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Declutterfest 2019!



  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,651 Member
    I had another 4-5 hour day of photo sorting and categorizing. Many of them weren’t labeled and it takes extra time to label and date them. I thought I could see the end but found another box before quitting for the day. If I had to guess, I’d say there are between 5,000-7,000 photos. Seeing all of those pictures helped me remember that I’ve had a lot of good times in my life and so have my kids. Sometimes I forget that and focus on the negatives... (Another unintentional play on words!). 3 more days and I should be done with sorting and labeling.
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    I am enjoying reading the various decluttering sagas! Very inspiring indeed!

    April 15: 5 1/2 hours yard clean up after the weekend storm / winds, also included extra work in the yard.
    April 16: I decluttered and lightly organized the pantry/ storage closet (yay! as that area has surely been irritating me as of late) located in the laundry room
    April 17: I cleared off the craft table in the "little room" and also took out the bins I "temporarily" stashed in there. Then I colored for a while :)
    April 18: I took care of some papers and mail that had started to gather on the dining room table.
    April 19: I decluttered and re-organized the cabinet under the kitchen sink.
    April 20: Today I decluttered the back porch: The last 3 bags of mulch that were on the porch are now spread out in the garden. Then I blew off the back porch and straightened it up. The mulch job in the Back Fence Garden is finally finished!

    April 21: Rest day,
    April 22: I started decluttering/ reorganizing the storage cabinet near the back porch. I finished it later that evening!
    April 23: I decided that I was going to take a grocery sack around the house to pick up obvious clutter, or out of place stuff, off of flat surfaces in the front part of the house. The dining room table was still clear!! It only took a few minutes!!
    April 24: I began deep cleaning and decluttering the "little room" in earnest now that I had cleared that table off last week. I will continue later on this week.
    April 25: I delcuttered the grand childen's craft box, then I decluttered a paper-bag full of my books. Later on I dropped them off at Goodwill while out running various errands.

  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,152 Member
    edited April 2019
    4/23 spent 2 more hours moving photos/priceless memorabilia (mostly letters) into the plastic envelopes. Making Great Progress!
    4/24 30 mins- got magazine files to organized my desk papers, magazines, art projects. Sorted things into them. Did some other filing. A very busy day- art Group, dentist, art class, PT appt
    4/25 0, spent day doing laundry, running errands, resetting bedroom, dining room travel, front room, kitchen
    4/26 0 busy
    4/27 0 busy
    4/28 0 busy

    Time I committed to do: 4 hrs (15 mins/day)
    Time Spent So Far: 10 hours 45 mins

    The photos & memorabilia are SO Much easier to do now! I’m glad I worked on them on & off AND glad I took breaks of 3-6 months. I’m sure important inner work was happening in my subconscious.

    I know I will continue working on this now!

    @nebslp Me too! Re: feeling I lived a full life...
    AND I’d love to share ideas re: photos when we’re done sorting. I’ve been mulling over some ideas, too! I’m impressed how many hours you can do per day!

    Once we know what we want to accomplish, it should be easy to figure it out!
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    edited April 2019
    April 15: 5 1/2 hours yard clean up after the weekend storm / winds, also included extra work in the yard.
    April 16: I decluttered and lightly organized the pantry/ storage closet (yay! as that area has surely been irritating me as of late) located in the laundry room
    April 17: I cleared off the craft table in the "little room" and also took out the bins I "temporarily" stashed in there. Then I colored for a while :)
    April 18: I took care of some papers and mail that had started to gather on the dining room table.
    April 19: I decluttered and re-organized the cabinet under the kitchen sink.
    April 20: Today I decluttered the back porch: The last 3 bags of mulch that were on the porch are now spread out in the garden. Then I blew off the back porch and straightened it up. The mulch job in the Back Fence Garden is finally finished!

    April 21: Rest day,
    April 22: I started decluttering/ reorganizing the storage cabinet near the back porch. I finished it later that evening!
    April 23: I decided that I was going to take a grocery sack around the house to pick up obvious clutter, or out of place stuff, off of flat surfaces in the front part of the house. The dining room table was still clear!! It only took a few minutes!!
    April 24: I began deep cleaning and decluttering the "little room" in earnest now that I had cleared that table off last week. I will continue later on this week.
    April 25: I delcuttered the grand childen's craft box, then I decluttered a paper-bag full of my books. Later on I dropped them off at Goodwill while out running various errands.
    April 26: Back into the little room: Today I am decluttering and re-organizing the student drafting desk that two of my son's used back in the day.

  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,651 Member
    I took yesterday off from pictures and just about everything except for some flower planting. Feeling blah but I’m better today. Today I did 3 more hours of photo organization and I’m reaching the finish line. I could make about 1/2 dozen subcategories from many of my dozen main categories but for now I feel good about where I am in this process. One more day!

    You fellow declutterers have been so busy! Feels good, doesn’t it!?!
    @texasgardnr How’s the little room coming along? Does it look and feel bigger now?
    @MadisonMolly2017 I would love to share ideas with you on how to use my photos to create a story. I have one method that popped into my head a few days ago and it won’t go away so maybe that’s the one. I can send a personal message, but if anyone else here is interested, let me know. I’d like to bounce ideas around a bit.

    As far as decluttering one book at a time goes, I finished The Secret and will be donating that one. I just read Jacob Have I Loved, a young adult book that I thoroughly enjoyed. I’m on the fence about keeping it for my grandkids to read in a few years. I think that means I should get rid of it. I’m deciding on my next one. That box of books doesn’t seem to get smaller as quickly as I want, but I keep telling myself this isn’t a race.

    One more official day of Declutterfest 2019!
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    nebslp wrote: »
    Today I worked on photos from 2:30-7 PM with only one or two short breaks. I’m guessing and hoping I’m about 3/4 done sorting and categorizing. I’m getting to the harder things now. I have a box of slides from my “slide phase” back in the ‘90’s. I might have an old relic of a slide projector in our little storage building but it probably doesn’t work. More reasons to keep decluttering! I’m almost finished rereading Mari Kondo’s The Art of Tidying Up and am very motivated. She said you need to figure out why decluttering is important to you. I think the reason I have so many pictures and keep personal emails and family memories is because it tells the story of my life and that of the special people in it. I want to share those memories with my children and grandchildren. I have what I need, it will just need some organizing. I’ll get there🙂

    Such a great insight, @nebslp. Deciding why we are holding on to things is the first step to seeing if they serve us anymore. Photos and emails and other family memorabilia do you tell the story of our lives.
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    WOW! Look at what you all have accomplished over the last two weeks! I have enjoyed reading your updates and following along as you progress. I spent quite a bit of time last weekend decluttering. All of the surface areas of the two upstairs bedrooms are now free of clutter (the bureaus, night stands, and headboards). And I spent several hours last weekend going through bathroom clutter. We have a nice shelving unit in the bathroom where we store items in a series of baskets. I realized our 5 baskets were clutter magnets. Do I really need a basket for my daughter now that she lives in Colorado? Now we have just two baskets and only those items that we use have been kept. It really is a great feeling!

    Today I’m going to work on decluttering the dining room. That was my initial project but I’m glad I focused on the bedrooms and bathroom instead.
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,651 Member
    ... And I spent several hours last weekend going through bathroom clutter. We have a nice shelving unit in the bathroom where we store items in a series of baskets. I realized our 5 baskets were clutter magnets. Do I really need a basket for my daughter now that she lives in Colorado? Now we have just two baskets and only those items that we use have been kept. It really is a great feeling!

    Today I’m going to work on decluttering the dining room. That was my initial project but I’m glad I focused on the bedrooms and bathroom instead.

    @themedalist You have been doing great and I know you've been really busy. The basket story reminds me of the OK Plateau we talked about awhile back. If we don't stop and really notice what we have versus what we love and need, we don't make any changes in our environment even though our lives have changed. Sometimes we have to look around and really see that the way things are isn't OK. Thank you for having this declutterfest again.

    My guest room was OK the way it was, but was it? Boxes, totes, and blankets took over two corners of the room. So after I sorted through all the photo totes and boxes, I needed a place to put what was left. So today I am decluttering the corners and getting things ready to go to charity. Unfortunately, I found 6 more new books that I want to read. And another plastic set of drawers contains antique books. Not sure why I'm keeping them. By cleaning out the corner stash, I will have a place to put my photo drawers. Several boxes will be placed on top, so it won't be pretty, but everything will be in one place and easy(er) to find.

  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,152 Member
    I loved this Declutterfest! Everyone did so much & I learned a lot from each of you!

    Yes, @nebslp ...let’s share ideas in this discussion. I’m sure others will get & give insights, too!

    I’m doing 3 more days as I was gone 3 days :)
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,651 Member
    My room looks much better without the corner clutter and the photo storage actually looks fine. I have empty boxes and a suitcase that I have to figure out what to do with yet so I'm not done yet. Even though my pictures are all categorized, I have to figure out how to showcase the important photos instead of having them piled up in storage drawers and boxes.

    When I was in my early 20's my mother told me "you should write a book". I'm not an author and my life has been fairly uneventful. But I had 3 main projects I wanted to undertake in my lifetime.
    1) write a general summary of my life with some details my kids might be interested in.
    2) make photo books of early years in my life and in my kids' lives.
    3) organize historical information using pictures and documents of ancestors back to the 1800's on my side...1600's on my husband's side up to the 1970's.

    I have decided to make it an all-in-one project and create one book with many chapters. First I will place actual photos and documents in a physical book and write a story to go with them providing details of people, places, and dates. When that's complete, I will scan it into my computer and make a digital book that can be reprinted for anyone that wants a copy. I have no clue how to do this but I'm giving myself several years to finish. This is too important to rush and it may be the legacy I can leave to my family. Having a plan has given my more peace of mind. Wish me luck! I'm going to need it!!! Thanks for putting up with my rambles!
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,651 Member
    I did some research and discovered that what I thought was my new idea was an old one. I didn't know! There are lots of great websites online that give ideas on making heritage albums. There's even a name for it!! I am set now that I have some direction. One person said it took 15 years to complete her book but I'm hoping for less than 5. If it weren't for Declutterfest, this would not be happening:)
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    I finished carefully reading the latest posts. Besides the numerous things that have been accomplished, the insights and thoughts that have been shared have been so amazing.

    @nebslp ...I agree with @MadisonMolly2017, I think that it would be interesting and beneficial to continue to share ideas about what anyone is doing with their photos in this discussion. Even if someone isn't working on them now, the time will hopefully come! You both have already shared many insights and ideas. Thank you! I have been working on and off with our photos over the years. Your posts have been inspirational. Actually it is part of what has prompted me to do more than I expected to do in my Little Room <3 .

    @themedalist, I loved the extra baskets story! What a great example of how we can change/ declutter an area when we see things from a new perspective or with a different mindset. I'm not sure if those are two different things or one and the same :noway: . I really appreciated the Spring DeclutterFest and look forward to Summer's :D . Personally, I really liked it being for two weeks also. Long enough to get into the decluttering mood, but not so long as to become over whelming or feel like it was going on forever.

    April 15: 5 1/2 hours yard clean up after the weekend storm / winds, also included extra work in the yard.
    April 16: I decluttered and lightly organized the pantry/ storage closet (yay! as that area has surely been irritating me as of late) located in the laundry room
    April 17: I cleared off the craft table in the "little room" and also took out the bins I "temporarily" stashed in there. Then I colored for a while :)
    April 18: I took care of some papers and mail that had started to gather on the dining room table.
    April 19: I decluttered and re-organized the cabinet under the kitchen sink.
    April 20: Today I decluttered the back porch: The last 3 bags of mulch that were on the porch are now spread out in the garden. Then I blew off the back porch and straightened it up. The mulch job in the Back Fence Garden is finally finished!

    April 21: Rest day!
    April 22: I started decluttering/ reorganizing the storage cabinet near the back porch. I finished it later that evening!
    April 23: I decided that I was going to take a grocery sack around the house to pick up obvious clutter, or out of place stuff, off of flat surfaces in the front part of the house. The dining room table was still clear!! It only took a few minutes!!
    April 24: I began deep cleaning and decluttering the "little room" in earnest now that I had cleared that table off last week. I will continue later on this week.
    April 25: I delcuttered the grand childen's craft box, then I decluttered more of my books, filling a paper-bag. Later on I dropped them off at Goodwill while out running various errands.
    April 26: Back into the little room: Today I am decluttering and re-organizing the student drafting desk that two of my son's used back in the day.
    April 27: Cleared off another flat surface. Getting rid of what I didn't want. This area became the catch all for a lot of paper that could be used in various ways. Plus cards received etc. I put them into several piles. Next week I will start to sort to keep or toss or put away.

    April 28: Rest Day!
    Yesterday my son asked to borrowed the long folding table that I have in the Little Room for my grand daughter's first B'day party today. Because it was cleared off back on April 17th I was able to say yes immediately with out concern about how to get it ready to transport! I folded it up and put it by the door to either bring, or for him to stop by to get it.

    I'm going to continue to get the Little Room back in shape. I'll probably change some things up as I'm trying to look at the room differently now. I've already gotten some ideas of how to make it prettier and more inviting so that I will use it more. Later on this week I will go through the short paper piles and make quick decisions. Then ... :)

  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    Awesome. I am so excited for this. I have been practicing minimalism to a certain extent for a while now. I do not buy/own a lot. I just need to make sure to keep purging old stuff still lingering in our home.

    I will tackle: photo albums, magazines, books, music cd's, toys, clothing, shoes, kitchen, drawers and cabinets.

    Have fun everyone!
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    nebslp wrote: »
    My room looks much better without the corner clutter and the photo storage actually looks fine. I have empty boxes and a suitcase that I have to figure out what to do with yet so I'm not done yet. Even though my pictures are all categorized, I have to figure out how to showcase the important photos instead of having them piled up in storage drawers and boxes.

    When I was in my early 20's my mother told me "you should write a book". I'm not an author and my life has been fairly uneventful. But I had 3 main projects I wanted to undertake in my lifetime.
    1) write a general summary of my life with some details my kids might be interested in.
    2) make photo books of early years in my life and in my kids' lives.
    3) organize historical information using pictures and documents of ancestors back to the 1800's on my side...1600's on my husband's side up to the 1970's.

    I have decided to make it an all-in-one project and create one book with many chapters. First I will place actual photos and documents in a physical book and write a story to go with them providing details of people, places, and dates. When that's complete, I will scan it into my computer and make a digital book that can be reprinted for anyone that wants a copy. I have no clue how to do this but I'm giving myself several years to finish. This is too important to rush and it may be the legacy I can leave to my family. Having a plan has given my more peace of mind. Wish me luck! I'm going to need it!!! Thanks for putting up with my rambles!

    @nebslp, this is a wonderful idea! It’s something your family and future generations will cherish. You don’t have to rush it, just work at it piece by piece.
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    @texasgardnr, you’ve made terrific strides these past two weeks. And I like how you can lend out your long folding table because it was cleared off!
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    Awesome. I am so excited for this. I have been practicing minimalism to a certain extent for a while now. I do not buy/own a lot. I just need to make sure to keep purging old stuff still lingering in our home.

    I will tackle: photo albums, magazines, books, music cd's, toys, clothing, shoes, kitchen, drawers and cabinets.

    Have fun everyone!

    Not to discourage you from decluttering, @prgirl39mfp, but we wrapped up this session of Declutterfest last week. We’ll have it again in July. But if you are in the mood to declutter, we are here to support you!
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,152 Member
    Update: Spent a couple of hours going through my husbands desk, grouping & clipping like with like.

    Then we went through the piles together. Much better.

    I have his agreement that I can go through the last 3rd if his desk.

    Next up: 2 filing cabinets from the past 40 years. They were “his” so I did not Marie Kondo, but he is happy with me tackling them now😄😄😄😄😄

    I’m planning to type in a spreadsheet by drawer what is in these folders.
    (I learned this in the 80’s when my assistant did this for my files & my huge stack of inbox papers. Even though she had no idea what much of it was, having that just allowed me to cross off the ones that could be recycled, using highlighters which ones were in different categories.

    She rearranges & recycled & types up anew list of what was where. I consulted it often - made life Much Easier.

    Another thing: she leaned towards More Folders than fewer wherever possible. Makes it Much easier to find what you are looking for & much easier to recycle a small sub-section.

    So yes, I’m continuing BECAUSE I know having our financial papers in order will bring more PEACE & less STRESS.

    It’s the last piece for me :)

    “The Life You Ordered Has Arrived!”

    PS As I typed this, I realized this will likely free a filing cabinet drawer or two for our organized memorabilia & Best Photos. I never ever realized that is the best storage solution for them. Easy to access/easy to return.

    Have a Blessed Day 🙏🏻💕🍀⭕️
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    @MadisonMolly2017, what a nice update. And how cool is that that you will soon have an organizational solution for your "organized memorabilia & Best Photos"!

    On Monday through Thursday this week I completed my "Little Room" by finishing any cleaning and surface decluttering that was left to finish after the spring Declutterfest ended.
    I had completely declutterd and re-organized the drawers and closet several years ago when I was rearranging the room and decluttering those back then, so there was no need to address the drawers/closet again at this time. They have remained pretty organized :) .
    I bought an new house plant plant, and brought another plant from another area in the house into the room to put on the dresser. I want to change the curtains now as those are the same ones that I put up for my daughter way back when we redecorated/ repainted her room for her birthday gift when she was away at church camp one summer when she was a young teen! It is time to update the room a little. She is 30 years old :laugh: .


  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,152 Member
    Congratulations on completing your special room! I love the plants & your future plans for curtains!

    I’m finding it quite fun -now- to create the home that meets our current needs. Our son left ~ 15 years ago & it took us wayyy too long to Declutter & Repurpose spaces, but over time, it’s becoming better & better.

    Currently pondering creating a real home gym :)
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,651 Member
    I love how things are so woo-woo sometimes. I had just finished sorting photos a week ago and was struggling with how to organize them. I happened to stop by the library last Friday and saw an almost expired community college spring class catalog on the desk. The librarian said I could take it home. Most classes have already been held but there is one for next weekend entitled Digital Photo Storage and Management that will teach about scanning and managing physical and digital photos and organizing them. I am so excited!!! I just finished registering. It seems answers to our needs are all around us if we keep looking. It's really fun when they're so unexpected and timely.