Nov 12 Weekly Challenge: Fall Declutterfest!

themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
Theme: Healthy Practices
Challenge: Fall Declutterfest!

If Thanksgiving is at your house this year, we've got you's Fall Declutterfest! And even if you're headed out for Thanksgiving, or this is not a holiday in your neck of the woods, decluttering, reorganizing, and straightening up just feels good!

I haven't quite decided what my decluttering project will be this week. How about you? What will you be focused on this week? Let’s all roll up our sleeves and dive into that decluttering project that we’ve been meaning to get to, but just haven't yet.

If you're new to our group and wondering what decluttering, cleaning, and organizing have to do with better health, there are at least two interesting connections. When we're working on house projects like these, we're not sitting. We are up and moving around and this light to moderate activity has lots of health benefits. In addition, for many people, clutter is a source of stress, guilt, and can inhibit focus and productivity. Clutter becomes an array of visual cues of projects we haven't finished. The articles below go into greater detail as to how clutter affects our stress, productivity, brains, and indeed our lives. Not good. So this week.... let's bag, tag, recycle, and reorganize! We will feel great when we're done!

This Week's Challenge: Whether it's one project worked on over the week or lots of smaller projects, let's get these projects done. I'm looking forward to hearing what you accomplish this week. Post a picture of your finished project if you are so inclined!

Make it a great week!


Suggested Resources:

Why Mess Causes Stress: 8 Reasons, 8 Remedies

How Clutter Affects Your Brain (and What You Can Do About It)

The Emotional Toll of Clutter

The Cost of Clutter: How Clutter Affects Your Time, Money, and Stress



  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Yea!!!! I LOVE declutter-fest! :smile: I've actually been doing it this weekend on my own because since we started doing these in this group, I've gotten so I can't stand clutter! LOL! This weekend I emptied a whole cupboard that had just crap thrown in it and now I have a place to move my cookbooks! That will open up an entire shelf in my big dishes/glasses cupboards so I can shuffle some of the stuff from my tupperware cupboard...well, you get the idea...

    For this challenge, I plan to spend time every day decluttering my basement! Half of our basement is finished but has a ton of stuff stored down there in no particular order. I plan to make that space into livable space by Christmas! Then when we have the whole tribe over for Christmas, we can split up between the two floors. It's a big undertaking but I am determined!
  • TomatoeLady
    TomatoeLady Posts: 24 Member
    De-cluttering totally helps me breathe better. I dislike clutter very much. My project this week will be my bedroom. I am getting new dressers (well new to me) so I will be cleaning out my bedroom.

    Good luck to all you de-clutterers :)
  • M310
    M310 Posts: 13 Member
    I'll work on my desk. Already ordered some organizing trays and rearranged some things, but also need to clean out a few files so there is a place to go with incoming stuff so it doesn't get so messy again in the first place. I have a whole basket full of miscellaneous folders to sort. :p I'll use the Ten-Minute Rule to help me get going (set the timer for a short length of time to get started; when it dings, allow a break . . . but sometimes can even keep going a bit once over the hump of starting ;) )
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    I’ll be cleaning out a kitchen closet that goes under the upstairs steps, and it’s pretty big. I was going to a rugby game yesterday and couldn't find my gloves so it’s time to switch out fall and winter wear. I’m pretty sure that will lead me to a basement decluttering project as well.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,109 Member
    Wow! I just spotted this! Like @PackerFanInGB I also have been doing a lot of this recently!! I also no longer like clutter! Pretty cool!

    A. I got our bedroom in a verrrry nice state yesterday, but have a couple more hot spots to do :)
    * go through some folders of nutrition info to see what I really want to keep
    * a binder of some dr appt forms to move to my filing system
    * Shred some papers
    * Go through bin of clothes that are too worn/too large/unflattering & see if I can give them away now.

    B. Go through stack of items to go to Charity. Put items in boxes & hire neighborhood to take them over.

    C. Recycle old batteries Thursday

    D. Dispose of old prescription meds of son’s when air is healthy again.

    E. Research if anyone picks up e-waste for recycling in our area.

    F. Art Studio
    I’ve been working a LOT in here. Getting rid of things I don’t love. Lots of re-organizing based upon how I really use things. Set up a stationery area that is out of sight yet accessible for back up copier paper, envelopes, pads of paper etc. please.

    * Clear tops of drawer units.
    * Finish going through writing drawer & filing cabinet, purge, put in labeled folders ...
    * Finish labeling all drawers
    * Go through container of misc & give away most?
    * Give away art supplies I don’t want anymore to artist friends or save to give to them when they come over?

    G. Figure out how to organize my finished artwork that I’ve decided to keep in a way I can access it. (Probably won’t get that done this week, but it is a goal!

    Reward: Purchase magnetic glass or whiteboard for large wall above drawer units to place work in process, display finished pieces, and/or create/put ideas for future projects. Vision board. Inspiration!

  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    Closet complete! Still need to go down and find my winter gloves, scarves, etc., take things to my car for a Good Will and wildlife rehab center trip, and dump some old cat food where the raccoons will have a feast out in the field. I'll have to set up my wildlife camera to see the fun. I'll pick something new to declutter tomorrow.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,109 Member
    nebslp wrote: »
    Closet complete! Still need to go down and find my winter gloves, scarves, etc., take things to my car for a Good Will and wildlife rehab center trip, and dump some old cat food where the raccoons will have a feast out in the field. I'll have to set up my wildlife camera to see the fun. I'll pick something new to declutter tomorrow.

    WOW!!! You’re on a ROLL, @nebslp !!!
    It’s so satisfying, isn’t it, when we’re in the right mood for it!!! Congratulations 🎉
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    I always love DeclutterFest!!!
    Today my focus has been to finish up getting ready for DS1, and his wife and their baby, as they come in for a short visit. I've had to force myself not to be decluttering but to finish up what I need to do for them. They come in shortly. So have to run lol.
    Will read your posts and start tomorrow <3:)

    texasgardnr :flowerforyou:
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    Today I am decluttering a drawer in my kitchen,✅ mail and cards that I need to deal with, and back entry.
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    Great challenge!

    I started with my mom's photo albums. Later I will tackle my photos. Another project that I have is to shred all my personal papers and old bills and statements. In the kitchen more than de clutter I want to re organize. Hopefully on my days off I can tackle all of this!
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    I love your enthusiasm for Declutterfest! It does feel great to have less clutter and more organization, doesn’t it?

    I wasn’t sure what my project was going to be this week. And then @PackerFanInGB posted. I will be joining you in the basement decluttering. Thanks for the suggestion!
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 7,975 Member
    WOW! You are all so inspiring! I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed this week, so I'm making my decluttering of the simple kind. I'm tackling those horizontal surfaces that get cluttered with stuff. Monday I cleared the cedar chest in my bedroom, which tends to be a landing zone for sweaters and coats. I should hang them up immediately, but I haven't made that a habit. Today I'll tackle the dining room table.
  • RetiredAndLovingIt
    RetiredAndLovingIt Posts: 1,394 Member
    I am doing the same...clearing horizontal surfaces. Yesterday, I worked on a huge pile of papers on top of the file cabinet. ;):) I filed, shredded, recycled and worked my way through the whole mess. Also straightened the bookshelf beside it. Looks so much better & I feel more peaceful just looking at it!
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    My plan today is to hit my spare room. I started photo organization a couple months ago and got sidetracked. The room is full of boxes of photos that I will get in order this week. My gkids are coming this weekend so I’m motivated to get ‘er done.
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 7,975 Member
    @nebslp, LOVE that profile picture - Is that your own photograph?

    @RetiredAndLovingIt , How do those paper piles happen? I swear gremlins sneak into my house and pile up papers! Kudos for handling that file cabinet top!

    @prgirl39mfp , photos are quite an issue. (Turns away from the photo boxes.....) :dizzy:
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @77tes thanks for the comment on the photo. I tried to post one of my own but it came out sideways. This is one my daughter-in-law took. Mmmm😍 .. Paris at night.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,109 Member
    edited November 2018
    Quick update!

    My Declutterfest is going Great!
    Our bedroom is now a sanctuary! DONE!

    ToDo’s for Art Room:
    1) figure out a storage system/method to store the art I’ve made & decided to keep, 2) Decide on the final couple of boxes of misc. items! 3) Order & install board for displaying final & in-process work
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,109 Member
    Hi Friends!

    I just came up with an idea - which will not see earth-shattering to you, but sure was to me!

    I had been telling myself I had to go through all my clothes again. I’m only keeping things that fit snuggly (as several people I know who lost weight & kept it off Saadi this really helped them).

    It felt like a tough job because my wardrobe is dwindling as I get close to GW & I don’t really like to shop for clothes. I feel I need to build a new wardrobe, and that seems daunting.

    SO, this morning I decided I just have to try on one thing & decide “Keep, Alter, Give Away” This makes it less arduous, more fun, & gives me time to let go of some clothes I’ve had a long time.

    Now, it seems manageable. Baby steps works for everything!
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @MadisonMolly2017 I like your ToDo plan for your art room. It's overwhelming to walk in a room to organize it without having a plan. You will get this done! This week I got an article in my email by James Clear on making changes sustainable. One thing (clothing item) at a time. Good plan!
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,109 Member
    I’m still plugging away on my list I got through the nutrition info the last stack of it ended up taking me two or three hours but now it’s all organized and I refreshed my memory of the course I took so that was good!!

    I have separated the last few remaining tasks into Saturday Sunday and Monday so that I don’t get overwhelmed but I did get a lot done this week - kind of amazing

    So as I’ve been walking around my house to stay out of the smoke outside I had an idea popinto my head. Which really kind of surprised me that I had never thought of it before. And I went around the house I went into a room and I walked around it

    @OK if I was going to only keep the things I absolutely love what would I keep in this room?”

    The answers really shocked me. I realizedthat most of the things that are in my house are no longer things that I like/love.

    And I started imagining a home where everything in it was just just what I love, just what makes me feel good or makes me feel refreshed/inspired...

    interesting thing was in my bedroom and in my art studio which is where I put most of my attention past few years I would keep almost everything. And my guess is that’s why the idea popped into my head was I finally got those places to that LOVE point and now I feel like I need to get the rest of the house there!

    (BTW, in the bedroom & art Studio I decluttered & used existing furniture/ it wasn’t because they were newly furnished, it was the high percentage of things I Love not all the stuff I thought I should keep)

    I’m going to ponder this a little bit and see if it’s just being cooped up in the house giving me cabin fever or if it something I really want to take some action but I thought I’d share it with you guys

    Would you keep everything that you have ? how much of it would you keep?