Winter 2019 - Please Introduce Yourself



  • SmithsonianEmpress
    SmithsonianEmpress Posts: 1,163 Member
    cxwhit3 wrote: »
    lwh99 wrote: »
    lwh99 wrote: »
    Hi all!

    I'm a mom of three grown children and a grandma to an 8 month old grandson. In case you guys aren't as old as me - just know that having grandchildren is the best. I just told my co-workers today you have to get through the child rearing to get to the really good stuff. JK - raising my kids was pretty fun too.

    Anyway, I'm glad to have found this group. This is my first real attempt to lose the 30+ lbs. I gained over the years. I really am hoping to be successful in leaving the "overweight" category after these 12 weeks. And I hope I don't lose much ground when I go on vacation at the beginning of March. I think my main downfall is not realizing how many calories are in the foods you get when you go out to dinner. And of course the drink that I like to have with it. :wink:

    Looking forward to sharing this journey with you all.

    LOL! There’s probably some truth in there and I have a LONG way to go.

    Where are you vacationing in March?

    We're going to an all inclusive in Grenada. Last year was our first vacation of this kind. My sister and her husband convinced us to go. That time was to Antigua. Loved it so much we booked for the next year before we left.

    I'm so jealous! I'm stuck at home until after April 15 (tax day)!

    I’m even more jealous because I’ll never go there....until my children are grown and gone but I’ll be an old little lady.
  • cxwhit3
    cxwhit3 Posts: 293 Member
    cxwhit3 wrote: »
    lwh99 wrote: »
    lwh99 wrote: »
    Hi all!

    I'm a mom of three grown children and a grandma to an 8 month old grandson. In case you guys aren't as old as me - just know that having grandchildren is the best. I just told my co-workers today you have to get through the child rearing to get to the really good stuff. JK - raising my kids was pretty fun too.

    Anyway, I'm glad to have found this group. This is my first real attempt to lose the 30+ lbs. I gained over the years. I really am hoping to be successful in leaving the "overweight" category after these 12 weeks. And I hope I don't lose much ground when I go on vacation at the beginning of March. I think my main downfall is not realizing how many calories are in the foods you get when you go out to dinner. And of course the drink that I like to have with it. :wink:

    Looking forward to sharing this journey with you all.

    LOL! There’s probably some truth in there and I have a LONG way to go.

    Where are you vacationing in March?

    We're going to an all inclusive in Grenada. Last year was our first vacation of this kind. My sister and her husband convinced us to go. That time was to Antigua. Loved it so much we booked for the next year before we left.

    I'm so jealous! I'm stuck at home until after April 15 (tax day)!

    I’m even more jealous because I’ll never go there....until my children are grown and gone but I’ll be an old little lady.

    It goes by faster than you can possibly imagine
  • lwh99
    lwh99 Posts: 14 Member
    cxwhit3 wrote: »
    cxwhit3 wrote: »
    lwh99 wrote: »
    lwh99 wrote: »
    Hi all!

    I'm a mom of three grown children and a grandma to an 8 month old grandson. In case you guys aren't as old as me - just know that having grandchildren is the best. I just told my co-workers today you have to get through the child rearing to get to the really good stuff. JK - raising my kids was pretty fun too.

    Anyway, I'm glad to have found this group. This is my first real attempt to lose the 30+ lbs. I gained over the years. I really am hoping to be successful in leaving the "overweight" category after these 12 weeks. And I hope I don't lose much ground when I go on vacation at the beginning of March. I think my main downfall is not realizing how many calories are in the foods you get when you go out to dinner. And of course the drink that I like to have with it. :wink:

    Looking forward to sharing this journey with you all.

    LOL! There’s probably some truth in there and I have a LONG way to go.

    Where are you vacationing in March?

    We're going to an all inclusive in Grenada. Last year was our first vacation of this kind. My sister and her husband convinced us to go. That time was to Antigua. Loved it so much we booked for the next year before we left.

    I'm so jealous! I'm stuck at home until after April 15 (tax day)!

    I’m even more jealous because I’ll never go there....until my children are grown and gone but I’ll be an old little lady.

    It goes by faster than you can possibly imagine

    I'll second that. Seems like yesterday they were little and I was home with them. But now I've been working for ~16 years and my oldest is 30, married and has her own little one.
  • sasaimi
    sasaimi Posts: 27 Member
    sasaimi wrote: »
    Good evening!

    My name is Patty. I have just joined this group. I am 34 years old and I'm a 155 - 160ish lbs. I am Married and unable to have children due to PCOS. I'm currently living in Texas. I work full-time testing software applications & a part-time college student. I use to have a fitbit but my work no longer allow any bluetooth devices. Oh well

    I actually enjoy working-out, but my work & school schedule made me feel too tired to squeeze a workout routine which took a heavy toll on my physical & mental health. I wish to be more disciplined and take care of myself so I can have the endurance for this heavy schedule. I hate going to school. It really is a sacrifice to me. I felt it stole my time away from my husband and family members including my alone recharge time. But I have to continue going to school to get my BS degree. Hence why I think I stopped working-out. The reason why I enjoyed working-out is because it helped me vent out my frustrations and relax my mind. Plus working-out leads to healthy body and increase self-confidence! :) This past year for not having a routine, cause me to be stuck in a endless cycle of depress by how much weight I have gained which lead to feeling too tired/non-motivated to eating ice cream cause I'm depressed then back to depressed how much weight I have gain. *sigh*

    I'm still going to school, but I have to workout to stay healthy. I have learned for my body that I lose weight but maintain muscle mass by only doing about 30 minutes of cardio and every otherday add 15 minutes a weight lifting training with two day's rest. In my early silly 20's, I used to do about 2 hours each day of cardio workout except on Sundays and starve myself. Totally abusing my body and drove myself and others insane. Lol cranky..very cranky.

    My plan is:
    On Mondays, do only stretching/yoga for about 30 minutes.
    On Tuesday, do cardio for 30 minutes & add 15 minutes of weights lifting.
    On Wednesdays, do cardio for 30 minutes.
    On Thursdays, do cardio for 30 minutes & add 15 minutes of weights lifting.
    On Fridays, do cardio for 30 minutes
    On Saturdays, do cardio for 30 minutes & add 15 minutes of weight lifting.
    On Sundays, rest day.

    I have been following this fitness guru for years on his website "AWorkoutRoutine". His help is free, informative, and no-nonsense articles are Super refreshing to me.

    Thank you for giving me the opportunity to take part in this group and meet everyone. Wish me luck in this new chapter. :)

    Hi Patty! A couple of things. 1) don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t have children because you have PCOS. Anything is possible. Look into diet changes if you already haven’t. If you want children and it’s meant they will come. 2) school is a means to an end and while it’s not fun everyday it can be an overall enjoyable experience. You need your degree to pair it with your work experience to get your next gig.

    Good luck! Your plan looks great. Since you are super busy don’t hold yourself to a time frame. If you can only without for 10 minutes do it.

    Hey there SmithsonianEmpress,

    Thank you for the encouragement. You are very right, I won't beat myself up on the workouts. I just want to make sure I at least tried. :)
  • gridirongrrl
    gridirongrrl Posts: 69 Member
    I’m jealous too! We have decided to forgo a big vacation this year because we’re saving up to take my son to Disney spring 2020.

    @SmithsonianEmpress Workouts are where in the past I get bogged down and set myself up for failure I think. I start some crazy plan that is completely exhausting and wears me out and end up injured or sick, then quit. This time I’ve just been doing a moderately brisk walk on the treadmill 2-3 miles daily and that is all. It has really taken the stress out!
  • meganpettigrew86
    meganpettigrew86 Posts: 349 Member
    I'm back after having a baby and gaining all my weight I'd previously lost plus some during the pregnancy. I'm currently aiming to lose 1kg per week until near target where I'll aim for 0.5kg per week. I'm at 79kg, end of pregnancy I was 93.4kg, lost about 13kg in baby weight in first couple weeks. My goal weight is 57kg so I can fight competitively again. I should be there by November if all goes to plan. Won't be back fighting until next year.
  • cxwhit3
    cxwhit3 Posts: 293 Member
    I'm back after having a baby and gaining all my weight I'd previously lost plus some during the pregnancy. I'm currently aiming to lose 1kg per week until near target where I'll aim for 0.5kg per week. I'm at 79kg, end of pregnancy I was 93.4kg, lost about 13kg in baby weight in first couple weeks. My goal weight is 57kg so I can fight competitively again. I should be there by November if all goes to plan. Won't be back fighting until next year.

    Welcome to the group
  • ChrisCatMama
    ChrisCatMama Posts: 1,038 Member
    Hi I just joined mfp almost 2 weeks ago. I was successful using another app a couple of years ago but had to quit when my tablet stopped supporting it, losing 50 lbs but gained back 25. I tried to be careful but suffered a few injuries. I kept up exercising and did anything I can.
    I felt it’s time to try again. I lost 4 pounds in my first week on here.
    I’m a full time caregiver to my disabled husband and daughter. My 18 year old (the youngest) will be graduating from homeschool in June.
    Thanks for having me! 🙂🙂🙂
  • cxwhit3
    cxwhit3 Posts: 293 Member
    Hi I just joined mfp almost 2 weeks ago. I was successful using another app a couple of years ago but had to quit when my tablet stopped supporting it, losing 50 lbs but gained back 25. I tried to be careful but suffered a few injuries. I kept up exercising and did anything I can.
    I felt it’s time to try again. I lost 4 pounds in my first week on here.
    I’m a full time caregiver to my disabled husband and daughter. My 18 year old (the youngest) will be graduating from homeschool in June.
    Thanks for having me! 🙂🙂🙂

    Hi, and welcome aboard! Congrats on the 4 lbs!