
FDLt89 Posts: 11 Member
New to the group and wanted to say hello. I’m a 44 years old and look forward to meeting everyone. 🍻 cheers!!


  • LBoggie77
    LBoggie77 Posts: 57 Member
    Welcome to the group :)
  • FDLt89
    FDLt89 Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you!😊
  • elizabethhw
    elizabethhw Posts: 8 Member
    Hi! I’m 48 and have a long road ahead but today I’m positive I can do it! Saw a photo of myself in my daughters birthday pic last week and that’s motivated change!
  • workoutmama2531
    workoutmama2531 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, guys and gals. About to turn 40 in a few months. Wanted to say hi and Meer people around my age staying fit and fabulous.
  • cayenne_007
    cayenne_007 Posts: 668 Member
    Hi - I'm 42 and new to this group! Nice to see others dealing with the same issues losing weight that I am.
  • FDLt89
    FDLt89 Posts: 11 Member
    Just curious, what’s everyone’s choice when it comes to fitness routines? Weightlifting, steady state cardio, HIIT, Zumba, CrossFit? My routine is mostly weight lifting, but I’m looking to try something different.
  • fatandolduk
    fatandolduk Posts: 5 Member
    👋 I'm new to this group too, so hello everyone. I've meant to say hi for a few days but I'm never sure what to say, ha

    Fitness routines for me are... Not a lot really. I try and get my steps in


    If anyone has a fitbit and fancies a challenge.

    When I can be bothered going to the gym, which isn't that often tbh, I like the resistance and strength stuff. I need to get back into it because I feel better and less creaky.

    Turns out I had quite a lot to say there 😂
  • chrissyinbloom
    chrissyinbloom Posts: 73 Member
    Hi, I'm also new to this group! I am 42 years old. Full time worker and mom of 2 littles, one of which has autism. I have my plate full. No pun intended! Ha!

    I need to lose 90 lbs. I'd be happy to lose 30 though at this point :)

    I would like to do as much clean eating as possible. And for exercise, its walking and gardening for me!
  • cayenne_007
    cayenne_007 Posts: 668 Member
    I live in a small town that doesn't have a great gym and my current schedule doesn't really have time in it to go. I do planks, pushups, triceps dips....walk 2.75 miles on my lunch break when possible, garden, clean 11 stalls (horses), ride 3-4 horses and all the chores that go along with them.
  • FDLt89
    FDLt89 Posts: 11 Member
    Just curious, what is everyone’s profession? Seems we all have busy schedules!
  • SarahGilfach
    SarahGilfach Posts: 33 Member
    Hi, I'm new as well. I'm 43, and have decided that this is the year to finally sort out my fitness. I have similar issues to @cayenne_007 regarding the gym, but I've started Couch to 5K (week 6 at the moment), and I have a strength training app on my phone that takes me through bodyweight strength training exercises every day as well. I walk every day that I'm not doing C25K, just for half an hour, but quite often go on 6-8 miles hikes on the weekends. It's useful not relying on the gym, it makes the whole exercise routine much faster and more convenient to fit into my day.

    As far as profession goes, I teach Welsh to adults and do a bit of web design/tech support on the side.
  • kcpond
    kcpond Posts: 661 Member
    I like hiking or walking, biking and Martial Arts. I get to the gym occasionally as I don't have the time to get to it that much, also kind of boring.

    I work in IT looking after Networking and telecommunications.
  • cayenne_007
    cayenne_007 Posts: 668 Member
    I'm a controller for a manufacturing company = lots of time sitting on my butt at work playing with numbers.
  • fatandolduk
    fatandolduk Posts: 5 Member
    I have a couple of jobs at the moment. I work in a school office 2 days and I work for a charity that gives support to new mums feeding their babies for 2 days too.
  • cincisk8r
    cincisk8r Posts: 206 Member
    Hi :smile: I am an STNA and a figure skating coach. I do cardio and weights.
  • nickylee76
    nickylee76 Posts: 629 Member
    I’m not new but not sure I ever posted in here.... I like variety in my workouts so I mostly take classes at the gym but when there are none available I’ll do some cardio and weights. I’d like to do more strength training but I find my schedule all over the place and sometimes I’m just lost on what to do. Recently just trying to get back on the wagon so I’ve at least done something each day this week. I am a quality manager for a plasma donation center.
  • snuff15ee
    snuff15ee Posts: 99 Member
    Hello everyone. I turned 42 this year and set out this past jan to lose weight. It took a lot of dedication, but I dropped ~30 pounds 212 ->181. The exercise regiment I follow focuses on intensity over duration. I do strength training 3 days/week, HIIT 2 days/week, and sprinkle in some road/mountain biking on the weekends. For example, I had a workout last week that took me 12 minutes and I was done for the day, but it was maximum effort. I'm an Air Force pilot and they keep me busy, so I was trying to find something that didn't require me to be in the gym for hours every week. The catalyst for me to drop weight was nutrition; I meal prep now and track all my calories, macros, and to a lesser extent micros. I'm looking for some fitness buddies as well, so feel free to add. I'm have one at the moment; thanks @nickylee76 .
  • cincisk8r
    cincisk8r Posts: 206 Member
    Hello :smile: I am 44. I hit my original goal, recently came back with a new goal :smiley: Feel free to add me also :blush:
  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    I guess I'm finally the older one here. I am 49 and trying to look fab for my next birthday. Feel free to add me.
  • mmi783
    mmi783 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm 42, homeschool mom, farmer, and have just started to get back into running. I'm up to about 4 km of a 5km. Finding it hard to take the time to log in and track my food. I don't think I've ever posted on here either ! Good Luck everyone :blush:
  • ConH12
    ConH12 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi I am new to the group I am 44. I lost close to 60 lbs 6 years ago. I am struggling lately I gained 8lbs and need get control before it creeps higher.
  • booksnbrains
    booksnbrains Posts: 119 Member
    Hey all! Like many of you, I don’t often exercise at the gym. I’m a runner - generally two marathons and a handful of half marathons every year. I use free weights st home and am hoping to find a weight lifting app that I like. And, I’m a biology professor, so I work long hours during the academic year but often get more 5an 15,000 steps with teaching and lab work.
  • Dinow
    Dinow Posts: 113 Member
    Hello I am new to group. I need to get back to food tracking. I workout 4 days a week to Jillian Michaels DVD’s I also walk at lunch at work and evening walk with dog. I am 42 gained lots of muscle upper body and the scale is going up not down. I need to control my snacking and eat more protein
  • arizonero
    arizonero Posts: 14 Member
    I work in finance. I estimate the cost to produce unique items and forecast requirements.
  • arizonero
    arizonero Posts: 14 Member
    snuff15ee wrote: »
    Hello everyone. I turned 42 this year and set out this past jan to lose weight. It took a lot of dedication, but I dropped ~30 pounds 212 ->181. The exercise regiment I follow focuses on intensity over duration. I do strength training 3 days/week, HIIT 2 days/week, and sprinkle in some road/mountain biking on the weekends. For example, I had a workout last week that took me 12 minutes and I was done for the day, but it was maximum effort. I'm an Air Force pilot and they keep me busy, so I was trying to find something that didn't require me to be in the gym for hours every week. The catalyst for me to drop weight was nutrition; I meal prep now and track all my calories, macros, and to a lesser extent micros. I'm looking for some fitness buddies as well, so feel free to add. I'm have one at the moment; thanks @nickylee76 .

    I've worked on the MALD and JASSM.
  • Tass175
    Tass175 Posts: 8 Member
    What is MALD and JASSM?
  • allison0820
    allison0820 Posts: 323 Member
    Hi, I am new to this group! I am 41 years old, soon to be 42. Full time worker and mom of 2 kids, one in college and one starting kindergarten in a few days.

    I want to lose between 60 and 75lbs. I'd be happy to lose 30 at this point :)

    I like working out, I usually go around 5am to 6am.... Working out is not my issue.. it's obviously food.. and consistency with food/diet.... Currently I am doing intermittent fasting.. I do 16:8 5 days a week and try to do two 24 hours fasts per week.
  • Graymanstole
    Graymanstole Posts: 257 Member
    dcresider wrote: »
    I guess I'm finally the older one here. I am 49 and trying to look fab for my next birthday. Feel free to add me.

    You and me both DC, guess we'll be having to leave this group and find the 50 and Fit group before too much longer. Until then anyone I'm not currently friends with feel free to add me. For those I am friends with, you all deserve medals for putting up with me this long!
  • Tass175
    Tass175 Posts: 8 Member
    I am 41 my son is moving out and heading to college. I am working on me now, getting and staying fit. No time like the present. I wouldn't mind losing 40 lbs but I am ok where I'm at. I would just like to be fit. I try to challenge myself with different activities and trying something new.