Nov 12 Weekly Challenge: Fall Declutterfest!



  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,212 Member
    Hi Friends!

    I just came up with an idea - which will not see earth-shattering to you, but sure was to me!

    I had been telling myself I had to go through all my clothes again. I’m only keeping things that fit snuggly (as several people I know who lost weight & kept it off Saadi this really helped them).

    It felt like a tough job because my wardrobe is dwindling as I get close to GW & I don’t really like to shop for clothes. I feel I need to build a new wardrobe, and that seems daunting.

    SO, this morning I decided I just have to try on one thing & decide “Keep, Alter, Give Away” This makes it less arduous, more fun, & gives me time to let go of some clothes I’ve had a long time.

    Now, it seems manageable. Baby steps works for everything!

    I think this is a great approach, @MadisonMolly2017. Just try on one thing at a time and then decide. We don’t have to wait to take on any project until we have time. There’s rarely any extra time. The hardest part is usually starting.

    I’m doing the same thing packing for an upcoming trip. I find packing stressful, due to not wanting to forget anything. So, yesterday I spent 5 minutes and started a pile of what’s going. Today I’ll pack in a few more 5 minute increments. Ditto tomorrow and Monday. This small bites approach works very well for me too!

    You ask a really good question about how much do we own that we really love. I’m going to give it some thought. I can’t say that I love any of my husband’s eclectic collections, but they will be staying
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,212 Member
    I never made it down to the basement this week, but I have decluttered some kitchen countertops and that felt great!
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,649 Member
    I’m still plugging away on my list I got through the nutrition info the last stack of it ended up taking me two or three hours but now it’s all organized and I refreshed my memory of the course I took so that was good!!

    I have separated the last few remaining tasks into Saturday Sunday and Monday so that I don’t get overwhelmed but I did get a lot done this week - kind of amazing

    So as I’ve been walking around my house to stay out of the smoke outside I had an idea popinto my head. Which really kind of surprised me that I had never thought of it before. And I went around the house I went into a room and I walked around it

    @OK if I was going to only keep the things I absolutely love what would I keep in this room?”

    The answers really shocked me. I realizedthat most of the things that are in my house are no longer things that I like/love.

    And I started imagining a home where everything in it was just just what I love, just what makes me feel good or makes me feel refreshed/inspired...

    interesting thing was in my bedroom and in my art studio which is where I put most of my attention past few years I would keep almost everything. And my guess is that’s why the idea popped into my head was I finally got those places to that LOVE point and now I feel like I need to get the rest of the house there!

    (BTW, in the bedroom & art Studio I decluttered & used existing furniture/ it wasn’t because they were newly furnished, it was the high percentage of things I Love not all the stuff I thought I should keep)

    I’m going to ponder this a little bit and see if it’s just being cooped up in the house giving me cabin fever or if it something I really want to take some action but I thought I’d share it with you guys

    Would you keep everything that you have ? how much of it would you keep?

    Wow, that was a thought-provoking question!

    In recent years, a lot of what I've had in my cupboards or closets for years has gone to Good Will. Sometimes I ask my kids if they want it, sometimes it just disappears in a bag and goes away. They almost always said "no" anyway and I don't want to fill up their houses. I used to feel that if someone gave me something, I had to keep it forever. I think it was Marie Kondo that said the giving and receiving was the purpose for the gift, and you shouldn't feel obligated to keep it once you've enjoyed it and it's purpose was served. That's been pretty freeing.

    I hang on to all of my parent's jewelry and prayerbooks and any other historical items. I have a box for each of my kids' school things that I should just toss because they don't care about them. My sewing room holds all the old relics that I love from my mother and grandmothers...old fabric and lace, old tools, patterns, and sewing/needlework books. I will keep those forever, if I can, even though they're pretty useless, practically speaking. And my pictures...I just need to get those organized, and maybe stop taking so many!!

    And I take after my mother and I love boxes! Crazy, huh? Or so thinks my husband! I have a daughter who is the same way. I guess there are worse things keep. After all, you never know when I'm going to need just the right box and it will be there waiting! I try to keep the number below 10 and they fit inside each other and they're hidden away, so I really don't see a problem😉😊🙃

  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 7,838 Member
    Keep the historical objects, @nebslp. They are so special!
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,003 Member
    And sometimes it skips a generation & grandkids are interested!

    I’d keep the things YOU would enjoy sharing with grandkids!
  • gojolida
    gojolida Posts: 53 Member
    You're all so inspiring! We moved out of our house of 13 years this year so I got rid of a LOT then, but I know there's always more to do! I'm going to take your small-projects approach and just try to spend a few minutes each day thinking about it - going through neglected or untidy corners!

    - - -

    I am not sure if this would be helpful to someone else, but I had a really successful decluttering period where whatever the numeric day it was, I donated or threw out that quantity of items..

    The first of the month, just one item.
    The second of the month, two...
    By the end of the month, you're excited to tackle the "bigger" clutter areas like wardrobe and paperwork, and it's become a regular habit. And it all really adds up! By the end of a 30 day month, you've decluttered almost 500 things from your household.
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,649 Member
    @gojolida I had never heard of thought about the number idea and my first thought was...what would I have 30 of? Then I remembered the hundreds of paper clips, pens, markers, and crayons that probably need to go away and realized the idea might be fun to try! It would be like a challenge game of sorts.

    @MadisonMolly2017 I hadn’t thought about keeping my kids’ school stuff for my grandkids to look at, but you’re right. Sometimes things mean more to later generations.
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,649 Member
    I had a bookshelf that held about 50 books that I want to read someday and I know that someday is pretty easy to avoid. I put them all in a box by the shelf and made a decision to always have one physical book that I read from every day. Once that book is finished, it goes to good will or back to the shelf. I’m done with the first one and am so glad it will no longer be taking up space in my house after today. I was keeping it because my daughter had given it to me 15 years ago, but it wasn’t that great. It served its purpose so now I can release it.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,003 Member
    @gojolida ohh, that sounds like fun! Thanks for mentioning! I could at least do it with the dastardly photos ... Haha!

    @nebslp that’s what I did with son’s toys/books. And some of my teaching supplies. Just kept what I’d have fun doing with grandkids...

    BTW- as I near the 3.5 year mark of my Marie Kondo-ing the house (off & on), I am truly amazed at how I have changed.

    I find myself examining all aspects of my life, really thinking about what it is that I love. I mentioned the furniture the other day. But it’s also applied to my art room I’ve really thought about what art supplies I enjoy using and which ones I don’t want myself using and then I got of those. Ditto my clothes I just went through all my clothes.

    I had to chuckle because as you do this and you have less and less stuff it becomes easier and easier to go through a whole category. When I started with my clothes I had to break into all the different subcategories like scarves and hats and jackets etc. but now I can go through all of it in one fell swoop because I don’t have that much I just have things that fit and that I love. Yesterday I went through a whole lot of the art I’ve made over my lifetime and weeded out some things that weren’t worth saving - But it was easy because I had earlier about a year or two ago going through all of it and purged massive amounts.

    So what I’m trying to say is as you get further along in the process it becomes infinitely easier and less time-consuming. And I can see why her clients don’t think back into the clutter overfilled home. I have to say I’m really sold this.

    The other thing I remember reading in the book was to not give away any of your storage containers until you’re all done and to not buy any. She could not be more right. I have a dining room table filled with empty storage containers right now. As you do clutter you basically we reclaim boxes, etc. So I’m really glad I followed her advice. I have a feeling that by the time I’m done with the photographs of me memorabilia the containers on the dining room table (soon to be in a closet) will all be in use and I will not have spent more money.

    This processed really does help you figure out where you are and how we want to be.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,003 Member
    I also want to post an update on my Fall Declutterfest But first I wanna thank at @themedalist for hosting these every three months!

    As you guys know when you’re with me for a while I tend to go all out when I declutter. So I’m very appreciative that you’re doing this every three months because I can do a burst at that time and then just do normal minimal maintenance kinds of things.

    It was a BIG PUSH, but I did it!

    So I won’t bore you with the whole laundry list of things I did because my nature is to make a list and then add more things as I get into each space but here’s a summary version:

    I finished our bedroom.

    I went through all of my clothes, only keeping those that fit, are in good shape, and I love.

    I actually did EVERYTHING in the Art Room (will finish small filing job & last box after this post). Took 1.5-2 years, but I’m SO HAPPY with it. I just have the supplies, books, equipment that I love & use. All organized, labeled. Easy to create; easy to reset for next time.

    Also set up an area behind door for a central place for stationery, office supplies, & printer cartridges!!

    TO DO ♥️ I will be ordering a large magnetic glass whiteboard for the one large wall to use as a Display place, Inspiration Board, work-in-Process space (I find if I can look at things from a distance over time, I figure out what they need!) I’m super excited! Also have a set of fairy lights that I might string up in December 🧚🏿‍♀️ 💡

    Now let the Wild Rumpus begin!!! 🎨

    Thank you so much!
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,003 Member
    nebslp wrote: »
    I had a bookshelf that held about 50 books that I want to read someday and I know that someday is pretty easy to avoid. I put them all in a box by the shelf and made a decision to always have one physical book that I read from every day. Once that book is finished, it goes to good will or back to the shelf. I’m done with the first one and am so glad it will no longer be taking up space in my house after today. I was keeping it because my daughter had given it to me 15 years ago, but it wasn’t that great. It served its purpose so now I can release it.

    Awesome plan! @nebslp Love it!

  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,003 Member
    My X-ray showed bone is forming! I’m SO relieved & excited! It will still take months to recover, but this was an important step. I think my exercise, low stress, and very healthy foods is helping. Doctor said I was ahead of most & Physical therapist did too.

    Now 7 weeks of 3X daily PT “Active - Assist” and a 2nd X-ray Jan 8. No driving, no lifting over 5 lbs.

    Will just keep doing (hopefully) my Final Declutter since I’m unable to go anywhere!

    I redid tableclothes, napkins etc after first pass this summer. Much better. I tend to do things in iterative passes, but now I’m doing the Final One. Because I want to be Done!

    I set up One Place for all Office/Shipping supplies.

    Moving home office out of my bedroom so it can be a place of Pure Relaxation, hoping I’ll sleep better :)

    Going through all the art I’ve made & discarding some, photographing some & discarding, and keeping all my favorites!!

    I find it all goes Much Faster 2nd or 3rd Pass. I’m clearer now about what I Love. I’m a changed person.

    Began Summer really is a process.
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 7,838 Member
    My X-ray showed bone is forming! I’m SO relieved & excited! It will still take months to recover, but this was an important step. I think my exercise, low stress, and very healthy foods is helping. Doctor said I was ahead of most & Physical therapist did too.

    Now 7 weeks of 3X daily PT “Active - Assist” and a 2nd X-ray Jan 8. No driving, no lifting over 5 lbs.

    Will just keep doing (hopefully) my Final Declutter since I’m unable to go anywhere!

    I redid tableclothes, napkins etc after first pass this summer. Much better. I tend to do things in iterative passes, but now I’m doing the Final One. Because I want to be Done!

    I set up One Place for all Office/Shipping supplies.

    Moving home office out of my bedroom so it can be a place of Pure Relaxation, hoping I’ll sleep better :)

    Going through all the art I’ve made & discarding some, photographing some & discarding, and keeping all my favorites!!

    I find it all goes Much Faster 2nd or 3rd Pass. I’m clearer now about what I Love. I’m a changed person.

    Began Summer really is a process.

    Oh hooray for bone growing!!! Something to be very thankful for. And your experience with reducing Marie Kondo-style, you are so inspiring!
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,003 Member
    77tes wrote: »
    My X-ray showed bone is forming! I’m SO relieved & excited! It will still take months to recover, but this was an important step. I think my exercise, low stress, and very healthy foods is helping. Doctor said I was ahead of most & Physical therapist did too.

    Now 7 weeks of 3X daily PT “Active - Assist” and a 2nd X-ray Jan 8. No driving, no lifting over 5 lbs.

    Will just keep doing (hopefully) my Final Declutter since I’m unable to go anywhere!

    I redid tableclothes, napkins etc after first pass this summer. Much better. I tend to do things in iterative passes, but now I’m doing the Final One. Because I want to be Done!

    I set up One Place for all Office/Shipping supplies.

    Moving home office out of my bedroom so it can be a place of Pure Relaxation, hoping I’ll sleep better :)

    Going through all the art I’ve made & discarding some, photographing some & discarding, and keeping all my favorites!!

    I find it all goes Much Faster 2nd or 3rd Pass. I’m clearer now about what I Love. I’m a changed person.

    Began Summer really is a process.

    Oh hooray for bone growing!!! Something to be very thankful for. And your experience with reducing Marie Kondo-style, you are so inspiring!

    Truly, I am so grateful for the bone & the excellent medical care I am getting! Happy Thanksgiving!
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,649 Member
    @MadisonMolly2017 that’s wonderful news about your healing progress. I’m amazed you’re getting so much done with the limitations you have right now. That is inspiring.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,003 Member
    edited November 2018
    Decluttering continuing some each day. I see the light at end of tunnel...

    Going back to drawers & categories I did before & doing final, ruthless pass because I don’t want to have to do it again !!! LOL

    Hubby is helping some & I just saw he’s clearing out one of his bathroom drawers all on his own Super Exciting!

    Happy Thanksgiving my friends!! 🍁 🍃 🍂

    The best part is after the decluttering is done I’m doing light decorating with items we already own but in new ways AND

    After trying to decide (for years) on a style/color scheme,’s emerging in it’s own!!! If you keep what you LOVE, in the end it becomes obvious :) where it was hidden before!!

  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 7,838 Member
    Getting husband to declutter is a real win as is redecorating with previously owned items.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,003 Member
    77tes wrote: »
    Getting husband to declutter is a real win as is redecorating with previously owned items.

    Thanks! I’m also getting smarter about all this. Went through house with notepad, and made a list of all decorative items. Will sort into categories on paper, then proceed lol

  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    I desperately need in on this challenge.