Winter 2019 - Please Introduce Yourself



  • sasaimi
    sasaimi Posts: 27 Member
    lwh99 wrote: »
    @ sasaimi - aka Patty. Keep up the school! Even though it is hard it will likely open more doors when you get through and the sense of accomplishment will be well worth it. Part time is how I did it. I went back when my kids were 5,7, and 9 to get my MS. Took me a few years but landed me a great job that I've had for 15+ years. And its in a medical software company! Upside is that they haven't banded bluetooth devices. I would certainly miss mine.

    Looking forward to you and the others know how the fitness side of things go. I have gotten into reformer Pilates in the past 6 months and try to walk. 10k steps is my goal but hard to do during the work week unless I hop on the treadmill. I also was going to yoga regularly but somehow I stopped doing that. It would be great to work it make into my routine.

    Btw - forgot to mention in my original post, my name is Lynn :)

    Wow Lynn thank you for your encouragement! :)
  • cxwhit3
    cxwhit3 Posts: 293 Member
    adnama36 wrote: »
    Hi all! I’m a 43 (turning 44 in a couple of weeks) year old mom of a five year old and a three year old. I used MFP to lose weight/get healthy while I trained for my first 5k back in 2011, with great success! Since then, I’ve had my two kids, stopped running, and gained 25lbs that I’d really like to get rid of. My plan is to track calories with MFP, while getting active again with a combination of running, elliptical, and learning some yoga. My goal for the next 12 weeks is to go from my current 134lbs down to 125lbs.

    So glad you’re joining us. It looks like you are ready to go with your plan!
  • cxwhit3
    cxwhit3 Posts: 293 Member
    sasaimi wrote: »
    Good evening!

    My name is Patty. I have just joined this group. I am 34 years old and I'm a 155 - 160ish lbs. I am Married and unable to have children due to PCOS. I'm currently living in Texas. I work full-time testing software applications & a part-time college student. I use to have a fitbit but my work no longer allow any bluetooth devices. Oh well

    I actually enjoy working-out, but my work & school schedule made me feel too tired to squeeze a workout routine which took a heavy toll on my physical & mental health. I wish to be more disciplined and take care of myself so I can have the endurance for this heavy schedule. I hate going to school. It really is a sacrifice to me. I felt it stole my time away from my husband and family members including my alone recharge time. But I have to continue going to school to get my BS degree. Hence why I think I stopped working-out. The reason why I enjoyed working-out is because it helped me vent out my frustrations and relax my mind. Plus working-out leads to healthy body and increase self-confidence! :) This past year for not having a routine, cause me to be stuck in a endless cycle of depress by how much weight I have gained which lead to feeling too tired/non-motivated to eating ice cream cause I'm depressed then back to depressed how much weight I have gain. *sigh*

    I'm still going to school, but I have to workout to stay healthy. I have learned for my body that I lose weight but maintain muscle mass by only doing about 30 minutes of cardio and every otherday add 15 minutes a weight lifting training with two day's rest. In my early silly 20's, I used to do about 2 hours each day of cardio workout except on Sundays and starve myself. Totally abusing my body and drove myself and others insane. Lol cranky..very cranky.

    My plan is:
    On Mondays, do only stretching/yoga for about 30 minutes.
    On Tuesday, do cardio for 30 minutes & add 15 minutes of weights lifting.
    On Wednesdays, do cardio for 30 minutes.
    On Thursdays, do cardio for 30 minutes & add 15 minutes of weights lifting.
    On Fridays, do cardio for 30 minutes
    On Saturdays, do cardio for 30 minutes & add 15 minutes of weight lifting.
    On Sundays, rest day.

    I have been following this fitness guru for years on his website "AWorkoutRoutine". His help is free, informative, and no-nonsense articles are Super refreshing to me.

    Thank you for giving me the opportunity to take part in this group and meet everyone. Wish me luck in this new chapter. :)

    Welcome Patty, so glad you are here! Glad you are fitting some self-care into your busy schedule!
  • kjbrack6
    kjbrack6 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello! I’m relatively new to MFP, but have been counting calories consistently since 2012. I was a member of the site calorie count. At my heaviest I was 181 pounds. Currently I weigh 155. (I’m 5’4”) btw. I’m happy with my current weight but would love to lose an additional 10 pounds. Im always looking for fun ways to keep myself motivated so thanks for including me in the group.
  • gridirongrrl
    gridirongrrl Posts: 69 Member
    Hi all! I joined the group a couple of days ago and then couldn’t figure out how to find it again on the ap :D But I’m back in time to say hi! Yay!

    So I’m 41 with a 7 yo little guy. I’m 5’9” and weighed in at 230” to start. That’s about where I’ve been hovering the last few years and it’s about 10lbs shy of my heaviest adult weight. I had some great success on MFP a few years ago. Was on track with a great group and had gotten down to about 206 when I found out I was pregnant. So I drifted away from MFP but was still trying to stay healthy and just keep weight gain minimum. A month later I lost the pregnancy and pretty much just ate myself back to where I am now. Now that my husband and I have made the permanent decision to not have anymore children I’m ready to get back on the wagon!

    Like most of us, I’ve done the yo yo thing. My typical MO is to set up a crazy workout routine and stick with it well for 3-4 weeks when I get sick (probably from lack of sleep) and then fall off the wagon and the plan.

    This time around I am trying to go in with a totally different mindset. My motivations are different. At this point in my life, in addition to losing weight to feel better about myself I want to make sure that I’m healthy for as long as I can be healthy for my son’s sake and so that I can set a good example for him. There are several other reasons I feel good about it this time. The first is that my husband is in this with me. For the first time I can ever remember he is actively trying to lose weight as well and therefore isn’t doing crazy things like eating pizza and drinking beer in front of me. I can already tell it’s gonna be a huge help! Also? I’ve decided to keep it simple this time around. I’m counting calories but not getting too crazy about what I’m eating when and workout wise so I’m focusing on increasing my step count versus devising some complicated plan that I won’t be able to realistically stick with. I work with the elderly for a living so I know that adults who walk at least 20 minutes a day have a statistically significant decrease in risk for development of dementia as well as a variety of other nasty things!

    Anyway, I’ve rambled enough and I’m happy to be here! I won’t weighing in on mondays however. Because I am anal ;) I started on 1/1 so I’ll be weighing in on Tuesday’s.
  • cxwhit3
    cxwhit3 Posts: 293 Member
    Hi all! I joined the group a couple of days ago and then couldn’t figure out how to find it again on the ap :D But I’m back in time to say hi! Yay!

    So I’m 41 with a 7 yo little guy. I’m 5’9” and weighed in at 230” to start. That’s about where I’ve been hovering the last few years and it’s about 10lbs shy of my heaviest adult weight. I had some great success on MFP a few years ago. Was on track with a great group and had gotten down to about 206 when I found out I was pregnant. So I drifted away from MFP but was still trying to stay healthy and just keep weight gain minimum. A month later I lost the pregnancy and pretty much just ate myself back to where I am now. Now that my husband and I have made the permanent decision to not have anymore children I’m ready to get back on the wagon!

    Like most of us, I’ve done the yo yo thing. My typical MO is to set up a crazy workout routine and stick with it well for 3-4 weeks when I get sick (probably from lack of sleep) and then fall off the wagon and the plan.

    This time around I am trying to go in with a totally different mindset. My motivations are different. At this point in my life, in addition to losing weight to feel better about myself I want to make sure that I’m healthy for as long as I can be healthy for my son’s sake and so that I can set a good example for him. There are several other reasons I feel good about it this time. The first is that my husband is in this with me. For the first time I can ever remember he is actively trying to lose weight as well and therefore isn’t doing crazy things like eating pizza and drinking beer in front of me. I can already tell it’s gonna be a huge help! Also? I’ve decided to keep it simple this time around. I’m counting calories but not getting too crazy about what I’m eating when and workout wise so I’m focusing on increasing my step count versus devising some complicated plan that I won’t be able to realistically stick with. I work with the elderly for a living so I know that adults who walk at least 20 minutes a day have a statistically significant decrease in risk for development of dementia as well as a variety of other nasty things!

    Anyway, I’ve rambled enough and I’m happy to be here! I won’t weighing in on mondays however. Because I am anal ;) I started on 1/1 so I’ll be weighing in on Tuesday’s.

    Welcome to the group. As long as you are consistent with your weigh in date, you can weigh in whatever day works for you. My husband is also along for the ride. He and I don't eat the same things, but we have a similar goal. Regarding finding the group, now that you are a member, it should always be on the group tab under "my groups". My groups is at the bottom of the groups page, so you will have to scroll down. I haven't found a way so that my groups are at the top, which is what I would prefer, but at least I know where it is. Have a great week!
  • cxwhit3
    cxwhit3 Posts: 293 Member
    kjbrack6 wrote: »
    Hello! I’m relatively new to MFP, but have been counting calories consistently since 2012. I was a member of the site calorie count. At my heaviest I was 181 pounds. Currently I weigh 155. (I’m 5’4”) btw. I’m happy with my current weight but would love to lose an additional 10 pounds. Im always looking for fun ways to keep myself motivated so thanks for including me in the group.

    Welcome to the group. We are all very supportive. Some of us have large amounts that we would like to lose and some are almost to maintenance but we are all on a journey and we are glad that you are here to share yours!
  • gridirongrrl
    gridirongrrl Posts: 69 Member
    I found it thanks! :)
  • lwh99
    lwh99 Posts: 14 Member
    During this quiet Sunday morning, I was online and found this "7 Tips for Mastering the Mental Side of Getting Fit" article. It is just the thing that I need to start this fitness/weight loss program. I wanted to share in it case some of you may have not come across it.
  • SmithsonianEmpress
    SmithsonianEmpress Posts: 1,163 Member
    Hi! I've lost over 100 pounds, but still need to lose about 25 more to be considered "healthy". These last pounds have by far been the hardest to lose, but I'm determined to stick with it no matter how slow.

    I just rejoined MFP after a long absence wanting to start fresh this year with a new digital diary, but I've been a member off and on for years. I'm so used to writing it all down that I find myself losing focus on the digital part. Kind of ironic since I spent most of my life on my phone it seems... old habits, I guess. :)

    Congratulations on your loss thus far! Those last lbs can be stubborn but you’ve got this!
  • SmithsonianEmpress
    SmithsonianEmpress Posts: 1,163 Member
    reader1995 wrote: »
    Hello! I'm restarting my weightloss journey. Last year I managed to lose 20 pounds but gained 10 back. Unfortunately, I still have 210 pounds to lose. I plan on trying to eat as healthy as I can, with lots of veggies! My husband is going through the journey as well since he has 180 pounds to lose.

    Hi! It is so nice you have your husband on this same journey. Good luck to you both!
  • SmithsonianEmpress
    SmithsonianEmpress Posts: 1,163 Member
    lwh99 wrote: »
    Hi all!

    I'm a mom of three grown children and a grandma to an 8 month old grandson. In case you guys aren't as old as me - just know that having grandchildren is the best. I just told my co-workers today you have to get through the child rearing to get to the really good stuff. JK - raising my kids was pretty fun too.

    Anyway, I'm glad to have found this group. This is my first real attempt to lose the 30+ lbs. I gained over the years. I really am hoping to be successful in leaving the "overweight" category after these 12 weeks. And I hope I don't lose much ground when I go on vacation at the beginning of March. I think my main downfall is not realizing how many calories are in the foods you get when you go out to dinner. And of course the drink that I like to have with it. :wink:

    Looking forward to sharing this journey with you all.

    LOL! There’s probably some truth in there and I have a LONG way to go.

    Where are you vacationing in March?
  • SmithsonianEmpress
    SmithsonianEmpress Posts: 1,163 Member
    Hi all

    I’ve spent the last 18 months losing the weight I gained during treatment for an illness and while recovering from surgery in 2016-17. With the help of this group a nice round 2 stone (28lbs) has melted off (the treatment weight plus a bit extra), and just before Christmas I just hit my lightest ever adult weight again (130lb). It’s taken a long time because it’s been a bumpy road mostly because I refuse to hold back on holiday (vacation) when there is excellent food to be eaten!

    I’m back again with two main goals: to lose the Christmas podge, and to work on my fitness. By the end of this session I want to be back at 130 and able to ‘happily’ run 5k without a walk break (I managed 4.5k once in December).

    I am in the UK, 42, with one small person (10). I will officially weigh in on Monday for my start weight!

    Welcome back!
  • SmithsonianEmpress
    SmithsonianEmpress Posts: 1,163 Member
    LZMiner wrote: »
    Hello! I’m 52, just outside Chicago, mom of two teenage daughters. I like the accountability of weighing in. Right now, I’m up about 5-6 pounds from holiday binging. Currently doing Dry January—3rd year in a row, hard but worth it! I’m a yogi who just started—wait for it—JAZZERCISE! It’s great! Going on a couples beach vacay to Punta Cana in February and want to rock my bikini!

    You already look fab in a bikini but next month you’ll look FAB!!!! I know Jazzercise is awesome. Keep up the great work.
  • SmithsonianEmpress
    SmithsonianEmpress Posts: 1,163 Member
    Hello Ladies, I'm 41, fat and lazy. I went from 160 to 219 in 6 years. Buying bigger clothes should not happen every year. I'm done!!

    No laziness allowed here, LOL! We won't let that go down. Fat is a relative term. No more negative talk! I’m hoping you hit the ground running.
  • SmithsonianEmpress
    SmithsonianEmpress Posts: 1,163 Member
    sasaimi wrote: »
    Good evening!

    My name is Patty. I have just joined this group. I am 34 years old and I'm a 155 - 160ish lbs. I am Married and unable to have children due to PCOS. I'm currently living in Texas. I work full-time testing software applications & a part-time college student. I use to have a fitbit but my work no longer allow any bluetooth devices. Oh well

    I actually enjoy working-out, but my work & school schedule made me feel too tired to squeeze a workout routine which took a heavy toll on my physical & mental health. I wish to be more disciplined and take care of myself so I can have the endurance for this heavy schedule. I hate going to school. It really is a sacrifice to me. I felt it stole my time away from my husband and family members including my alone recharge time. But I have to continue going to school to get my BS degree. Hence why I think I stopped working-out. The reason why I enjoyed working-out is because it helped me vent out my frustrations and relax my mind. Plus working-out leads to healthy body and increase self-confidence! :) This past year for not having a routine, cause me to be stuck in a endless cycle of depress by how much weight I have gained which lead to feeling too tired/non-motivated to eating ice cream cause I'm depressed then back to depressed how much weight I have gain. *sigh*

    I'm still going to school, but I have to workout to stay healthy. I have learned for my body that I lose weight but maintain muscle mass by only doing about 30 minutes of cardio and every otherday add 15 minutes a weight lifting training with two day's rest. In my early silly 20's, I used to do about 2 hours each day of cardio workout except on Sundays and starve myself. Totally abusing my body and drove myself and others insane. Lol cranky..very cranky.

    My plan is:
    On Mondays, do only stretching/yoga for about 30 minutes.
    On Tuesday, do cardio for 30 minutes & add 15 minutes of weights lifting.
    On Wednesdays, do cardio for 30 minutes.
    On Thursdays, do cardio for 30 minutes & add 15 minutes of weights lifting.
    On Fridays, do cardio for 30 minutes
    On Saturdays, do cardio for 30 minutes & add 15 minutes of weight lifting.
    On Sundays, rest day.

    I have been following this fitness guru for years on his website "AWorkoutRoutine". His help is free, informative, and no-nonsense articles are Super refreshing to me.

    Thank you for giving me the opportunity to take part in this group and meet everyone. Wish me luck in this new chapter. :)

    Hi Patty! A couple of things. 1) don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t have children because you have PCOS. Anything is possible. Look into diet changes if you already haven’t. If you want children and it’s meant they will come. 2) school is a means to an end and while it’s not fun everyday it can be an overall enjoyable experience. You need your degree to pair it with your work experience to get your next gig.

    Good luck! Your plan looks great. Since you are super busy don’t hold yourself to a time frame. If you can only without for 10 minutes do it.
  • SmithsonianEmpress
    SmithsonianEmpress Posts: 1,163 Member
    kjbrack6 wrote: »
    Hello! I’m relatively new to MFP, but have been counting calories consistently since 2012. I was a member of the site calorie count. At my heaviest I was 181 pounds. Currently I weigh 155. (I’m 5’4”) btw. I’m happy with my current weight but would love to lose an additional 10 pounds. Im always looking for fun ways to keep myself motivated so thanks for including me in the group.

    Whoa! You’ve counted calories for 6 years straight. IMPRESSIVE! How? You meal prep every week? You can lose those last 10! You already are focused.
  • SmithsonianEmpress
    SmithsonianEmpress Posts: 1,163 Member
    Hi all! I joined the group a couple of days ago and then couldn’t figure out how to find it again on the ap :D But I’m back in time to say hi! Yay!

    So I’m 41 with a 7 yo little guy. I’m 5’9” and weighed in at 230” to start. That’s about where I’ve been hovering the last few years and it’s about 10lbs shy of my heaviest adult weight. I had some great success on MFP a few years ago. Was on track with a great group and had gotten down to about 206 when I found out I was pregnant. So I drifted away from MFP but was still trying to stay healthy and just keep weight gain minimum. A month later I lost the pregnancy and pretty much just ate myself back to where I am now. Now that my husband and I have made the permanent decision to not have anymore children I’m ready to get back on the wagon!

    Like most of us, I’ve done the yo yo thing. My typical MO is to set up a crazy workout routine and stick with it well for 3-4 weeks when I get sick (probably from lack of sleep) and then fall off the wagon and the plan.

    This time around I am trying to go in with a totally different mindset. My motivations are different. At this point in my life, in addition to losing weight to feel better about myself I want to make sure that I’m healthy for as long as I can be healthy for my son’s sake and so that I can set a good example for him. There are several other reasons I feel good about it this time. The first is that my husband is in this with me. For the first time I can ever remember he is actively trying to lose weight as well and therefore isn’t doing crazy things like eating pizza and drinking beer in front of me. I can already tell it’s gonna be a huge help! Also? I’ve decided to keep it simple this time around. I’m counting calories but not getting too crazy about what I’m eating when and workout wise so I’m focusing on increasing my step count versus devising some complicated plan that I won’t be able to realistically stick with. I work with the elderly for a living so I know that adults who walk at least 20 minutes a day have a statistically significant decrease in risk for development of dementia as well as a variety of other nasty things!

    Anyway, I’ve rambled enough and I’m happy to be here! I won’t weighing in on mondays however. Because I am anal ;) I started on 1/1 so I’ll be weighing in on Tuesday’s.

    Lol! I’m trying to get past your anal comment. I only weighin in the 1st of the month. The weekly weigh ins are just for the group’s sake. So, I’m very sorry for your loss but I am glad that you and your husband made a decision and you seem to be moving forward, together, in old spirits. Good luck. Oh and I struggle with realistic workouts. HELP! I still think I’m back in my apartment, single and I work 9-5 Monday-Friday and I can do endless exercising. Ill learn. Ha!
  • lwh99
    lwh99 Posts: 14 Member
    lwh99 wrote: »
    Hi all!

    I'm a mom of three grown children and a grandma to an 8 month old grandson. In case you guys aren't as old as me - just know that having grandchildren is the best. I just told my co-workers today you have to get through the child rearing to get to the really good stuff. JK - raising my kids was pretty fun too.

    Anyway, I'm glad to have found this group. This is my first real attempt to lose the 30+ lbs. I gained over the years. I really am hoping to be successful in leaving the "overweight" category after these 12 weeks. And I hope I don't lose much ground when I go on vacation at the beginning of March. I think my main downfall is not realizing how many calories are in the foods you get when you go out to dinner. And of course the drink that I like to have with it. :wink:

    Looking forward to sharing this journey with you all.

    LOL! There’s probably some truth in there and I have a LONG way to go.

    Where are you vacationing in March?

    We're going to an all inclusive in Grenada. Last year was our first vacation of this kind. My sister and her husband convinced us to go. That time was to Antigua. Loved it so much we booked for the next year before we left.
  • cxwhit3
    cxwhit3 Posts: 293 Member
    lwh99 wrote: »
    lwh99 wrote: »
    Hi all!

    I'm a mom of three grown children and a grandma to an 8 month old grandson. In case you guys aren't as old as me - just know that having grandchildren is the best. I just told my co-workers today you have to get through the child rearing to get to the really good stuff. JK - raising my kids was pretty fun too.

    Anyway, I'm glad to have found this group. This is my first real attempt to lose the 30+ lbs. I gained over the years. I really am hoping to be successful in leaving the "overweight" category after these 12 weeks. And I hope I don't lose much ground when I go on vacation at the beginning of March. I think my main downfall is not realizing how many calories are in the foods you get when you go out to dinner. And of course the drink that I like to have with it. :wink:

    Looking forward to sharing this journey with you all.

    LOL! There’s probably some truth in there and I have a LONG way to go.

    Where are you vacationing in March?

    We're going to an all inclusive in Grenada. Last year was our first vacation of this kind. My sister and her husband convinced us to go. That time was to Antigua. Loved it so much we booked for the next year before we left.

    I'm so jealous! I'm stuck at home until after April 15 (tax day)!