Nutritarians in November!



  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Just popping in for a quick hello. I've had a really good week. Down 10.2 lbs in just 10 days. Woo hoo! But it's basically cutting out every other thing in my life right now. No time for extra-curriculars when you're on the treadmill for 3 hours per day!! (I've got so many blisters...)

    My fitbit is finally celebrating my successes every day with nearly 23,000 steps each day. I'm usually hitting between 9.5 - 10.5 miles every day.

    For food, I'm doing a handful of nuts and a green smoothie for bfast, a sensible lunch as my main meal, and then another green smoothie for my supper.

    I have 5 weeks before I go to Orlando and I'm determined to at the very least fit back into my old summer clothes!!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,942 Member
    Hi Karrie! Have missed you. How goes the cabin rebuild? When you get on track you are totally glued to the tracks so I have no doubt you'll make your goal, but be careful eating so light. Make sure you are getting enough healthy fats and food. Yay for Orlando!

    Doing better the past few days here. I'm sure Thanksgiving will involve some indulgences (wine and vegan stuffing and such) but it won't be so bad. I will get totally back to 6 week plan starting Friday and keep that up until Christmas Eve other than two parties coming up in December where I'm sure I will indulge in wine.
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Yes, my main meal is full all that good stuff; it's a pretty big meal!! :smiley:

    I killed my treadmill today. It's good and dead. So now I have to come up with a back-up plan while we either get this one repaired or buy a new one. Sheesh. There's always something.

    The cabin fix is still underway. Painting and new flooring happening this week. They've also put on the new doors and windows, and the new siding is almost completed. It might not be painted outside until spring since it's already winter here, but at least it's installed.

    So in another week or two, they should be putting all the furniture back. I hope. It's been a bit of a slower process than I had hoped, and I REALLY want my OSG Cookbook back!!!! :smiley:

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,942 Member
    At least there's some progress Karrie. I couldn't survive without my OSG cookbook! I'm actually thinking of buying a new one because some of the pages are falling out of it now and it is splattered and stained LOL. So sorry about the treadmill. Hope it's an easy repair.

    I have decided to make a big batch of balsamic mushrooms for my Thanksgiving dinner contribution. I am hooked on them and I know my family will like them.

    I know several people in this group are Canadian so you already had your Thanksgiving, but interested in what everyone finds most tempting or worth blowing it for a day. I admit the starchy carb festival is kind of heavenly. I love the potatoes and dressing. My family is kind enough to do separate batches vegan for me. Back when I ate meat the turkey was never the star of the show to me.
  • mizmichele
    mizmichele Posts: 23 Member
    For me blowing it would be vegan ice cream, chips, vegan chocolate and going out to a vegan restaurant as most everything there is full of fat.

    Well time for bed although I don't know why I bother. I've been up the last few nights..just can't sleep. Not sure if it's an age thing or too much on my mind.

    Sweet dreams everyone.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,942 Member
    edited November 2018
    We have some really good vegan restaurants around here Michele, and I'm glad to see even regular restaurants are offering more items that are vegan other than salad. I don't go out to eat often (every 2 to 3 months maybe) so it's a treat night for me when I do. Hope you were able to get some sleep last night.

    I am so ready to get back on track today. I feel sluggish from wine and bread and potatoes, but it was all good and a fun time with family. We aren't technically open today but I'm going to the office for a few hours to work on some things, then I'll stop at the store to get lettuce since I had to throw out the two packages of romaine I just bought. Why are these warnings always the romaine???

    My plan for the next couple weeks is to really get down to basics again. Breakfasts will be fruit with chia seeds, a couple walnuts and a sprinkle of oats, or a green smoothie with chia seeds. My usual big ol' salad at lunch. Dinners will be soup or a simple beans/greens/veggies plate. I plan to spend the rest of the day after I get home from the office prepping and cooking. I've been really lazy about these things lately. I just lost my enthusiasm for cooking and prepping, but it's the single most important thing if I want to stay on track.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member

    I had to throw away a bunch of yummy-looking romaine, too, and hated doing it. I love romaine!

    Are you getting make into the meal prep rhythm? I sympathize with getting tired of cooking and prepping. It sounds like life is being really busy right now. Your strategy of doing some simpler meals sounds like a smart one.

    My meal prep strategy of late has been making sure to listen to a good movie or podcast. That can really help make the time a treat for me.

    For Thanksgiving, I whipped up several nutritarian recipes and had a great meal, yummy enough to pass on all the sweets that usually call me name. I will make all of these again:
    Truly delicious pumpkin-almond dressing (ate it atop a spinach salad)
    Cauliflower and brussels sprouts mash with roasted garlic
    Apple cranberry relish

    Okay, I promised myself a little extra exercise today, since I spent 6 hours driving yesterday. Off for a little movement!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,942 Member
    The cauli/brussels mash sounds yummy Austin! Can you share the recipe? Ugh lots of driving yesterday for you! Sorry you lost your romaine too. It is my easy go-to lettuce and I hate being afraid of the stuff now.

    Made a big haul at the grocery. Two heads each of green and red leaf which I will get all cleaned and prepped. I really want to try to get in a small salad at dinner in addition to my big salad lunch. When I added salads to dinner for a while I lost more weight. Have carrots, radishes and beets to run through the food processor and grape tomatoes for my raw veggie additions. Also got broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus and mushrooms to cook that I can have with greens or add to salads. Going to make a pot of red lentil kale soup and the cabbage and kale casserole. Also the eat your greens detox soup from OSG cookbook. I haven't tried that one yet, but the OSG soup recipes are always winners (just leave out the oil and added salt) and it sounds great for ETL with kale, mushrooms and broccoli included in it. Doesn't look like it's on the OSG website but found it here: I might add a can of kidney beans.

    I would say all that should get me well into next week! :)

  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    Hi @Mihani !

    The cauli/brussels mash was a riff on a Dr Fuhrman recipe: I used:
    1 head cauliflower (about 24 oz)
    1 lb sweet white onions (about 16 oz)
    1 lb Brussels sprouts
    Several cloves roasted garlic (start with just a little and add to your taste)

    I steamed the onions, cauli & sprouts. I put the veggies and garlic in a large bowl, and mixed with an immersion mixer until I got to a texture I liked (fairly smooth, but I made sure there were still chunks of the Brussels sprouts).

    Dr Fuhrman has a recipe in one of his cookbooks that adds cashews and does not include roasted garlic.

    Your food prepping plans sound fabulous! I am gong to steal a few ideas, including that green detox soup, which looks super yummy!

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,942 Member
    That sounds really good Austin, I'll give that a try soon. I didn't get the soups and casserole made last night as I was at the office later than anticipated.

    Today's plan, brought work home so no office. Finish prepping and do laundry. Visit a friend for a little bit this afternoon, then back home to work some more. Suppose I better get busy since I want to be done cooking and at my desk by noon.

    Oh, I made the Clean Food Dirty Girl T-Crack Dressing that Carla recommended. The first time I made it I thought it was too sweet, but I cut the dates back to 3 and added more lemon and now I'm totally hooked! I ate a veggie sandwich last night (lettuce, cucumber, tomato piled high on sprouted grain toast) and used the dressing like mayo and it was awesome.

  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    I finally made this. It was so good that my husband ate it for dinner and is taking it to work for lunch, so I now need to cook again today. What a great problem!

    This was really quick to put together. I used frozen chopped cauli as a shortcut.

    I added extra turmeric (1/2 t):
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,942 Member
    That sounds good, Austin. I'm always looking to add turmeric to things. So many health benefits.

    This has been such a stressful couple weeks at work. More so than usual even. I overslept this morning and didn't have time to throw together my salad so I ate a Dr. McDougall soup for lunch. They aren't the best things I've ever eaten but sure are handy to have around sometimes. Still only about halfway through my lackadaisical preps. Going to get the rest done tonight. Please, someone give me a shove toward the kitchen. :# I'm going to devote a whole day this weekend to shopping and cooking and prepping. But if I finish prepping the stuff I bought this weekend I'll be set for the rest of this week.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    Hi Mihani!

    If I were there, I'd nudge you! I am in catch-up mode after the holiday, too. Monday I made cauliflower lentil dal, but the guys liked it too, so it was all gone by end of day yesterday. So I was cooking soup again today. I made a soup from Dr F's Quick and Easy Cookbook: onions, garlic, carrot juice, red lentils, served with a bit of lemon juice and a lot of greens stirred in. It's delicious, and was a quick fix. Yummmm.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,942 Member
    Hi Austin, all your dishes sound really yummy.

    I have some sort of bug, was really sick yesterday evening through the night, but seem to be okay now. Just super tired and my stomach is upset. I am going to try to run to the office for a couple hours after a bit. I will get grocery delivery since I don't feel up to going to the store. I think toast and vegan yogurt are going to be about the only things I eat today.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    edited November 2018
    Awww - get well soon @Mihani !
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    I hope you get well soon, Mihani!

    Mmm dal sounds good! I think it is time for me to make up another batch of red lentil cauliflower curry.
  • mizmichele
    mizmichele Posts: 23 Member
    Get well soon @Mihani
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,942 Member
    Hi Carla! I should make some of that curry too. I'll put that on my list for next week since I already got groceries.

    Thanks for well wishes y'all. It was a very short lived thing. I feel pretty much back to normal this morning. I got a few things for salads and soups on my way home yesterday so today will be prep day. Brought work home so I wouldn't have to go to the office today.

  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    Hey @Mihani ! I am super glad to hear you are feeling better!

    Now I want a curry this week, too!

    Recipe note: On a "this is not for every day" note, I made the Peanut Butter Cookies from the Dr Fuhrman's Quick & Easy Cookbook this morning for a social gathering that includes other vegans and careful eaters. They were a hit! Well, except for my 13 year old, for whom they are insufficiently sweet. The pickiest eater there at 3 of them. Wow!
    Ingredients: cooked green lentils, natural peanut butter, dates, raisins, vanilla extract, baking powder.

    Another recipe note: For my lunch salad, I just blended half a peeled cucumber and used that as dressing. Simple, light and delicious.