


  • Peter_Brooklyn
    Peter_Brooklyn Posts: 6 Member

    I train jiu jitsu 3 to 4 times a week and either boxing or mma twice a week, work permitting. I'm a CCIE and I travel a lot. I am a blue belt under Renzo Gracie. I compete in NAGA, Grapplers Quest and the ibjj opens a couple times a year. I love the ever changing challenge of jiu jitsu.
  • PlumPetalsFit
    PlumPetalsFit Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I just joined MFP and am glad to see a BJJ forum here. I've been training on and off for a year. With lots of travel and recently moving to England, my training has been thrown off. I'm currently doing the Gracie Combatives Course but I'm also hoping to find a training academy here that will help me prepare for a competition along the way. I haven't been training for long, but whatever I have done I have really enjoyed. It has done wonders for my confidence!
  • Kev_Red
    Kev_Red Posts: 19
    Hi PlumsPetal welcome to the group.
    It would be great to see this group more active again with more chat, always up for speaking about BJJ.

    How's everyone training going, any promotions or medals won lately...please share

  • rayfu75
    rayfu75 Posts: 209 Member
    Not sure why I haven't posted in here before. I'm a BJJ blue belt and have been training 4 years. My whole family trains including my wife (who just was promoted to blue last week) my three sons (20, 9, & 5) We train under Gustavo Dantas black belt Chris Lopez and are part of Nova Uniao Arizona.
  • Matt200goal
    Matt200goal Posts: 481 Member
    Hi to all. Matt, 43 years old, a recently promoted blue belt that started jiu jitsu wanting to do an athletic activity with my teenage sons (14 & 12). Currently 263 - goal to get back to 200, to help my jiu jitsu and most importantly just live a healthy lifestyle. Looking for an "accountability buddy" to help me stay on the path!
  • stinkyshirt
    stinkyshirt Posts: 9 Member
    I'm am very new to BJJ. I train in Gracie BJJ under Jerry Montes. I am not good at it but damn it if I don't try. I used to kickbox a few years back but life took over and I quit and gained SO much weight. I know this is going to help me cut down on my weight.
    Mainly, I am doing BJJ because I hear it's easy on the knees (I have a knee injury after a recent trampoline accident). Anyway, glad to make your acquaintance.
  • jacknikon
    jacknikon Posts: 11 Member
    edited January 2019
    Hi everyone!
    I'm Jack, 37-year-old female. I've been training BJJ about 5 months (I'm a white belt at Easton Training Center) and I'm completely obsessed (of course). I've always been relatively healthy, and I'm definitely not looking to lose any weight, but I know I could do better with my nutrition to help me train harder and recover faster. So, that's why I'm here: to hold myself better accountable for the food I eat. I'm very happy to make all of your acquaintance!