Not losing weight

BananaMilk023 Posts: 7 Member
edited November 2018 in Social Groups
Not sure what I'm doing wrong but I'm not losing weight! I eat about 2x a day. My day consist of fat n protein. Yesterday I had an assortment of sashimi for lunch and home made brocolli cheddar soup and that I still didn't lose weight. I have checked my strip and it says that I'm in ketosis but not sure why I actually gained .5lbs instead of losing any...Also I havent lost any in a span of 4 days, and been doing keto for 14 days.


  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    4 days is not enough time, give it at least 3 weeks
  • belleflop
    belleflop Posts: 154 Member
    I'd recommend throwing those keto strips away and giving yourself more time.
  • BananaMilk023
    BananaMilk023 Posts: 7 Member
    That's the problem, I lost only 4.5 in the first week and 2nd week, nada. I think that's enough time
  • BananaMilk023
    BananaMilk023 Posts: 7 Member
    @tcunbeliever That's the problem, I lost only 4.5 in the first week and 2nd week, nada. I think that's enough time
  • Larkspur94
    Larkspur94 Posts: 114 Member
    Sashimi and the soup is all you had that day? That's barely anything. Eat more. Your body will slow metabolism if you don't. Eating so small should only be apart of a type of fast, followed by feeding days where you eat as you would maintenance (bmr plus cals lost to exercise).
    On the other note, you need to be patient. Losing 1-2 pounds a week is seen as healthy. Some people could be at 1 pound every 2. I find the larger a person is, the faster the weight drops.
  • BRMYsBody
    BRMYsBody Posts: 2 Member
    You have to give it more time and make sure your ratios are on point. Eating too much protein can cause the same effect that eating too many carbs does. Make sure your protein stays at 25% or below.
  • BananaMilk023
    BananaMilk023 Posts: 7 Member
    @Larkspur94 it was big servings, I was super full both times. And the bowl of soup was big and I ate it with bacon
  • BananaMilk023
    BananaMilk023 Posts: 7 Member
    @BRMYsBody I dont think I'm eating too much protein cuz I ate a lot of protein for lunch n only fat (cheddar) n brocolli soup for dinner. Not sure.
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,371 Member
    Are you tracking calories? Calories still count even when you are eating Keto...
  • CentaurusSoter
    CentaurusSoter Posts: 433 Member
    belleflop wrote: »
    I'd recommend throwing those keto strips away and giving yourself more time.

    I stopped using them entirely after a bit over a week of them showing full results consistently, and then feeling like I was in ketosis with smaller results showing on the stick. Just seemed like a waste to keep using them after a few weeks of sticking to the diet. Months later, no regrets. I found my old bottle and chuckled when they ended up expired well before expiration.

    OP, if you're tracking everything you're taking in, check and see if there are maybe artificial sweeteners or hidden carbs. Is your carb total low? How are your macros? If you're not tracking and weighing things, and just winging it or eye-balling things.. you can be eating more calories than you think. Also, if I remember right, Joe Rogan when speaking with Dr Rhonda Patrick used to talk about how too much protein would kick him out of Ketosis. Dunno if your macros are off, but maybe check? Everyone is different, and keto as a diet can be a bit overwhelming at the start.. and in the middle... but it gets better.

    Anyway, 2 weeks in.. just give it time. I track my weight everyday, but I don't count a day with a slight uptick as a loss.. it's just another day in a longterm lifestyle change. Weather, diet, mood, hormones, and so on, can cause weight fluctuations. As they say, Keep calm and keto on.
  • BananaMilk023
    BananaMilk023 Posts: 7 Member
    @CentaurusSoter how do u track food that u dont know the nutrition value to it?
  • CentaurusSoter
    CentaurusSoter Posts: 433 Member
    @CentaurusSoter how do u track food that u dont know the nutrition value to it?

    Check labels, estimate the best you can, just not much to be done if you can't see a serving nutritional info card. MFP's database does have a good range of foods to go from, if you need to try and find something similar. At least entering that plus the serving size, say a cup, 10oz, etc, can help. It's something at least. Everything I eat I either cook from scratch or get takeaway from a place that I can see their menu info from. The ability to track everything has been one of the core features of MFP that has been part of why I'm still able to lose weight. But that works for me, not necessarily for others. I can cook pretty dang well, which helps.

    There are people that do lazy keto, or just wing it, and it works for them. If you're doing something similar, just try reducing what you're intaking overall, or increasing exercise, give it a few weeks and see how you're doing then.

    Stick with it though.. it does get better. After a month or two of keto, you should start noticing you can go longer without eating. For me ketosis is like a slow burning candle. I just have energy all day at a constant rate. A big change from carb comas and blood sugar spiking. The only time I know I have to eat is when I get my fat or meat cravings. They can get intense, and that's when I know I've left it too long. Usually not a problem when I'm eating on my normal schedule.

    A good food scale, measuring cups and spoons, and a level of diligence in tracking your diary as best you can might be the best advice I can give. MFP's mobile app scans packaging, too. It also has a database of fastfood places as well.

    Hope any of this helps. Week 1-2 on keto can suuuuck, especially if you're not rehydrating with stuff like broth or powerade zero/ketoade. It does get better and the weight loss *should* arrive with time, a deficit, and some patience.
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    Probably due to sodium I almost always gain some weight after eating soup. I usually have a batch big enough to get more than one serving so that further compounds my gain. I say stick to it and let time be on your side. I have stopped losing and gained three pounds this week but I am not going to lose any sleep over it. The only thing I have done different is I switched from eating almonds to pecans mostly to get rid of a big bag I have. Roasted in butter and salt, yum.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,009 Member
    Take measurements of your body every 2 weeks. I found many many times that when the scale was not showing anything, the measurements did. And/or pick a piece of non-stretchy clothing you want to fit into to gauge changes. Jeans don't lie.
    I no longer weigh. I gauge my jeans' fit. But I'm in maintenance. Those pants tell me when I've gotten too loosey-goosey and am heading the wrong direction.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    That's the problem, I lost only 4.5 in the first week and 2nd week, nada. I think that's enough time
    How much do you weigh? What's your height/weight/goal weight?
    4.5 pounds in two weeks is good.

    also: consider the soy sauce sodium. I'm always 2Lbs up a day after sushi.