Complete Newbie - trying to understand

freckleston Posts: 36 Member
I literally never heard of Keto diet before today. Ive had undiagnosed neurological problems for over a year and this week it was suggested i 'may' be having some sort of a never-ending complex migraine (without headache). This is not final diagnosis but its a possibility.

I have been given some medication to try but i also read about Keto diet. & I do also need to lose weight anyway and have used this app before for calorie tracking.

So in the simplest of terms.. from what I can gather.. Keto this is basically just removing carbs from diet? I think i could manage this if it will help me. Are there lots and lots of other 'rules' or is it easy enough please?



  • qweck3
    qweck3 Posts: 346 Member
    edited January 2019
    Yes, the ultimate goal is to keep your body in the ketosis state long enough (6-8 weeks) through strict keto meals to have the body adjust to being fat adapted. This WOE has shown some really nice results for various life challenges such as the one you list above. I use it to control diabetes which it has all but reversed with all pills gone. Others use it to control migraines, pains etc. Plus this will make you lose a lot of weight if done right.

    Few quick important notes for this WOE (diet is a bad word as it has a stigma of being temporary).

    Protein is a minimum - you need to hit and exceed your grams daily.
    Carbs are a limit - around 20-30 grams. Don't go over it and shoot to be under.
    Fat until satiety up to the limit - this differs for everyone but should not be a number you try to hit.

    You are in the right place as the folks here are great.
  • freckleston
    freckleston Posts: 36 Member
    edited January 2019
    Thanks so much for reply. Sounds like it could be helpful for me.

    Will i find everything i need to know in this community? I saw a link at the top, i assume that will be a good place to start.I cant go looking at tons of diferent websites etc as i know it will overwhelm my struggling brain!

    **Oh!.. also** I will need to know if anything to watch out for medically-wise. My neuro diagnosis could still change to anything under neurologists remit (M.S. Epilepsy..), he makes a decision next time. However I do believe it looking most likely to come under the broad heading of migraine related.
  • knorris84
    knorris84 Posts: 141 Member
    I had optic neuritis back in July and had so many tests and procedures done on me since then checking for everything and anything. They have yet to be able to diagnose me with anything. My vision has somewhat came back but I continue to have terrible migraines since then. They are chopping it up to hormonal migraines for now. I've seen where keto has helped with all of this and I can say it has definitely helped me. I've been keto off and on for months but have been strict this time for 2 months. Good luck and you have came to the right place for help!
  • qweck3
    qweck3 Posts: 346 Member
    One suggestion is to look through the older post in the forums. It's really how I started. Lots of good discussion but ask away on the boards with your own questions. This keto board is one of the most relaxed boards I've been on and the people here don't care if you post 5 different topics asking for help. Everyone is going to have slightly different view points and that is a great thing. Find the one that works for you.

    You will want to prepare to fight off the Keto Flu. Keto will drain the sodium out of your body as it adjust to low carb. Drink lots of water and I'd strongly suggest stocking up on Powerade Zero and putting a teaspoon of salt in it if needed. Expect to pee a lot for the first 2-3 weeks and drop up to 10 pounds of water weight. The first two weeks are the roughest on the body. Carb with-drawl, feeling hungry, irritable, etc etc. but after those first few days pass it get really easy.
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    You might want to read from The Charlie Foundation website or go to the John's Hopkins site and search keto and epilepsy. Also if you have time to spend on YouTube, Dom D'Agostino's talks are a bit more medically inclined.

    I'm surprised at these neurologists saying "try a ketogenic diet" and not offering a referral to a registered dietitian. There are several medically therapeutic ketogenic diets. They're somewhat similar...but different.

    My experience with keto was a "medically therapeutic" version and unfortunately it wasn't helpful. May your luck be better than mine. :)
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    There are a few around here who use keto for migraines. @tcunbeliever And quite a few more who use it for antiflammatory treatment of some health issues. I find it helps with my arthritis, BP, BG and autoimmune issues. It doesn't help everyone but it really works for me.

    Great resources were listed by kpk54. Good ones to look into. Good luck!

    Oh, and make sure to look into adding more sodium to your diet when you cut carbs. If you don't replace your electrolytes, many end up with bad headaches and fatigue which I imagine won't help your situation. ;)
  • freckleston
    freckleston Posts: 36 Member
    Thank you all so much for replies. Thats a perfect level of info for me for a start -I was worried i would get a river of links that 'i must read'!
    It definitely sounds like this does help a lot of people.

    Its not the doctors that mentioned this to me- it was Google when searched for help!
    Doctors/Neurologist has prescribed a few different medications to try over past year but they've all gone in the bin for bad side effects.

    Thank you also for warning about the possible effects re sodium. I think what I'll do is begin with is to change my meals to reduce carbs while im reading up. I dont want to cause myself any big effects as already feeling really unbalanced and strange with my symptoms that i already have right now.
  • IronGiant0
    IronGiant0 Posts: 48 Member
    Take a look at and from there into YouTube...
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    My grandfather gets migraines without the headache - he basically goes blind for a day once every few years, it's so odd.

    For me, I was having migraines with headache 5 days of out any given week and they would only sometimes respond to medication - it was miserable and totally challenging to have any kind of life. Plus, I was very concerned about long term brain damage, there's no way something that painful can be harmless.

    The recommendation for migraines is a 2:1 ratio of fats:protein+carbs. That's where I started, but that's a challenging diet to eat and since I lift weights it caused problems with recovery probably due to the limited amount of protein. I switched to 1:1 ratio with about 100g of protein for a while, and currently I'm just keeping carbs low, eating lots of protein, and just letting fat fall where it may. It's still working. I've been keto for 15 months now. I immediately had a reduction in migraines, but was still having migraines when triggered (monthly or food triggered) for about the first 100 days. After that, I have been totally migraine free even when I eat my normal trigger foods, and even at all times of the month, and even if I go totally off the diet for a few days - last I tested 5 days was my time limit that I could eat high carb before symptoms would return.

    I think the biggest tip I have is just keep at it. The longer you stay on it the more benefit you will see as it does seem to have some cumulative effect over time. So, if it doesn't seem to be working in the first month, that's ok, stick it out for at least 4 months and get past that 100 day mark to really see full benefits. Salt is super important, but I think many folks have already pointed that out.

    In children with epilepsy the neuroprotective benefits of keto are permanent after 2 years...they can switch to a standard low carb diet without a return of my knowledge no one has studied the permanence in adults. My plan is that after the 2 year mark I will switch to LC and see if the migraines stay away. I can eat keto for the rest of my life if I need to, but I get better results from my lifting if I have more carbs and it's harder for me to lose weight with keto than it was with LC.
  • mechellecranford
    mechellecranford Posts: 30 Member
    I literally never heard of Keto diet before today. Ive had undiagnosed neurological problems for over a year and this week it was suggested i 'may' be having some sort of a never-ending complex migraine (without headache). This is not final diagnosis but its a possibility.

    I have been given some medication to try but i also read about Keto diet. & I do also need to lose weight anyway and have used this app before for calorie tracking.

    So in the simplest of terms.. from what I can gather.. Keto this is basically just removing carbs from diet? I think i could manage this if it will help me. Are there lots and lots of other 'rules' or is it easy enough please?


    Check out this link for great info and a free two week keto challenge with recipes and shopping lists:

    Feel free to friend me.
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    edited January 2019
    I do it for migraines. Mine were bad. Pain, yes. Vision loss/blurring, yes. Nausea, every time. Light and sound sensitivity, you betcha. As I got older, they reduced in number. I still got 2-3 a year. Manageable enough to stay off drugs. And I got an aura well enough in advance to call out or leave work/school.

    I went keto. Then carnivore. I don't worry about macros. I have had one in 5 years. One! And it was because I cheated and ate off the diet. It was life changing. I no longer even think of myself as someone who gets migraines or worry about missing something because I have one.

  • shelbydodgeguy
    shelbydodgeguy Posts: 194 Member
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    There are a few around here who use keto for migraines. @tcunbeliever And quite a few more who use it for antiflammatory treatment of some health issues. I find it helps with my arthritis, BP, BG and autoimmune issues. It doesn't help everyone but it really works for me.

    I also do it for migraines and anti-inflammatory benefits. I also take Topamax twice a day as a migraine preventative but it wasn't cutting it alone but combined with the dietary changes I'm doing a lot better. I'm still terribly sensitive to lights and smells but I no longer have daily migraines and my inflammation is much better. The only thing that hasn't changed is the chronic pain, in fact it's been a bit worse as the weight has come off. At my last checkup the doctor said that the loss of adipose tissue has probably inflamed the nerves more. :/ But overall I can't complain, I haven't been at this weight in 20+ years and I can type without being in complete agony and putter around the house most days without my head feeling like it's going to explode.

  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    I started low carb (100gm per day), 4 years ago, to lose weight and noticed that my headaches and migraines (pain, blindness, and flashing light aura type that I get Botox injections for) improved. Then decided to drop the carbs even more to see if I could get better results, and I did. It was just on a whim that I began low carb and it morphed into Keto when I recognized the health benefits. I’m also a chronic pain patient (fibromyalgia and cervical dystonia) and the decreased inflammation helped me decrease my use of pain medication. Then I was even able to return to work (part time) after ten years of not being able to work.

    Read what you can, as you can. I would begin right where you are though. The people here can teach you a lot even with some minor differences of opinion on a few things (there will always be that among groups anywhere). Ask questions when you feel you need to because no question is dumb.

    Wishing you the best of health on your journey! Welcome!

  • freckleston
    freckleston Posts: 36 Member
    Wow I never realised it could be so life changing.! I am a bit worried that i will do something wrong and end up feeling unwell - i cant deal with that right now, feel dreadful as it is.
    But.. i have ordered my shopping and have got even more veggies and meat and not re-stocked all our pasta/rice etc. I will just limit my carbs for now and check the finer details after a while .
  • mechellecranford
    mechellecranford Posts: 30 Member
    qweck3 wrote: »
    Yes, the ultimate goal is to keep your body in the ketosis state long enough (6-8 weeks) through strict keto meals to have the body adjust to being fat adapted. This WOE has shown some really nice results for various life challenges such as the one you list above. I use it to control diabetes which it has all but reversed with all pills gone. Others use it to control migraines, pains etc. Plus this will make you lose a lot of weight if done right.

    Few quick important notes for this WOE (diet is a bad word as it has a stigma of being temporary).

    Protein is a minimum - you need to hit and exceed your grams daily.
    Carbs are a limit - around 20-30 grams. Don't go over it and shoot to be under.
    Fat until satiety up to the limit - this differs for everyone but should not be a number you try to hit.

    You are in the right place as the folks here are great.

    Great info!
  • Kaddygirl20
    Kaddygirl20 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Freckles...I am new to Keto too and I'm doing the same...just aiming to cut back on carbs. I suggest you just be open minded to odd combinations like eggs and steamed broccoli with butter or not. I think tracking on Fitness Pal will help you. My daughter has migraines and hers are triggered with dairy, especially aged cheese so I'd be careful with that. Also, dried fruit has sulfites and they can do it. Hang in there.
  • IronGiant0
    IronGiant0 Posts: 48 Member
    edited January 2019
    No bread.
    No pasta.
    No rice.
    No root vegetables.
    No crackers.
    No beer. :'(
    Very few fruits.
    Very little baking.
    Read labels.
    Weigh and measure until you get a feel for serving size.

    Good Luck.
    It works.
  • freckleston
    freckleston Posts: 36 Member
    edited January 2019
    I will maybe post a separate message about specifics when i get into this more!... but im enjoying what ive eaten for 2days so im positive so far.

    Does this look about right please?...

    Carbs: 27g (8%)
    Fat: 75g (52%)
    Protein: 129g (40%)

    Carbs: 14g (5%)
    Fat: 66g (50%)
    Protein: 132g (45%)

    I just wanted to make sure not doing something terribly wrong from the beginning.
    By the way my daily calories is 1200. This is what the app says for weight loss.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    That looks just fine. :)

    You may be able to eat a bit more too. 1200 kcal is the minimum suggested intake for weight loss. Some find that is too low and leads to hunger making weight loss less sustainable. If you have a hungry day, feel free to eat more as needed.
  • msmaria1021
    msmaria1021 Posts: 1 Member
    I am not an expert but I don't think your macros look right for KETO. They are probably fine for low carb but for KETO your fat should be much higher than your protein. I think I read that your fat goal should be around the same as your goal weight and protein should be about half that and carbs should be 20 or less net. Too much protein can inhibit ketosis unless you are exercising a lot.