TEAM: Gutbusters (May)



  • kkmark
    kkmark Posts: 558 Member
    May Week 2
    PW: 160.2
    CW: 159.3
  • Syd43
    Syd43 Posts: 1,858 Member
    Tues May 7
    Exercise? Yes. Les mills barre class 48 min on demand. Pretty challenging. Modified quite a bit; hiked dogs
    Calories? Yes
    Tracked? Yes
  • BB_1033
    BB_1033 Posts: 142 Member
    Exercised? Yes. Walked 2 miles and jogged one mile. Shaved 10 minutes off my average time

    Calories? My protein bar put me a bit over what I wanted so I didn't have much a deficient after exercise if you count all the leafy greens I ate.

    Tracked? Yes

    I just wanna say our team as a whole generally seems very active and upbeat 😊 Go team!
  • forbes_melissa
    forbes_melissa Posts: 81 Member
    Hi! Sorry I’ve been MIA with my daily check-ins!! Work the past two weeks has been crazy and it doesn’t look to be slowing down which is a great thing, but I’m ready for like 1 slow day so I can breathe!!! Last week I was mostly miss with my workouts, but eating was OK. I still managed to lose weight and not gain. Yesterday (5/6) I did 45 minutes on the stationary bike and 15 minutes of squats with weights. Today (5/7) I did jogging for 36 minutes. Both yesterday and today I stayed within my calorie count.
  • Colleen790
    Colleen790 Posts: 813 Member
    May 8
    Exercised? Yes. 30 mins cardio 30 mins Pilates
    Calories? Yes
    Tracked? Yes
  • Keepingtrack1234
    Keepingtrack1234 Posts: 911 Member
    Hello! Sorry, daily check in's aren't my jam, but my diary is OPEN-you can see what I ate and tracked (everything) and what my exercise was via my fit bit connection. I am here, logging and all the stuff to try and stave off the 40 slump in a healthy way! love reading these, so inspiring! :)
  • BB_1033
    BB_1033 Posts: 142 Member
    Went to bed "over weight" woke up slightly "obese" ... ahh the joys of muscle repair (water retention) 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 ... long as it "whooshes" before weigh in day hahaha.

    Good morning Gutbusters!! If you're on the east coast like me anyways lol.

    (I had to tell my phone a few times no I didn't mean Ghostbusters! Lmao)
  • BonnieHosk85
    BonnieHosk85 Posts: 2,552 Member
    Good morning! Happy Hump Day!

    @kkmark, nice loss!

    @forbes_melissa, way to stay on track even under stress! Congrats!

    @Keepingtrack1234, daily signing in is totally up to each member, so no problem. :)

    @BB_1033, glad you're a part of our team!!
    (I had to tell my phone a few times no I didn't mean Ghostbusters! Lmao)

    Today we’re looking for weigh-ins from:


    Please post using this template:

    May Week 2
  • Mmarch427
    Mmarch427 Posts: 23 Member
    May Week 2
    PW: 169
    CW: 168.5

    I'm not surprised about such a small weight loss because I went "crazy" this weekend and ate/drank whatever I wanted. With that said, on Monday, I was back on track and motivated to keep going. It's so much easier to be "good" during the week. On a positive note, today marks 9 weeks since I started and my total weight loss is 25 lbs, so I'm really happy about that. I just need to keep focused/motivated and lose 25 more. Halfway there!
  • inshapeCK
    inshapeCK Posts: 3,945 Member
    edited May 2019
    Username: inshapeCK
    May Week 2
    PW: 136.6 pounds
    CW: 137.1 pounds

    Up 0.5 pounds. :o
    I am surprisingly okay with this gain as I was down 1.3 pounds last week
    and down 1.7 pounds the week before for a total of 3 pounds lost in 2 weeks.
    Even with a half a pound gain I am still down 2 and a half pounds in 3 weeks.
    Plus I was up to 138.2 pounds on Monday so got back down 1.1 pounds in the 2 days leading up to today's weigh in
    and I am still 33 pounds from my highest weight so all is still good. :)

  • bdashnay
    bdashnay Posts: 48 Member
    Username: bdashnay
    Weigh in week: May week 2
    Weigh in day: Wednesday
    Previous Week's weight: 225.1
    Todays Weight: 225.8 (+0.8)

    I was in a 2 day dodgeball tournament this past weekend out of town. I played 24, 20 min games and had a blast. Overall I ate much better than I normally do but defiantly more than I have been the last while. No tracking. I was up to 232 on Monday so I’m happy to see it drop back down close to where I was last week. I’m looking forward to next weeks weigh in!
  • Colleen790
    Colleen790 Posts: 813 Member
    9 May Week 2
    PW: 164.6
    CW: 165.1. 😕
  • BonnieHosk85
    BonnieHosk85 Posts: 2,552 Member
    @mmarch427, congrats on your loss and being 1/2 way to goal!! That's awesome!

    @inshapeCK, great attitude!!

    @bdashnay, you're only up .7 - don't cheat yourself! :D That's a crazy amount of exercise! I bet it was a blast!

    @Colleen790, hang in there, friend. That will be gone soon!

    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Yes, recumbent bike,20 minutes, 6.08 miles
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes

  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Daily Check In
    May 8
    Exercised? Yes. 19 min. Cut short by leg cramp
    Calories? Yes, way under budget
    Tracked? Yes, every bite
  • allietuge
    allietuge Posts: 343 Member
    Daily Check In

    Exercised: Walked for 30 minutes
    Calories: Stayed under - even enjoyed a Blue Bunny ice cream treat 🍦
    Tracked: Everything
  • BB_1033
    BB_1033 Posts: 142 Member
    Exercised? 220 squats (6 variations) no run today, if my 1 yr old will work with me I plan on doing 20 min on my core. We'll see lol.

    Calories? Kept it under. My eating window seems to be getting smaller on its on, hoping that means I'm getting fat adapted lol

    Tracked? Yeppers
  • forbes_melissa
    forbes_melissa Posts: 81 Member
    Daily check in:
    Exercise: yes, 3 mile jog and weightlifting
    Calorie intake: yes, within my daily goal and my gallon of water
    Tracking: yes, tracked everything I ate
  • Colleen790
    Colleen790 Posts: 813 Member
    May 9
    Exercised? No
    Calories? Yes
    Tracked? Yes
  • Stimpy56
    Stimpy56 Posts: 598 Member
    Username: Stimpy56
    May Week 1
    SW: 249.6 Dec 2018
    Previous Weight: 235.5
    Current weight: 236.5

    I'm going the wrong way! I need to get my butt back in gear.
This discussion has been closed.