


  • megbeveridge93
    megbeveridge93 Posts: 238 Member
    Hi all!

    This is going to be my first month doing this challenge, as well as doing a second round of Whole30 starting April 7th. Since I'm not supposed to be counting calories for W30, I'm only going to be looking at it at the end of the day. Hopefully intuitive eating will win out!

    In terms of eating, I have a ferocious sugar dragon and once I let it out, it cannot be tamed. For example, half a donut this morning turned into another half two hours later, a cookie at lunch, and a muffin after that. I work a (primarily) desk job so I have to be intentionally active or I'll never burn any of that off. My usual exercise is climbing, biking, or walking. My intention is to bike to work (weather permitting) until it gets too cold in the fall. That should be a solid 30 minutes of exercise five days a week, plus walking my dogs and climbing 2-3 times.

    I am 5'2", 25 years old, and I have no idea what I weigh right now because I've been avoiding the scale for three weeks. I'm here because I dropped off the wagon, but I fully intend to step on that scale and hop back on. My starting weight was 154lbs in fall of 2018 and on March 2nd I was 127.2 lbs. I've definitely gained since then, so I'll check back in here before the challenge starts with my cw and gw. Ultimately I'm looking to cut to somewhere between 120 and 125 before starting to build muscle.

    Hopefully this group will be the kick I need to stay on track for once!
  • BonnieHosk85
    BonnieHosk85 Posts: 2,552 Member
    I'm with you on your statements, @victorious55. I'm in this group forever. I'm not quitting on myself and I'm not leaving this group! It's been crucial to my success!
  • Annabelx1985
    Annabelx1985 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi, I started MFP back in 2016 and lost 6 stone. I have not been on MFP for about 18 months and gained 2 stone. My first goal is to get that back off. I am looking for buddy’s that can keep each other motivated, so please feel free to add me. I am looking forward to starting this group because I think it will give me the kick I need! 😊
  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,587 Member
    So, I'm back with this challenge to keep me on track while I'm not allowed to train in my chosen sports of judo and jiu jitsu thanks to a broken arm. I tend to get lazy and eat rubbish when my routine is messed up, so I need to establish a new routine with different exercises and be stricter with my food. I am also hoping to get approval to donate my kidney during April which will obviously make exercise even more limited, but I plan to be walking ASAP. Looking forward to sharing our journey through this next month!!!
  • emilysusana
    emilysusana Posts: 416 Member
    Hi! I’m joining this challenge for the first time! I lost 30 lbs 2 years ago using MFP but botched the job at maintenance. My restart was on Dec. 26 2018 (13 weeks ago!) and I’m determined to make the lifestyle change permanent now! All’s been good so far but I think the challenge will help me stay on track and my work/life rhythms change over the next few months.

    SW- 156 lbs
    CW- 137 lbs
    GW-120 lbs (perhaps)

    I’m 5’2 and I’m turning 40 in June!
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    Hi! I’m joining this challenge for the first time! I lost 30 lbs 2 years ago using MFP but botched the job at maintenance. My restart was on Dec. 26 2018 (13 weeks ago!) and I’m determined to make the lifestyle change permanent now! All’s been good so far but I think the challenge will help me stay on track and my work/life rhythms change over the next few months.

    SW- 156 lbs
    CW- 137 lbs
    GW-120 lbs (perhaps)

    I’m 5’2 and I’m turning 40 in June!

    Hi! I am learning about maintenance this month ... looking forward to your "Lessons Learned" wisdom!

  • rockymir
    rockymir Posts: 498 Member
    I'm joining again this month, will try to stay on track.
    Still haven't gotten any diagnosis, nor treatment. Guess we may say I'm a former triathlete, trying to convert to cycling with not much success. At least I can try to stay on track with the calories and don't get fatter, maybe lose some.
  • daisies_and_kittens
    daisies_and_kittens Posts: 26 Member
    Newbie and new to this group. Excited and looking forward to the motivation of logging everything and working out everyday! Been working on my health for years since a couple medical issues sprang up. I am 159 right now and I want to be a healthy 115.
  • L010
    L010 Posts: 139 Member
    Hi All, I am kind of Newbie here. Last year I did join for a month or so and fell off the bandwagon. Excited to join the challenge again.
    My goal for month of April is to keep up with this challenge.
  • grizziegriz
    grizziegriz Posts: 281 Member
    Hi ~
    I'm excited to get started. I lack the motivation and energy to keep myself going. I usually start strong and fade out somewhere in the middle. I'm looking forward to this challenge.
    I need to lose 25 lbs to be at a healthy weight. :p
  • Cayenne9988
    Cayenne9988 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello, I've been using MFP off-and-on for a while. This is my first time joining a group/challenge. 30F, CW 179lbs, GW 135lbs. I like playing video games and I'm so sedentary that merely 20 min/day of exercise seems daunting... :s
  • jgriffith4
    jgriffith4 Posts: 12 Member

    Ultimate Accountability Challenge April 2019

    jgriffith4jgriffith4 Member
    March 28, 2019 10:49AM in Challenges
    Hi, I am new to this group, not new to MFP. I was down 20+ pounds when I rejoined MFP. I’m -60 now with a goal of 31 more. I stress eat, eat to celebrate and love good food. Since Christmas it has been hard for me to get back to daily walking; Christmas sweets everywhere resulted in over indulgence. I have a few great days then my willpower is gone. I work every day at a desk; many days I bring work home to catch up; I never get caught up. I have 3 awesome grandchildren; my husband and I try to keep them one weekend a month. We take them to the park or pool to get them away from video games, I look forward to being in this group.
  • FlyerBear
    FlyerBear Posts: 17 Member
    Hello. I am a new member to both this challenge and MyFitnessPal. I am hoping this will help me lose 20 lbs. I successfully stopped drinking about three months ago and am now focusing on my goal of maintaining a healthy weight. I am 47 years old and from Ohio.
  • dgraf123
    dgraf123 Posts: 70 Member
    Hello all, I’m excited to join this group! My name is Debbie and I’m in North FL. I started MFP with the New Years rush this year and have lost 23 lbs so far. I love the tools and support I’ve found here but definitely looking forward to cranking up the accountability so this challenge is perfect. I’m 52 and need to lose at least another 35 lbs. Let’s go! 😊
  • Krogja29
    Krogja29 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi all, I would love to join the challenge for April ! I think it will help me a lot. I tend to start of well and then loose interest. So hopefully this will keep me motivated to lose a bit of weight. B)

    A little bit about me: I am 28 years old, 5’1 and weigh 116 pounds as of 24/03. I have an office job and sit most of the day, which makes weight loss a little bit harder sometimes.

    I do wear a fitness tracker so I will use that to keep count of my minutes of activities done a day. I also enjoy counting my calories on MFP, it makes me feel not so guilty, and then I can enjoy what I eat if I know how many calories are in it. o:)

    I'm not on any specific diet, I eat what I usually would - just less.
    I do try to treadmill 15-20 minutes a day and I do our local 5km parkrun on Saturdays.

  • krea4
    krea4 Posts: 1,814 Member
    Hi, I'm new to this group.
    I'm 47, 5'4" cm and from the UK. I've been losing and gaining the same 5-10lbs for the last 5 years!
    Highest weight - 146lbs (Aug 2018). Currently 135. End of Jan I was 134, went up to 138 by end of Feb and then refocused in March. Now aiming for 128!
    Exercise is no problem for me. I love it. Walking, running, zumba, yoga - I clock up about 5 hours a week. Sugar is my down fall! I have a stressful job and 3 teenage kids. I eat my stress in the shape of cakes, biscuits, chocolate etc etc
    I'm a yoyo logger so hopefully this challenge will help me to stay accountable for logging and calories.
  • alexis1616
    alexis1616 Posts: 115 Member
    Hi everyone!

    First time UACer here, so I’m super excited to see how this will go ☺️I’ve been on MFP for years, but only really got serious about my health when I reached 75kg(165lb) at the end of September of 2018. I’m only 5’3, so that was considered in the obese BMI range, so I knew things had to change. I’ve been daily logging(almost every day!!) since, and I lost around 10kg(22lb) to date.

    I would love all the extra motivation and accountability I can get to shed the last 20lbs of fat that I want to lose whilst gaining some muscle and strength along the way, and would love to share the motivation to help others reach their goals as well☺️

    Challenge GW: <140
    Overall GW:125ish
  • Alexbuzzcut
    Alexbuzzcut Posts: 77 Member
    I’m brand new to both this challenge and the MFP. One reason I signed up is to be more accountable to myself, to be more consistent and get back on track.

    I’m 55, as of last week 🎉. I do ZC (zero carb) for GI reasons. However, I started slipping up about a month ago which has caused lots of problems. I also gained weight. I’m currently 127.6 lbs (I’m short). I’d like to float around 120/121. Believe me, the 7 lbs makes the difference between wearing jeans or wearing baggy sweatpants. 😞 I also feel like crap due to said physical problems.

    Today I did good, first day in quite sometime. I’m hoping this group is just what I need to get back on track.

    So we post every 3rd day whether we complied with our personal plan? I was a little confused on that. I’m also not sure how to make it so I can easily find this thread. Ha, if I never post again it means I couldn’t find it! 🙃

    Oh, as far as the daily exercise, I have to take one to two days off a week to rest. I have chronic pain so if I don’t rest, things go bad but I do have days where I do much more than 20-30” so will that be okay?
  • bridgettesaunders7
    bridgettesaunders7 Posts: 10 Member
    Hello. I'm new to this kind of group. I'm a 37 yr old mom of 5- last two were twins. I love to exercise and also really love to eat. I am pretty good about eating the right kinds of food I just eat way too much and need some accountability. I'm also pretty competitive so I am hoping that aspect of the group can help push me through the times when I have zero self control. I've realized that I need people to help keep me accountable and cheer me on. Hoping to find that here.