Coming back

macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
I first joined this group in Nov '15 when I started keto. I had great results and then in maintenance, I experimented with varying carb levels to see what would work for me. I got a bit sloppier starting Sept '17 when I started working more (I'd been primarily a SAHM since 2009). I gradually regained 10 lbs and know I would benefit from the support and accountability in this group to get back on track.

I'm initially aiming for under 60g carbs/day for the weight loss phase and probably not more than 80 once I'm back in maintenance.


  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Welcome back and brilliant decision to go back to what worked.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
    macchiatto wrote: »
    I first joined this group in Nov '15 when I started keto. I had great results and then in maintenance, I experimented with varying carb levels to see what would work for me. I got a bit sloppier starting Sept '17 when I started working more (I'd been primarily a SAHM since 2009). I gradually regained 10 lbs and know I would benefit from the support and accountability in this group to get back on track.

    I'm initially aiming for under 60g carbs/day for the weight loss phase and probably not more than 80 once I'm back in maintenance.

    Glad to see you back.
    I'm done, weight-loss-wise, and have been for awhile, but I always stick around and keep my nose in things because I know that's what it takes to keep me from straying too far afield, kwim?
    It's nice to have veterans around. :smile:
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Sounds like my story. LCHF worked the second time too. ;)

    It will be nice to "see" you around again. :)
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Thank you! Good to see familiar posters still here. :)
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    Welcome back!
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    You must have been somewhat active on MFP, you survived my friend purges. I routinely go through and unfriend everyone who hasn't been active for over a month. So, you either got lucky, or you were secretly on here waiting to come back. :smiley:
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    @FIT_Goat woohoo, I'm a survivor! I have probably been checking in the Low Carb Ad Libitum challenge at least once a month, so that may explain that. I hadn't posted regularly in this group in quite a while though so I thought a reintroduction might be helpful!
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    Yep, you made it. :smiley:
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,173 Member
    I am back too...many of you know me as ms_smartypants ...I lost that account and gained back a lot of my weight so new year me (again) Welcome back :):)
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    edited January 2019
    I’m still around too!! Been a while as I’ve allowed the care requirements of my parents to take over my free time for the past couple of years. I’m fortunate to not have gained any weight though. It’s a miracle that it hasn’t happened though I’ve remained primarily low carb. I’m just not as low as I once was, but I have been able to maintain for these past two years without much effort. It’s nice to still have the control and if a see a few pounds on the scale I drop the carbs back down and lose them right away. My whole life has been spent on the weight loss rollercoaster ! It’s so nice to be off of that ride!

    I wouldn’t have the control if it weren’t for MFP and the great people of this (and a couple other) group!!
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    I am back too...many of you know me as ms_smartypants ...I lost that account and gained back a lot of my weight so new year me (again) Welcome back :):)

    Thank you! Welcome back to you, too!

  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    @KarlaYP that's great you've done so well maintaining even with the stress of caregiving. Glad you are still here!
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,173 Member
    macchiatto wrote: »
    I am back too...many of you know me as ms_smartypants ...I lost that account and gained back a lot of my weight so new year me (again) Welcome back :):)

    Thank you! Welcome back to you, too!

    Your very welcome and thank you ...Happy New Year :smile:
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    I’m glad I’m back into the groups too! I have missed this a lot! I decided to devote more time to myself again. Will still be helping my parents, but they have gotten more independent again (until the next disaster occurs), and want their privacy back too.

    It’s great to see so many still around!
  • qmcclean123
    qmcclean123 Posts: 6 Member
    Another returner! I had great success first time round. Then fell and broke shoulder on ice last December and was pretty in active for a year it seems like ( tripped in March on cable stones and trying to brace the fall I fractured some ribs.. so been a rough year that way !). Any way back now and have gained back 10 of the 30 i shed. So onwards! Looking forward to being accountable by tracking everything these first dew weeks and getting back to running. The support of MFP community is so important- even if i am mostly a “lurker”.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Another returner! I had great success first time round. Then fell and broke shoulder on ice last December and was pretty in active for a year it seems like ( tripped in March on cable stones and trying to brace the fall I fractured some ribs.. so been a rough year that way !). Any way back now and have gained back 10 of the 30 i shed. So onwards! Looking forward to being accountable by tracking everything these first dew weeks and getting back to running. The support of MFP community is so important- even if i am mostly a “lurker”.

    So sorry to hear about your injuries! Glad to have you back, too. Wishing us both success with our extra 10 lbs!