Am I kicked out of ketosis if...

amring Posts: 21 Member
I had a small bite of chocolate cake maybe a tablespoon or so? After 6 weeks of being strictly on keto diet?


have some type of treats (sweet or savoury foods that are not carb friendly) but still remain under 25g carbs for the day?

I'm so close to my goal, obviously I don't want to ruin my hard work and go back to old habits, but today is valentine's and I'm pretty sure I'll be faced with many upcoming social situations where there's no carb friendly foods.

Thanks everyone!!


  • qweck3
    qweck3 Posts: 346 Member
    A tablespoon won't kick you out of ketosis but it could trigger other things to make you want more and more. How did you feel after eating it? Did you want more or was that just good enough? At 6 weeks you should be just entering the fat adapted stage so most likely the body wouldn't even want more beyond what you consumed, a good test to see how far into fat adapted you are. Once fat adapted you can up your carbs without it messing you up as it just becomes a secondary fuel. Ketosis is much less important at that point unless its for medical reasons.
  • amring
    amring Posts: 21 Member
    @qweck3 thanks for your reply. Honestly, it felt like I downed a whole bag of sugar, felt bloated for an hour or so and really tired but now a couple of hours later I'm didn't spark any cravings for more cake I just really felt like I want to go back to my "normal keto diet" ASAP!
  • gwendyprism
    gwendyprism Posts: 222 Member
    So true that it rarely tastes as good as what I'm expecting. I find that eating one In n Out French fry when my husband eats them makes me realize that and not feel deprived. This may not work for all foods.