

  • Connie7355
    Connie7355 Posts: 496 Member
    edited June 2019
    Username: Connie7355
    Weigh in week: Week 1
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Previous Weight: 189
    Today’s Weight: 188
  • kx7003
    kx7003 Posts: 102 Member
    Everyone I have been wondering for days what happened on the other discussion because it’s closed!! I couldn’t find a new thread but I found it now🧐. Are out weigh in days and everything the same? Do we get a new thread every month?
  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    Loriab901 wrote: »
    Week 1
    Pw: 155
    CW: 150.2

  • AmyRobF
    AmyRobF Posts: 97 Member
    This week i have been a slacker. My numbers tomorrow probably won’t change. My own fault. I start out in the mornings great and then by afternoon I just eat. I know I need more water!!
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    kx7003 wrote: »
    Everyone I have been wondering for days what happened on the other discussion because it’s closed!! I couldn’t find a new thread but I found it now🧐. Are out weigh in days and everything the same? Do we get a new thread every month?

    Yes all stays the same unless you wish to change weigh in day or team. Usually changes are made the last week of each month for the new month. Also, we get new team threads every month. all previous months are closed and we transfer our conversations over to the new month.
  • martinesther88
    martinesther88 Posts: 134 Member
    Weigh in day~Friday
  • kx7003
    kx7003 Posts: 102 Member
    Weigh in 5
    CW - 126.4
  • SueSueDio
    SueSueDio Posts: 4,796 Member
    Nice work, everybody! :)
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,289 Member
    Checking in real quick. Getting lots of steps and walks in on our little trip back north. Hope everyone is doing well!!
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,289 Member
    jugar wrote: »

    Sorry I have been MIA. I finally got home yesterday late in the afternoon. Weigh-in this morning was NOT great. The travel, the visits, the news about my mother-in-law - there are a million things I can blame. But I know it'll get back on track soon. Tomorrow, right???

    Today I had such a crazy day. Amazing and wonderful, but a bit crazy. First, I got to drive my son's new sporty car (a 2015 Subaru BRZ). SO MUCH FUN. I took it to get some kind of sound system that will rock the universe installed. Then to his work where I picked up my own (way less cool) car. Then I went to my mother-in-law's house. It was so weird being there in the empty house without her and her little dog. I started going through clothes, returning messages, emptying the fridge and freezer. It was the first time it really hit me she is gone. Because of my husband's allergic asthma, I have spent way more time with his mother than he has. She was quite some amazing person, and we had a lot of laughs over the years. So today I ate the rest of her ice cream and some terrific cookies she had sitting there on the counter. She always had quite the sweet tooth, so I joined in with her spirit today. I will try really hard not to do that again! I got a good bit done, but also saw how long this is going to take. Then I came home, put everything away, and went outside in the beautiful sunshine to work in the garden and pick some greens and rhubarb. The apple trees are in full bloom, and the smell is intoxicating. It was a gorgeous afternoon. I'm just glad to be home.

    Then I read all your messages! What a team!

    @zlauerMom - I am pumped that you are into your steps! And the numbers are beautiful. It is also great to learn you are a potter. I am a bowl addict, and for many years have enjoyed the "empty bowls" event at the faculty of fine arts in the university where I worked forever. The profits go to the homeless, and the bowls are made by the ceramics students. There are some pretty amazing bowls in my collection. Post some photos of your stuff! I'd love to see it.
    @Terytha - you make me laugh picturing you running after your puppy. RUN, girl, RUN!!!!!

    @micki48 - how do you manage that many steps while spending hours in the car? You are blowing me away!

    @fourathomej - I think you should give @reflectionofme a run for her money on the steps team. GREAT stepping! I will be watching the two of you closely...

    @mari_moulin - you are doing great with the steps too! If anyone needs an example of how to work through all the difficulties of recovery from surgery, you are IT. Your attitude is beautiful. Even though it was hard for a bit there, you are getting there slow and sure. YESSSSSS!

    @Connie7355 - one pound down. ONE POUND DOWN. Keep going! - - on that note - go check out the spreadsheet and see how much GREEN there is, team! Beautiful... https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VQmJU-PP_euAafrfd1eBSlDt6K7sTnl2-LxUJ1CUUWo/edit?ts=5ceeeb7a#gid=1260891951

    @kx7003 - So glad you found the new thread! Every new month, we jump. And that jumping sees you down 3.3 pounds. WOWOWOWOWOW. Now don't be worried if next week is not quite as awesome. You got this.

    @AmyRobF - water. afternoons. It is amazing how fast some slacking gets us, isn't it. I'm there right now too - even after feeling super pumped a few days ago. BUT that just means you can get back on track just. as. fast. DO IT!!!

    OK - this is long enough! Weigh-ins due tomorrow, late ones, etc. You know who you are!!!

    I love this post! Liselyn, you are the BEST!!! Thank you for being such a great and encouraging leader. And great job team, Green all the way!!!

  • Connie7355
    Connie7355 Posts: 496 Member
    @jugar thanks!! I am going on vacation Monday for a week and won’t have a scale so will probably just use that same number on Friday. I’m really worried about getting off track but I’m planning on getting lots of steps in. Hope everyone has a great week!!
  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,401 Member
    cw 218.0
  • Blackbeautysue
    Blackbeautysue Posts: 37 Member
    Week 1
    Weigh day- Thurs

    PW- 224
    CW- 224.4

    May 30- 11,085
    May 31- 2,803
    June 1- 8,694
    June 2- 8,832
    June 3- 9,909
    June 4- 8,634
    June 5- 8,342

    Suffering with my blood pressure has got in the way this week but once it has settled I will make sure I give 100%. I am truly grateful for all the help advice and support xx
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    June week 1
    PW 221.8
    CW 220.0
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    AmyRobF wrote: »
    This week i have been a slacker. My numbers tomorrow probably won’t change. My own fault. I start out in the mornings great and then by afternoon I just eat. I know I need more water!!

    You know what to do! If you could submit your weigh-in even if it does not change that is all good. Thanks! You are a Friday weigh-in, or do I have that wrong?
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    HOUSEKEEPING! (dontcha love it?)

    Overdue weigh-ins from Friday:


    Everyone else is IN. Thanks :smiley:

    STEPS -
    Don't forget that our weeks run SUNDAY through SATURDAY. So this week is June 2 - 8. As soon as you are ready to drop into bed tonight, send in your week's numbers through the end of the day and the tallies can happen right away!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member

    Is anyone interested in joining a challenge with the Workout Warriors? Just the two teams, head to head WOW vs WAW.

    The moderators have been challenging each other for a couple of weeks now using a simple points system. It's easy, fun, and kicks our butts. @Navydaddjtc decided to run it as an internal challenge for his team, and I thought it might interest our team too.

    Every day you get points for five things:
    1. FOOD - sticking to your food plan (30 points - divided into 3 meals of 10, or meals plus snack at 6 points each)
    2. EXERCISE - 15 points per 30 minutes of intentional, hopefully intense exercise
    3. WATER - drinking up the amount of water you set yourself (10 points)
    4. GOOD HABIT - choose a habit you want to develop. Give yourself 10 points for each day you do it.
    5. BAD HABIT - choose a habit you want to LOSE. Give yourself 10 points for each day you DON'T do it.

    That's it - let me know if you are interested in trying this for a week, and maybe longer if we like it. It just means everyone who plays reports their points each day.

    If all that reporting is not your idea of fun, we'll skip it!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    Happy Saturday team.
    I’m happy to have gotten good news from my surgeon. He has told me I no longer need draining in my hematoma although it’s still there. Now it needs to heal on its own and ré-absorb into the body. So needless to say I got right back into it. Slowly of course, I am very mindful of my movements and how my body feels. I started doing some light strength training. Mostly body weight training and I am so sore which is why I think my loss was so small this week. Muscle repair is no joke! My intake has been ok. I stuck to IF with the exception of yesterday.
    I was invited to a friends house and had a donut 2 hours before my fasting period ended. I’m still so weak lol.
    Snacking has been ok. My water intake has been ok although I find I’m struggling to get it all in and then try to catch up too late in the evening. This is causing nightly trips to the toilet. I gotta fix this. There is one thing that has me a bit worried now, since I started doing more this week, a part of my scar has changed. It seemed to have fully healed before and now it looks like its opening and leaking a bit of fluid. If been disinfecting it and keeling it clean but I’m a bit worried. Will speak to my nurse today and see if there is anything I need to do or Stop doing.

    Username: mari_moulin
    Weigh in week: Week 1
    Weigh in day: Saturday
    Previous Weight: 170.8
    Todays Weight: 169.9

    Sun - 18,747
    Mon - 16,871
    Tue - 19,481
    Wed - 14,254
    Thu - 9,164
    Fri - 22,163
    Sat - TBA
    I hope at least that it was the ONE DONUT TO RULE US ALL!
This discussion has been closed.