Restarting my journey, new to the group

LCW_731 Posts: 6 Member
Hello everyone. I am restarting my health and fitness journey before it spirals out of control. Working with a nutritionist last year, and using MFP for a food diary I lost about 60 pounds between July and the new year. I started at 419, and i'm currently 357. My goal is to get back to 250. I've dropped 2 pant sizes and could probably go down a size in shirts. Many clothes that haven't fit me for 2 or more years now fit very nicely! I was able to do it mostly just really watching what I eat, cutting out most carbs and just about all added sugars, and really just eating clean foods and not so much processed and refined food. I look forward to sharing your journeys, and sharing my journey with you.


  • bvisnich
    bvisnich Posts: 5 Member
    So excited to hear your journey!! Such an inspiration!! Thank you for sharing.
  • lpina2mi
    lpina2mi Posts: 425 Member
    AS OF MARCH 25: I am doing a recalibration too. 15 mos of LCHF--> 12 pound weight gain. Still keeping starchy carbs (grains and food made w grains) low, but I am doubling down on vegetables. This rises my overall carb count, even if I substract fiber for net carbs. net-Carb target is 90-120g/day. Protein is the same 45-60g/day. Fat has been cut to a third of what it was at 20g-30g/day w a more specific target to keep saturated fats below 12g/day.

    I don't have a sweet tooth. I am good with fiber. I have learned where I need to add minerals, including salt to meet recommended minimums. I do intermittent fasting, IF, 18:6 weekdays (2 meals between noon and 6p). Weekends are 16:8 on account my husband like to eat supper late.

    I exercise a minimum of 20 minutes a day. Although my target is 40min I have not been good about staying on track with that.

    AS OF APRIL 25: I lost 4 pounds. I need these kinds of results for at least 6 months before I know whether this recalibration is working.
  • lpina2mi
    lpina2mi Posts: 425 Member
    I hear you--trying to find that forever plan that supports good health and brings vitality.
  • esy10401
    esy10401 Posts: 10 Member
    I am new too, I have 58 pounds to lose. I started working with a personal trainer and have started eating healthy. I feel peaceful too. I am not in a rush. I want this to be sustainable. Thanks for all the support.
  • HeatherAmps
    HeatherAmps Posts: 5 Member
    I'm returning after years of personal neglect. My doctor has recommended clean eating - all organic veggies, grass fed beef, etc. - to help with my host of allergies. I also fell while working out, and I fell HARD. Sprained ankles, sciatica, and the injuries are taking 2 months (and counting) to heal. I can't help but think that the fall wouldn't have been so bad and the healing wouldn't take so long if I weren't so overweight (100+lbs to lose).
  • Satisfiedwithbetter
    Satisfiedwithbetter Posts: 970 Member
    Might consider joining the 100+ no surgery group.
  • Satisfiedwithbetter
    Satisfiedwithbetter Posts: 970 Member
    I’m not eating 100% clean, but I’m 95% better than before I started. I’m still using stevia.
  • KRSFIT24
    KRSFIT24 Posts: 2 Member
    I am restarting my weight loss transformation.
  • Sharla1114
    Sharla1114 Posts: 12 Member
    I’m also trying to eat cleaner.
    I didn’t care how I looked or felt. Now I hate how heavy I feel (SW240/CW228) and I’m ready to make lifelong changes.
    Feel free to add me.
  • Emmapatterson1729
    Emmapatterson1729 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I’m not eating 100% clean, but I’m 95% better than before I started. I’m still using stevia.


    Same, I eat almost 100% clean, but can't give up stevia in my morning coffee.

    I would love to switch to pure monk fruit, but it is over the top expensive and not sold in any stores near me.

    Not ready to part with it yet.
  • lpina2mi
    lpina2mi Posts: 425 Member
    What's up with stevia?

    I tend to use maple sugar or birch sugar or honey--when I want a little sweetner, which is not daily.

  • Satisfiedwithbetter
    Satisfiedwithbetter Posts: 970 Member
    Stevia is a crutch!
  • FibroHiker
    FibroHiker Posts: 361 Member
    I'm confused, why would stevia be considered NOT eating clean?
  • Satisfiedwithbetter
    Satisfiedwithbetter Posts: 970 Member
    It’s typically highly processed!
  • FibroHiker
    FibroHiker Posts: 361 Member
    It’s typically highly processed!

  • Emmapatterson1729
    Emmapatterson1729 Posts: 1,296 Member
    aidydh wrote: »
    I'm confused, why would stevia be considered NOT eating clean?

    Stevia, itself, is natural. But it's usually processed with maltodextrin to lessen the bitterness of it. (At least, in US).
  • tfoxymama1965
    tfoxymama1965 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi! Just starting again today. Lots of weight to loose and post menopausal after having a complete hysterectomy 2 years ago due to cancer. The hormone change has sure made losing weight even more difficult and gaining weight a whole lot easier. Looking forward to starting renewed and making lots of friends along the way. I'm pretty much a clean eater leaning towards vegetarianism but every now and again... Oh boy.
  • lillyy23
    lillyy23 Posts: 136 Member
    hey im on here cause like, i dont really have anyone in my life who supports me and im kinda lost i been going back and forth with the clean eating or like counting macros or cals but that just seems very daunting and give up... ive lost weight before, but its slow but at least it comes off just from follow some simple clean eating rules... so i guess ill just go with what I know...