TEAM: The Slimsons (January)



  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    Hello, my name is Tina. I've struggled with my weight since I had kids. I had a great start in 2018 and lost 30 lbs in the first four months. I maintained over the summer but it started creeping back on in October, and now with Christmas I'm up 10 lbs, something I promised myself I would never do again. So this group is exactly what I need, I love the accountability, and look forward to following you all on your journeys also. My goal is to lose 40 lbs. Let's do this!

    @losing_it_2013 Welcome Tina!! That's a great goal and it will take time, don't be discouraged if it takes you a bit, you have to remember, you didn't gain it all at once, and you won't lose it all at once :smile:

    I used to never think that these groups would help me, and looking at me now, I'm a believer, and it keeps me going. I'm a year and a half into my journey and some days are still better than others, but I will get there and WE can do this together! Just remember, it's important to be honest with yourself, whether things are going good or not so good and no one here is going to judge you if you struggle, we're all in the same boat..
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    Ver9nika wrote: »
    Hi team!

    I’m 36 and I’m here to get additional motivation for healthy weight loss. Much like @SaletaS I don't like to take medication for something I know is weight related.

    My Starting Weight is 250.9 lbs and 1st goal is to be under 250. I hope to achieve it during January 2019.

    Wish us all much luck!

    :D my 1st goal seems to be too low.

    I meant under 240 to be the 1st goal actually o:)

    I thought so too! 😂 But hey, .9 pounds is small but it’s progress!!! [/quote]
    @Ver9nika Welcome to the team! I am with you 100% on the medication front. My doctor was talking about medication and I refused, especially considering this is something I essentially did to myself and can undo myself...once you start medication, you will likely never stop.
    You've got a great mini-goal. You CAN do this!
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    SaletaS wrote: »
    I suppose I’ll post my stats!

    Starting weight (12/23): 215
    Current weight (12/23): 215
    Goal Weight: 140

    I weigh in tomorrow and I’m so nervous to see what the scale says!

    @SaletaS Don't be afraid, it's really just feedback, it lets you know how you're doing on your goal and where you might need to make adjustments!
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    Elsiebeane wrote: »
    Hi all, I'm Elsie. If anybody wants to add me as a friend, I would love it.
    I'm 50. I have been overweight for years ever since I had my first baby (29 years ago!).
    My weigh in day is Monday.
    SW - 328
    Ultimate GW - I don't know yet.
    Short-term Goal - 6 for the month

    @Elsiebeane Welcome Elsie!
    I, too, don't know what my "ultimate" goal is and that's because I'm a weight lifter and I'm constantly building muscle (on purpose) and will likely weigh much more than what is "average" for my size. I do have a sort of ultimate goal in mind and that may change when I get there, but I'm looking to get down to 141 lbs (which is a specific weight lifting weight class that I want to be in).
    Your 6 lb goal for January is great. Get after it! You got this!
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    tdrjustus3 wrote: »
    Hello all. My name is Theresa. I am 50 years old, a wife, mother and I work full time. Now that my children are young adults I am starting to focus on me a bit more. I had a slight medical scare in November due to my weight ( pre diabetic) so I decided to make some changes. I got serious about my change on Dec 1 and have made quite a bit of progress. Slow and steady wins the race. I have been a member of MFP for a few years and have had the best success being accountable. So I’m back. My goal is to drop 80 lbs in 2019 with a final goal of 130 lbs lost.
    At the recommendation of my doctor I have started following the Keto lifestyle. Looking forward to getting some recipes and advice/guidance from @AB0215. Thanks all. #gettingfitin2019

    @tdrjustus3 Welcome Theresa! It's important to take time for yourself. It's a lesson I've had to learn the hard way and while I don't have kids, I do have a husband (who I swear is like a toddler sometimes) and furkids (cats) and a 4 year old niece who spends the night here frequently (she loves her cool "Aunt Ashwee") and I do work 2 jobs and weight train for 1-2 hours a day 4-6 days a week (this last one IS for me, but can be time consuming), so I get how hard it can be to take the time for yourself, and it's not selfish, it's necessary. You can't help others and take care of others if you don't take care of yourself!
    I was right there with you, on the pre-diabetic front, which is really what snapped me into finally getting in shape.
    I'm really glad that doctors out there are finally starting to jump on the Keto bandwagon and ignore the "food pyramid" and "guidelines" set by "government" because the sad truth is that those guidelines were set by asking for the food industry's input and they have much to gain by getting people to buy their products...they don't have our best interests at heart. Keto is more along the lines of what our ancestors would have ate, whole, unprocessed foods, that contain fats, which our body needs to survive and thrive. Our ancestors did not make bread and process wheat in any way like we do today... And while I don't like it for myself, paleo can be another great way of eating because it also focuses on whole, unprocessed foods. As for keto though, I have SOOOO many recipes and whatnot, if you ever want something different, let me know! I have an arsenal! I also have keto thanksgiving at my house every year so it can be done, you can get through the holidays, eat treats and still stay on plan!
    Here's a link to my keto recipes, and if you create an account there you can just copy any of my's quick and easy and you can tag things to find easier later and also use this to create shopping lists and meal plans, it's a pretty neat site.
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    Hello, my name is Cindy and I will be 56 on New Years Day. I started with MFP in October this year at 273 lbs. I had gone on a business trip where I needed to fly on a plane....the woman beside me was offended by my size and asked to change seats. All of the walking at that the airport and at the conference just about killed me. On the way home I decided enough is enough. I went to a weight loss clinic and started seeing a doctor, dietitian and fitness trainer. So far I've lost 35 lbs and I walk or ride my stationary bike almost every day. 3 months ago I could barely walk around the block. Now, I can walk 2 - 3 miles or ride my bike 10 miles. I log my food every day at MFP.

    My ultimate weight loss goal is to get to 135. That would get me into a "normal" BMI range. In the next 3 months I want to get to 218, that gets me out of the morbidly obese category. By the end of 2019 I want to be be below 150.

    Non scale goals: I plan to set up a trip with my neighbors in 2 -3 months that will involve lots of walking. I also plan to tour our local raptor center ...more walking. I hope to soon be up to 60 minutes a day on the stationary bike. I need to set up a regular schedule of working with resistance bands and stretching.

    My weigh in day is Monday.
    @CindyJNC1963 Welcome back Cindy!
    A new years baby! My sister is one too. I was almost a Valentines baby (Feb 15) and my bother almost a Christmas baby (Dec 28), guess my parents had a theme lol.

    I think it's great that you've enlisted the help of professionals, I, personally, am not a fan of doctors and dietitians because they aren't required in any way to keep up with medical research and changes in recommendations. **One note here, not all of them are bad, there are a lot of them who really want to help their clients and keep up with research and new ideas and ways of thinking, but my experience to date hasn't been positive** Trainers though, they are most invested in your success because it's directly linked to their success....and I am 100% crediting most of my success to my first one taught me about keto and how what I eat directly affects my performance, how I feel and ultimately how I look...which really totally changed everything for me, I started losing weight so much easier and started performing so much better in the gym. The saying "You are what you eat" is 100% accurate, if you eat crap, you will feel like crap, if you eat healthy, you will feel and look better.

    My best advice on achieving your fitness goals is track them too. Get (or make) a journal (or spreadsheet--that's what I use) and make sure you're increasing your time or distance weekly or bi-weekly and you'll be surprised at how quickly your body adapts and you reach those goals. Increase time incrementally, small additions, 1-5 minutes at a time and distance in the same way. Great job so far, you'll be running around with your neighbors in no time!
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    Hi everyone !! My name is amber. I am 27 years old and I live in Michigan. I’ve struggled hard this year with losing weight cuz I’d give up on trying. With the new year , I’m gonna change that! I need to stop giving up on myself. Back in 2013 , I lost about 80 pounds in a year. I know I can do it! I’ve proven it. This past month I lost about 7 pounds but then Christmas came and I gave in to all the junk! I need to start somewhere so this time I’m putting my foot down! If anyone wants to add me , feel free :)

    My weigh in days are Saturday.
    I’m starting at 319.6 !
    (As of 12/29)
    I’m ready to kill this month :)

    @rawrxamberx Welcome Amber! Definitely don't give up on yourself. You ARE worth it! And the only thing that's stopping you is you. Don't give in to the junk, eat to fuel your body, and your goals and you will be surprised at how much easier it is to reach your goals when you start changing the way you think about food and your goals. You got this!
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    Good Morning Slimsons, today is Day 1 of the January Challenge. Let's shed some pounds and hit our goals. I've been doing some soul searching and digging deep to come up with some goals for 2019.
    I'm going to share them with you. I've posted this on my office wall as a daily reminder of my goals, it helps me to visualize my goals and it serves as a constant reminder that I have action items if I'm going to meet my goals.

    Also, I'll share the sheet I used if anyone's interested in using it, it's a nice way to break it down visually and helps to set goals and gives you a great timeline to follow.

    Welcome to January team! Let's do this!
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    Also, I'm not sure if anyone would be interested in this, but I like to "bet" on myself and win while I'm losing, helps with added incentive and it's individual based (or you can do team challenges if you want).
    I've already won twice and it's pretty motivating! You can use a smart phone and a friend (or mirror) to create a video to verify your weight, or you can use a healthcare professional (personal trainer, doctor, etc) and a form if you prefer, and I've done it both ways at this point.

    If you're interested, you can get an additional $40 added to your winnings if you use my referral link by January 5.
  • BreanaRenae
    BreanaRenae Posts: 44 Member
    edited December 2018
    Hi! I’m Bre and I’m a reoccurring member of this group! Last month was a little hard for me with the holidays. My goal for this month is to work out, eat in moderation and be happy!

    SW: 138
    CW: 134.6
    Goal: 130
    Weigh in day: Sunday
  • NuggetBrain
    NuggetBrain Posts: 526 Member
    Holidays have hit me hard but I have to fit into a bridesmaid dress in August so time to buckle down again. My starting weight is 273, weigh in day is Monday.
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    Holidays have hit me hard but I have to fit into a bridesmaid dress in August so time to buckle down again. My starting weight is 273, weigh in day is Monday.

    @NuggetBrain Got it.
  • Safari_Gal
    Safari_Gal Posts: 888 Member
    AB0215 wrote: »
    Good Morning Slimsons, today is Day 1 of the January Challenge. Let's shed some pounds and hit our goals. I've been doing some soul searching and digging deep to come up with some goals for 2019.
    I'm going to share them with you. I've posted this on my office wall as a daily reminder of my goals, it helps me to visualize my goals and it serves as a constant reminder that I have action items if I'm going to meet my goals.

    Also, I'll share the sheet I used if anyone's interested in using it, it's a nice way to break it down visually and helps to set goals and gives you a great timeline to follow.

    Welcome to January team! Let's do this!

    That’s awesome! Happy day 1 Ashley!
  • Safari_Gal
    Safari_Gal Posts: 888 Member
    Hi All!

    I’m Mary - I’ve been with the challenge a few months now. I’m from NYC. I’m married and have a big fluffy cat. I travel a lot - it’s a passion. I also like film and photography. I like to cook.

    I’ve lost 40+ lbs in the last year.
    I was super focused and hardcore in Sept and Oct and then in November and December I started to lose steam.

    I’m happy today is day 1of our challenge. I like fresh starts. I got buried under incapacitating stress and anxiety the last 6 weeks.

    Part of my health focus is losing another 15 lbs, eating nourishing foods and being mindful of how toxic stress is. I’m looking to create a healthy place for myself- mind and body.

    I’ve given up sugar and alcohol. When I was doing my greens everyday I felt a lot more energy. I’m also on the keto diet. People think it’s mostly meat - but i actually eat more vegetables than anything else.

    So today is day 1 of my revitalization plan.
    I’m 143lbs. My goal is 125ish. That’s 15-18 lbs.


    Happy to see many returning faces and newbies as well!

  • SaletaS
    SaletaS Posts: 33 Member
    Username: SaletaS
    Week: January Week 1
    PW = 215lbs (12/23)
    CW= 205lbs (12/30)
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    mg07030 wrote: »
    Hi All!

    I’m Mary - I’ve been with the challenge a few months now. I’m from NYC. I’m married and have a big fluffy cat. I travel a lot - it’s a passion. I also like film and photography. I like to cook.

    I’ve lost 40+ lbs in the last year.
    I was super focused and hardcore in Sept and Oct and then in November and December I started to lose steam.

    I’m happy today is day 1of our challenge. I like fresh starts. I got buried under incapacitating stress and anxiety the last 6 weeks.

    Part of my health focus is losing another 15 lbs, eating nourishing foods and being mindful of how toxic stress is. I’m looking to create a healthy place for myself- mind and body.

    I’ve given up sugar and alcohol. When I was doing my greens everyday I felt a lot more energy. I’m also on the keto diet. People think it’s mostly meat - but i actually eat more vegetables than anything else.

    So today is day 1 of my revitalization plan.
    I’m 143lbs. My goal is 125ish. That’s 15-18 lbs.


    Happy to see many returning faces and newbies as well!


    @mg07030 Welcome back Mary! Great goals, you will get there, but it's a lot harder to get those last few pounds off than it was to get them off when you weren't as close to your goal, you got this!
    There are a few variations of the Keto diet that you can do and while I choose to eat a lot of low carb veggies because they help to keep me feeling fuller, you can eat only meat and a lot of people do see benefits from that. So, there's that aspect too, but yeah, I eat a looot of veggies on Keto and it works for me :smile: You can even do a variation on keto that is meat free, I, however am 100% sure I couldn't do that, I personaly enjoy eating meat, so much. lol.
    I really needed a fresh start myself. I've sort of been buried in work between my 2 jobs and trying to figure out what's next for me and traning, and on top of that the last week of every month is especially hard for me because there's a little more work involved in setting up the next month's challenge. But this last week has been super hard with the holiday and family time and trying to find time to cook, I just got a little overwhelmed and sort of lost interest in literally I'm ready for a fresh start!
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    SaletaS wrote: »
    Username: SaletaS
    Week: January Week 1
    PW = 215lbs (12/23)
    CW= 205lbs (12/30)

    @SaletaS Great job this week!
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    edited December 2018
    This weeks Question of the Week is What are your goals for 2019? Or even just January? And do you make New Year's Resolutions?

    I guess setting up goals for 2019 is sort of a New Year's Resolution although I don't call it that, I like to think of things in terms of what do I want and how can I get there. I also tend to re-visit my goals periodically and adjust them if I've hit them or if I'm not on track, that way I always have something to work for!
  • Bm00re2u
    Bm00re2u Posts: 426 Member
    Hi I'm Brittany and this is my 4th month doing BLC. I'm a 5 ft even, 31 yo wife, mom of two young boys, and jogging, weight training, and yoga are my exercises of choice. My goals are:

    -Workout at least 3 times per week
    -Track all food daily
    -Drink at least 60 oz of water
    - Write down a positive thought or encouraging quote every morning to start the day off on a good note.

    Looking forward to a great January with you all!

    CW: 136.6 lbs.
    GW for January: 131 lbs.
    Overall GW: 115 lbs.

  • Beckymomof3girls
    Beckymomof3girls Posts: 102 Member
    Username: beckymomof3girls
    Weigh in week: week 1
    Weigh in day: Sunday
    PW: 252.2
    CW: 250.6
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