
  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 714 Member
    Weekly Weigh-in
    Username: Jactop
    Weigh in week: Week 1
    Weigh in day: Monday
    Previous Weight: 208
    Today's Weight: 204 :):):)

  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,595 Member
    Brilliant loss @Jactop ! You must be thrilled!

    @buniphuphu - Those changes you talk about are inspiring! I hope we can help support you in reaching your goal.

    @Katmary71 - Welcome! Yes, you got this!
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member

    I’m right there with you. I’ve been married for 14 years and my husband still gives me that look when I’m eating fast. I don’t know why, it’s not like I finish and then go off and do something lol I just sit awkwardly and wait for everybody else to finish.

    Yes!! That is me exactly! My husband just rolls his eyes and will ask if I need to be excused. 🤣🤣

  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 714 Member
    Wow @AustinRuadhain a loss of 130 lbs is incredible!!! That's more than half of you. You're amazing!!!

    Since you weigh in on Mondays as well I always copy and paste your weigh in post as I only have to make a few changes. My long term goal is that one day I won't be changing those last 2 numbers. Thanks for the inspiration.

    Another person who inspires me is @Tess5036. The amount of exercise you do is a good reminder that weight loss doesn't come easy but it's worth the work
  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 714 Member
    Brilliant loss @Jactop ! You must be thrilled!

    I am!!! My weight rarely budges regardless of what I eat or how much I exercise. I think it's a combo of avoiding some recently discovered allergens and a fondness for guiltess gummies
  • Barbonica
    Barbonica Posts: 337 Member
    Hi everyone. I will likely not be a daily check in person, but will be sure to do so a few times a week. I hit my weekend goal of walking both days (after moving in March, my cardio and endurance exercising dropped way off), and logged, which also fell off after the move.
  • digger61
    digger61 Posts: 3,934 Member
    Track: Yes
    Calories: under
    Exercise: Yes - 30 mins hiking
    Goals today - aqua size and cleaning garage ( long term project making new storage)
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Monday Check-in
    Calories: under
    Water: over
    Exercise: 40 minutes on the treadmill

    I had another good day. Fasted for 21 hours and ate no sugar! :smiley: Tomorrow is weigh in and I'm not that confident that it will show anything good after the baby shower food I ate, which is ok because I'm working on focusing on the big picture. B)
  • buniphuphu
    buniphuphu Posts: 288 Member
    Monday Check-In
    Calories: under
    Exercise: 38 minutes of swimming (goal of 33 minutes met!)
    Goal or Improvement for tomorrow: 34 minutes of swimming
  • Dontlookback2018
    Dontlookback2018 Posts: 15 Member
    Daily check in.
    I ate close to, but under 1200 calories :) I was the last one finished dinner! and not because I ate more than everyone lol We had wings, so chewing more was hard, but I tried lol. I’d call today a success.
  • tess5036
    tess5036 Posts: 942 Member
    Weekly Weigh-in
    Username: AustinRuadhain
    Weigh in week: Week 1
    Weigh in day: Monday
    Previous Weight: 125.9
    Today's Weight: 124.3

  • tess5036
    tess5036 Posts: 942 Member
    Jactop wrote: »
    Weekly Weigh-in
    Username: Jactop
    Weigh in week: Week 1
    Weigh in day: Monday
    Previous Weight: 208
    Today's Weight: 204 :):):)

    Wow, did you have a whoosh? Nice loss
  • tess5036
    tess5036 Posts: 942 Member
    kdv12 wrote: »
    tess5036 wrote: »
    I love this team, so glad @AustinRuadhain is a motivator, can't think of anyone more suitable to take over from @UTMom81

    To all our new and existing members with a Fitbit

    Did you know we have a very active Fitbit stepping group with lots of regular challenges. If you are not already a member and would like to join, just add me as a friend on Fitbit and I'll hook you up with everyone else 😁

    If you are in the group, and a challenge gets filled, let me know, I'll set up another :)


    I love fitbit challenges. I tried to add you to join the challenges. If it didn't work will you please add me.


    I'll add you as soon as I'm home, will be great to have you aboard 😁
  • tess5036
    tess5036 Posts: 942 Member
    Katmary71 wrote: »
    Weekly weigh in: Mindays, week 1
    User name: Katmary71
    Previous weight: 136
    Today's weight: 142

    Wow did the scale jump! I was out of town all weekend and ate snacks I normally don't eat plus meals at restaurants and know be between that and starting weight lifting it's water weight, but man does it suck to see that number on the scale again!

    For the challenge I need to accept the things I cannot change. I had a great weekend and need to let today's weigh in go and get back to my routine. Thanks for the welcome to the group!

    It sounds extremely likely that's water weight, with eating out and starting weights, it's so easy to gain increased lbs,but I know what you mean it's horrible to see the scales go up.
  • kdv12
    kdv12 Posts: 1,697 Member
    Daily check in.
    I didn't LNS. First time in a long time. And, walked before work.

    Goals for Tuesday: Walk in the morning (done), record food, do strength or flex at night and NO late night snacking.
  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 714 Member
    Monday check in
    Calories and carbs good
    Water could've been better
    Exercise: 85 min walk outdoors

    Tuesday's plan:
    Strength training and a long walk outdoors (the weather is too nice this morning not to)
    Stick to my food plan. Drink more water and ease up on the salt. I'm puffed up like a blowfish this morning
  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 714 Member
    edited June 2019
    kdv12 wrote: »
    I need to conquer late night snacking

    These homemade gummie bears have really helped me curb my late night snacking. They're sweet, a little chewy, surprisingly filling, 0 net carbs and only 30 calories if you ate the whole batch. I'm guessing they had a lot to do with my 4lb loss this week

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