Introduce Yourself!



  • littlebabekitty
    littlebabekitty Posts: 388 Member
    Hi Everyone. My name is Stephanie. I'm 26 yrs old happily married wife and mother of a toddler and newborn. Newbie vegan but was Vegetarian for 15 years before. I love visual art, nature and creation.
  • violetta5345
    violetta5345 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi. I'm Kat. I've been a vegetarian for about 15 years and a vegan for the past year. I have a lot of good recipes in my diary. Feel free to add me if you'd like another vegan friend.
  • Pr1ssP
    Pr1ssP Posts: 3 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm brand new to MFP. I tried it briefly a few years ago, but didn't like the format for entering recipes. I'm happy to say that the format now is much easier to use. Haven't yet seen an easy way to look up calories counts and suggested portion sizes on the mobile app. Of course, I can just search on the web in general. Vegan is the lifestyle for me, with most days going low in fat. I'd love to add some friends here on MFP.


  • moonbeamgirl
    moonbeamgirl Posts: 4 Member
    HI! I have been vegan for 3 years now. I have no vegan or vegetarian friends. Would love some. I am a married mom to 3 kids. I have been trying to shed some weight for the last 4 years. I use a fitbit every day. I walk my lab and pitbull everyday. I have a gym membership but i hate going. I went vegan mainly for animals but i hoped i would love the weight like that. So here I am still trying to lose weight. Feel free to friend me. I am trying to stay motivated this time around. Joined WW online recently.
  • newvegdi
    newvegdi Posts: 9 Member
    Hi- I've been ovo/ lacto pescetarian for the last 6 years and transitioned to vegan in the last month. I'm also looking for MFP friends going though this change so feel free to friend me. So far it's been really exciting-- breaking me out of my old food ruts (bye bye cheese) and I have loads more energy. Going vegan has been a goal of mine for some time now, and I'm committed to success.
  • TxTiffani
    TxTiffani Posts: 798 Member
    kelCshea wrote: »
    So excited to see everyone's posts! My name is Kelsey and I hail from Texas. I have been vegetarian since January 2015 always with the intent of going full vegan for the animals and environment. Anyone in the group can add me, there are tons of awesome IG vegan pages but i have no "IRL" vegan friends so I feel most you guys' pain! <3

    I'm also from Texas! It's hard because meat is such a big thing in TX....steaks, bbq's, etc... I have one vegan friend and a vegetarian cousin, but just found a fb group for my city that has vegans and vegetarians so that's cool:)
  • WishfulShrinking331
    WishfulShrinking331 Posts: 244 Member
    Hello! My name is Nicole! I have been a vegetarian for 3 years and a vegan for 10 months! So excited to see this group! I'm always looking to connect with fellow vegans! :)
  • Cailia
    Cailia Posts: 15 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm Cailia. I've been vegan for three years (as of the 18th of this month). My family and I went vegan for ethical and environmental reasons and couldn't imagine living any other way. The side benefits from a health perspective have been great, too. I especially feel so much better when eat mostly high raw, whole foods, plant-powered diet.

    I ended a 487 day MFP streak this summer after a running injury necessitated a few months mostly off and I needed a break. Summer had quite a bit of downtime. I'm now really working on rehabbing and building back up my strength and mobility, as well as taking back off the roughly 12 lbs I regained during my down time.

    Anyway, that's enough about me. I welcome new vegan friends. Many vegan friends I have on MFP are no longer active. The more, the merrier.
  • VeeVeeMosher
    VeeVeeMosher Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I am a 70 year old widow. I am currently homeless staying with friends that are as close as family. They had changed their eating style to vegan in hopes of improving their health. So, when I came to stay with them the end of September, 2016 I went vegan also. I have lost nearly 40 pounds. I still have a long ways to go, but plan to keep up the process and hope to get down to my goal weight. If you are interested, friend me and you will learn more of who/what I am.
  • TinaRiePaq
    TinaRiePaq Posts: 4 Member
    Hello! I'm not new to mfp, I took a bit of a break and now I'm back. I have been vegan nearly 6 years. I would love to have some vegan friends. I'm all by myself ! Lol. I'm big into yoga, I do it daily. Add me please! :smile:
  • mintyjuly
    mintyjuly Posts: 31 Member
    Hi all! Vegan a year and a half, irish living in the UK. I work as a vet nurse, so not only do I not eat them, I look after them too :tongue: feel free to add me. Started weight training a month ago and am LOVING it.
  • MeganSandri
    MeganSandri Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Everyone! I'm Megan, 21 years old, and have been vegan for almost 2 years now. I'm trying to focus on my fitness and health right now and would love to have more friends on here, so feel free to add me! :)
  • WithyWillow1
    WithyWillow1 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm an ethical vegan with over 100 lbs to lose. I'm trying to switch to a WFPB diet with no oil.
  • graceflower33
    graceflower33 Posts: 11 Member
    Hello, I'm trying to do the same thing.
  • labgeekj80
    labgeekj80 Posts: 32 Member
    New here been vegan on and off for over 10 years. This time ya been almost two months just trying to lose weight and get a bit healthier. Would love some vegan mfp friends.
  • Geyser_Mountain_Dreamer
    Hey everyone. Vegan always looking for vegan friends. Feel free to shoot me a FR!
  • glowgurl
    glowgurl Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I’m almost 8 weeks in of eating vegan. I fell off-track from my healthy goals because I was so excited to try new things. I’m going to leave the meat substitutes as a “special occasion” thing, and the cheese too. I’m proud of myself because this has been such an easy transition for me, but cutting back from the goodies is definitely going to be the hard part for me.

    If there’s anyone here from the Asheville, NC area... let’s be friends!!
  • BaVIP073
    BaVIP073 Posts: 22 Member
    Hello. I have been off MFP for awile but I am back. I am from Texas and have been a vegan for a couple of years and now I am trying out the WFB no-oil lifestyle. Please feel free to add me as friend.
  • veganyogi1979
    veganyogi1979 Posts: 2 Member
    I am just getting back to MFP, trying to eat.more WFPB as well.
  • KatjeVoo
    KatjeVoo Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone! I've been vegetarian/vegan off and on again for several years, and am slowly transitioning back to vegan. I had bariatric surgery in March of this year, and my new, smaller stomach has trouble digesting meat still. So, I'm taking as a sign that it's time to go to a plant-based diet. As we clear our pantry out of animal products, we're simply replacing them with vegan ones, as we don't wish to be wasteful of the food we have. The same goes for clothing and other non-edible goods. What has already been purchased doesn't do anything for the creatures already gone, but changing how we replace them with future purchases helps creatures not-yet 'sacrificed'. Thankfully my husband is being very supportive of this and is considering going veg himself, at least part-way. So we shall see how that goes. Glad to meet you all!