Week long binge HELP

tattoomary Posts: 44 Member
Hi, looking for help and a kick up the *kitten* please.
I had a post written about letting my personal trainer go as he was too intense for me.
I was on 1200cal a day, doing workout 3 times a week with daily walks.
I had NO energy....and ran out of steam.
I upped my cals to 1420 a day (on recommendation from fit-goat that my cals were too low)
Anyway I ended up on a carb binge all week :( We're talking about an easter egg a day, cake, chocolate, toasted sandwiches, burgers etc
I guess im looking on what to do next.
I need a sustainable weight loss...I have to have energy with 4 young kids and work!
But now I feel bloated and like *kitten*....I have a carb addiction and cant stop once I start.
Any advice please....what should my cals be...what should my macros be.
Im 45, weight 175lb. Looking to get to 140.
Thanks for any advice :blush:


  • IronGiant0
    IronGiant0 Posts: 48 Member

    Don't listen to your tongue.
    When the craving hits, go stand in front of the mirror and ask yourself if you want the food, or to lose weight and gain better health.
    You cannot do this for anyone, or because of anyone else's opinion.

    It ONLY works when YOU do it FOR YOU.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    edited February 2019
    If you weren’t getting your electrolytes you will have no energy with Keto! It won’t be sustainable! You must read the information at the top of the group page about that and figure out a way to get sodium and magnesium everyday when you drop the carbohydrates! Otherwise you won’t have any energy, you’ll have headaches and bad leg cramps!

    Also, if you don’t increase your fat, ie: using heavy whipping cream (hwc) in coffee, or putting it in eggs (scrambled or omelettes) to make them creamy and yummy, or make homemade hollandaise sauce with hwc and butter to compliment meat and veggies, you will always be hungry. Increasing your fat intake (which is not bad for you, another thing you must read about all over the information up there ^^^ too!!) is what makes you able to look at those old foods, you used to be addicted to, and see them as non foods anymore!

    But you have to do the reading, so you feel sure about it, and figure it out for yourself which level is going to work for you. Use the ketocalculator in that information to calculate your macros. Because no one can tell you exactly what you need to do for you other than the fact that starvation isn’t good for anyone, and low fat is not the answer! If it were that would have worked the five thousand times I tried it years ago!! I can promise you that if you give yourself 90 days of doing a strict low carb high fat/Keto way of eating that your whole outlook on food would be changed!!

    Hugs to you hun!! We are all making it through this struggle and getting past it! Otherwise we wouldn’t be here trying to help each other do the same!! We know you can too!!
  • Audreyonfire
    Audreyonfire Posts: 15 Member
    These things happen. Don't dwell on it. Get right back on and it would be a good idea not to allow yourself anything that is a trigger for you. Even a bite. This is a bad habit and can lead to binges. Avoid low carb replacements like keto friendly desserts. If you're prone to binges, these can also lead you astray.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    It took a hellish two weeks of eating under 50 grams of carbs daily before my cravings/binges started to become less. One month in things were much better but it took awhile for the mental cravings to fade. 4.5 years later I still have cravings when I get hungry but the cravings are for protein and for some reason I have never been able to binge eat protein or fats.

    Now carbs is a different story because I can literally bust a gut.
  • MyriiStorm
    MyriiStorm Posts: 609 Member
    I feel you @tattoomary . I've been having trouble with binges lately, too, and it's purely emotional eating. Knowing intellectually what I should be eating to fuel my body and brain, and what I should avoid for health reasons, all the knowledge in the world doesn't help when I get triggered. The switch in my brain flips, and I have to seek out the carbs, all the while knowing how crappy it will make me feel, physically and emotionally, after I'm done.

    I'd suggest not keeping any of the unhealthy stuff in your house, but that can be difficult with kids at home. I don't really have advice for you, but wanted to let you know you are not alone in this. Keep at it, because you are worth the effort!
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    I do low carb and lost 30 lbs July - Nov. , feel so much better but I also looked at the emotional side of this. What feeling am I trying not to feel and if I eat and am sad, I can be sad or sad and fat. I did some journaling and that helped. I also listened to some stuff on internet on sabotaging myself and hypnosis, it was interesting.