What is YOUR workout schedule/plan?



  • Heatherreneefit41
    I'm an early bird and workout at 5am M-F. I lift weights 5 days a week, 3 heavy leg days, and 2-3 days of steady state cardio for 20 minutes or HIIT. My workout are no more than an hour and 15 minutes when lifting. I follow a lot of programs by Bodybuilding.com and I make up my own.
  • carrieonline
    carrieonline Posts: 8 Member
    I swim 4 x per week for 1.5 hours on Sunday mornings and Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings 5:30-7 pm. It’s a coached group and the workouts are tough, more like interval training than steady state. I also do Pilates classes (equipment not mat) 2 x per week during the lunch hour or sometimes on Saturdays. Sometimes Pilates is on the same day as swimming and it works out fine, I’m not too sore.

    I walk to and from work and to and from the pool, 20 min each way and take my dog for longer walks on weekends.

    I’ve been thinking about adding in either yoga or body weight workout 2-3 times/week but I never seem to stick to an at home routine despite the convenience. I need that coach or paid class or trainer to motivate me to show up.
  • VanVanDiane
    VanVanDiane Posts: 1,381 Member

    I aim for at least 10k steps per day as well. I walk to and from work 4 days a week (30 mins /3k steps each way) and am on my feet most of the day at work. I do bodyweight exercises 3 days a week and have been doing so for about 6 months on my current programme ( did Strong Curves for the 3 months previous). If I can find the energy / motivation I'll do BodyCombat a couple of times a week too. Anything to enable my ice-cream/cake/Prosecco fix o:)

    Mini sidetrack @VanVanDiane , did strong curves require weights or equipment? I've been thinking about starting but not sure of the feasibility due to my very limited exercise equipment inventory.

    Wow, sorry @RadishEater - I missed your tag somehow. A bit late, but in answer to your question yes it did. While a few things could be improvised (I have an old Step I used in lieu of a bench or box) I found myself needing ever-increasing weights, which kind of defeated the point of saving on a gym membership. There is a bodyweight only section, but this required the use of expensive machines to do some exercises, so not really an at-home option for me. To be honest, I got kind of bored with it as well, whereas I haven't with my current programme
  • SwimMighty
    SwimMighty Posts: 38 Member
    I’m an evening workout person. If I workout in the morning, I’m ravenous all day, and exhausted. I did it regularly for 4 months and never adjusted. So, I just stick to after work. I always have a race or other goal I’m training for, so the motivation is not an issue.