how much food to eat?

annalisa0 Posts: 5 Member
I'm on my third week, but not losing weight like I had hoped. I have great energy and feel awesome--I was worried about the energy part and doing cross fit.
I've got my marcos set at carbs 25g, protein 140g and fat 110g with 1650 calories. I'm about 180 pounds right now. I got these from a meal plan I paid for. Is it too much?


  • Glazed_and_Confused
    Glazed_and_Confused Posts: 1,307 Member
    edited March 2019
    I would use a BMR and TDEE calculator to find your ideal caloric intake, based on age, sex, height, and activity level. If you Google it, they're easy to find. Also I think fat % should be higher than the protein %.
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    How much have you lost in the 1st couple of weeks? Everyone does not lose "quickly". If you're not retaining a lot of water you won't even lose a bunch of initial water weight.

    What does MFP give you for calories when you enter your stats? That number was/is always spot on for me and averaging several TDEE calculators...MFP is smack in the middle. YMMV.
  • tmpecus78
    tmpecus78 Posts: 1,206 Member
    edited March 2019
    People need to remember, the ketogenic diet isn't a magic weight loss diet like some of you believe. If you are eating more calories then you are burning you will not loose weight.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,016 Member
    tmpecus78 wrote: »
    People need to remember, the ketogenic diet isn't a magic weight loss diet like some of you believe. If you are eating more calories then you are burning you will not loose weight.

    But the OP and other posters have talked about calories, so I think they get it.
    I know that some people do understand as well, but go on about you don't have to count calories. And maybe some don't. We hear a lot about folk who don't count calories because keto works a kind of "magic" on their appetite and satiety cues so they naturally eat less. That was simply not true for me, and I know I'm not a special snowflake. I was able to just count carbs for 3 months. Then I stalled out. I like to eat, and I liked keto food, too. I came here to MFP, started counting calories, and continue on to lose to my goal. I've been on maintenance since Dec 2015, and I still have to log calories. I'm still a very hungry caterpillar and my satiety cues are lazy.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    When beginning, I would say give it 3 full weeks for adaptation...and then start to expect some results in the next 3 weeks after that...if you go 6 full weeks after starting with no changes in scale or measurements, then it's time to look at reducing calories.
  • DvlDwnInGA
    DvlDwnInGA Posts: 368 Member
    Things required to lose weight:
    1. Caloric deficit
    2. I wish there was a 2 but really there isn't

    Things that help you stay in a caloric deficit
    1. Diets like keto that fit into YOUR way of eating that is sustainable long term and you enjoy.
    2. Staying active and exercising.
    3. Tracking food with apps like MFP and using a food scale to insure accurate measurements.

    How you set your macros up for weight loss is important but I wouldn't get lost in the minutia of this without first nailing the accurate tracking. Track with a food scale and MFP for one month. At the end of that month you should have a good idea of where your calories need to be set to lose weight at the desired rate.

  • KetoZandra
    KetoZandra Posts: 132 Member
    The grams amounts are specific to each person but the percentages make it keto.
    So based on your ratio % your fat is higher than your protein and that could be the problem.

    I do 5% carbs, 20% protein, 75% fat.
    You must be under your carbs.
    All or slightly over your protein, it's your fuel.
    In the beginning most of your fat then once you gauge not feeling hungry you can back off on some of the fat.

    I agree with others. Do a google search and find your correct macro for your height, weight, age, and workout level with a calories.
    Measure and weigh your food. Do not have any! sweeteners as they slow weight loss or make you gain.
    Take measurements as the scale is measuring everything including the muscles which when you workout a lot hold water and gain weight. So by working out the scale may stay or go up if you are close to your goal.

    And know that you lose more and quicker when you have a lot to lose than when you are closer to your goal.
  • VictoryGarden
    VictoryGarden Posts: 194 Member
    Not sure how helpful this is, as I do weigh more, but my macros set by MFP are:

    1830 kcal
    Protein: 114
    Fat: 142

    While I almost always meet my carb numbers (I LOVE AVOCADO'S!!), I very rarely reach the protein and fat ones. I find that most days, the closest to maxing out kcal's is 1500