to get back to my pre-pharmacy school weight (140s, I'm 161ish now). Right now my calorie goal is set to 1200, which may be adjusted if it seems unobtainable and I'm starting up couch to 5k (again). I'm looking forward to joining the team.

    Welcome, Danielle!! A doctorate in Pharmacy....congratulations!! Makes sense that your health would take a back seat while in school, but good for you to realize, now that you are in your final year, that it is time to change your focus!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Hey everyone! I’m Linny, and I’m 22 years old. I’m starting school next month for dental assisting, and working on saving up for a car, and learning to drive. :) I’ve been on my weight loss journey since March 2017, and back in August, I hit my 100 pound loss mark, which was an amazing feeling. But since then, I’ve gained back some of that weight, and I’m ready to lose it back, plus some. I’m 5’1” and my starting weight, at the beginning of my journey was 259lbs, my lowest weight was 157lbs, and I’m currently weighing in at 170.8 lbs. If I could get back down to 163 pounds by the end of November, that would be great, so that’s kind of what I’m shooting for.
    I’m really excited to be doing this challenge in November, because in the past, I’ve typically always gained weight between October and December with all of the tempting seasonal foods, and what not, but I’ve decided that this year is going to end a bit differently. It’s nice to meet you all! 😊

    Welcome, Linny!! First off, congratulations on losing 100 pounds!! Yes, okay, you've gained a little back, but my math tells me you are still down ~88 pounds, and that is still a great accomplishment!!! Secondly, well done to you for recognizing that you typically gain this time of year, for understanding why, and then for consciously and actively doing something about it by joining this group!! You know what they say, "If you fail to plan, then plan to fail!!"
  • bizgirl26
    bizgirl26 Posts: 1,808 Member
    @LinnyKitten your goals are similar to mine . My initial goal is 100 pounds but I might go 110. I had lost 94 , gained back 20 and now I've lost it all again.
  • MelsLeanDream
    MelsLeanDream Posts: 305 Member
    Hi. My name is Melanie and I'm back!
    I am 39 with 2 young sons (8 and 5). I live in Australia and work most nights doing a physical job (yay for my step count!) I'm planning on staying focused on my health and taking part in the mini challenge daily for accountability.
    Starting Weight: 196.9lb
  • mikea2g
    mikea2g Posts: 384 Member
    edited October 2018
    Hey all! My name is Mike and November makes month number 3 in this challenge for me. I’m 39, I work from home and my wife and I homeschool our 2 daughters (age 8 and 4). We live in central Florida, so the weather feels finally nice enough to venture outside :)

    I started on the weight loss journey this time on July 25 at 309. Last Friday I was down to 268. My for real end goal is 225. I’m doing a combo of calorie deficit and low carb with exercise.

    I love the mini challenge. It’s helped me make a better decision several times so far. My goal for November is to get into the 250s, sweat everyday, enjoy thanksgiving and holiday foods in moderation and try to enjoy the weight loss journey a bit more than I have been. I’ve been a bit of a grump these last weeks. :neutral:

    Let’s all have a great month of progress!
  • heaz10
    heaz10 Posts: 311 Member
    Hi Everyone, my name is Heather and I am new to this challenge. I am 47, work full time, and have two kids that keep me very busy with their activities. I have allowed my weight to creep up. I had some injuries that sidelined me for awhile, but am cleared to resume activities. I need to make better food choices and track what I eat. I am hoping being responsible to a team will help me stay motivated. My overall goal is probably around 75 pounds, but for November I would be happy with losing 7-10 pounds.
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    heaz10 wrote: »
    Hi Everyone, my name is Heather and I am new to this challenge. I am 47, work full time, and have two kids that keep me very busy with their activities. I have allowed my weight to creep up. I had some injuries that sidelined me for awhile, but am cleared to resume activities. I need to make better food choices and track what I eat. I am hoping being responsible to a team will help me stay motivated. My overall goal is probably around 75 pounds, but for November I would be happy with losing 7-10 pounds.

    Welcome, Heather! Tracking your food is the best strategy for losing weight. That, coupled with exercise, (now that you are cleared to resume activity), is a winning combination!! Best of luck in reaching your goals for November!!
  • mikea2g
    mikea2g Posts: 384 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    heaz10 wrote: »
    Hi Everyone, my name is Heather and I am new to this challenge. I am 47, work full time, and have two kids that keep me very busy with their activities. I have allowed my weight to creep up. I had some injuries that sidelined me for awhile, but am cleared to resume activities. I need to make better food choices and track what I eat. I am hoping being responsible to a team will help me stay motivated. My overall goal is probably around 75 pounds, but for November I would be happy with losing 7-10 pounds.

    Welcome, Heather! Tracking your food is the best strategy for losing weight. That, coupled with exercise, (now that you are cleared to resume activity), is a winning combination!! Best of luck in reaching your goals for November!!

    @heaz10 I always focused on exercise first but kept getting injuries and excuses, so exercise never happened, which meant good food choices never happened.

    This time around I’m focusing on the food first, wether I exercise or not. It’s made a huge difference in consistency and loss. Three cheers to tracking and making smart food decisions first!
  • T34S3l
    T34S3l Posts: 93 Member
    Hello all, I'm T, I am also new here! I am 30 years old and I want to change the way that I'm seen (as being obese). My plan going forward is to aim for 1400 a day focusing on balanced macros, more water, add more walking along with BWE and fingers crossed to lose something! Numbers wise, my overall goal is to loose another 38.2lbs, having lost around 80 already, I expect this to be tough, if I could get into the 20's I'd be thrilled! I will join the mini challenge daily for accountability and motivation. Good luck everyone! :)
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    T34S3l wrote: »
    Hello all, I'm T, I am also new here! I am 30 years old and I want to change the way that I'm seen (as being obese). My plan going forward is to aim for 1400 a day focusing on balanced macros, more water, add more walking along with BWE and fingers crossed to lose something! Numbers wise, my overall goal is to loose another 38.2lbs, having lost around 80 already, I expect this to be tough, if I could get into the 20's I'd be thrilled! I will join the mini challenge daily for accountability and motivation. Good luck everyone! :)

    Welcome, T!! It sounds like you have a solid plan in place. Congratulations on losing 80 pounds so far!!! Here's to the next 38.2!!
  • RinsenRepeat
    RinsenRepeat Posts: 78 Member
    Hi I'm Marion, 41, and returning to the challenge I participated in, since the 1st quarter of this year.

    The previous challenges helped me gain momentum with progress back towards restoring health. Training myself to build consistency, by being held accountible by the mini challenge, as well as the overall monthly challenges, is key for me to remain successful and confront and work on my personal problems that mirrored in my weight.

    Since the 2nd and 3rd quarter I achieved stabilization and maintenance phase at 50% my goal achieved.

    I am ready to enter the next reduction challenge and work day by day to achieve 100% of my goal before 31 December 2018.

    Welcome and good luck to all the others in our team! B)
  • Nicoletime4me
    Nicoletime4me Posts: 531 Member
    Hello, my name is Nicole (40). I have previously participated in these challenges going on a year now. I’m not were I want to be like many of us. For this month of November I would like to set a goal of drinking more water and limit my sweet tooth.

    Welcome everyone and good luck!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Hi I'm Marion, 41, and returning to the challenge I participated in, since the 1st quarter of this year.

    The previous challenges helped me gain momentum with progress back towards restoring health. Training myself to build consistency, by being held accountible by the mini challenge, as well as the overall monthly challenges, is key for me to remain successful and confront and work on my personal problems that mirrored in my weight.

    Since the 2nd and 3rd quarter I achieved stabilization and maintenance phase at 50% my goal achieved.

    I am ready to enter the next reduction challenge and work day by day to achieve 100% of my goal before 31 December 2018.

    Welcome and good luck to all the others in our team! B)

    Welcome back, Marion! Hope we can help you reach your year's end goal!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Hello, my name is Nicole (40). I have previously participated in these challenges going on a year now. I’m not were I want to be like many of us. For this month of November I would like to set a goal of drinking more water and limit my sweet tooth.

    Welcome everyone and good luck!

    I need to join you on that, Nicole.......more water and less sugar!!
  • scarapet
    scarapet Posts: 6 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Sara. I’m 32 and I’m from Alberta, Canada. I’m a registered nurse. This is my first challenge. I joined MFP a long time ago but am just getting back into it after a few years. I have a lot of weight I would like to lose overall.My goals for this challenge are to lose 8-10lbs, drink enough water and to do more meal prep rather than buying food out.
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