Daily Caloric Consumption?

cayenne_007 Posts: 668 Member
Just curious as to what most of you are using? MFP says I should stay under 1200 cal/day to meet my goals, but I've been doing a bit of research and wondering if I shouldn't be more in the 1400-1600 range.
42 yo 5'8" current weight 145.2 and goal weight of 133 - my high weight was 155

I'm moderately active - decent amount of walking, riding horses & barn chores. I do walk at work on my lunch break 2 to 4 times a week and can generally get in 2.5 miles or so when I do it.

I did put into MFP that I wanted to lose 2 lbs a week - but I don't really think that's realistic when you're down to the last 10?

Just curious what everyone else is doing?


  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Typically is recommended to take the last 10 lbs slower so you don't lose excessive muscle and it is easier to transition to maintenance. I started around the same stats as you, 144 at 5'7 after my last bulk and lost 0.5-0.75lb per week on average which worked very well for me. I would definitely NOT recommend going lower than 1200, I can't imagine eating anything around 1200 I would probably kill over!!
  • cayenne_007
    cayenne_007 Posts: 668 Member
    Thank you both! I'm not working out hard - I really wish I had access to a great gym a few days a week to lift weights. Other than lots of walking and horse chores - feeding, lifting saddles, hay, etc. I'm not really working out.

    I'm going to try bumping up to 1600 and see how I'm doing when July hits. I really think the 1200 is too low, I've been fighting fatigue and it seems like I'm losing more hair the past couple of weeks than I typically do. I am taking a multi vitamin pack from GNC + collegen + magnesium.
  • RunsWithDogsWI
    RunsWithDogsWI Posts: 31 Member
    I'm 5'2" and some days 1200 is not enough for me and I'm hungry all day. I can't even imagine doing sub-1200 with 6 extra inches of height to feed!
  • l4a_p
    l4a_p Posts: 241 Member
    I set my goal to losing 250grams/week, which I find a nice, realistic pace to lose weight durably. I eat 1500kcal, sometimes a bit less, and seem to be shedding actually closer to 500gram/week on average (1.1lbs). I do eat mostly low carb, so that might be helping.
    I would never recommend eating less than 1400kcal to be honest; that will just stress your body out in my opinion.
  • Moonkoii
    Moonkoii Posts: 3 Member
    Hey! I'm 5,5 and 145lbs. I do 1200k a day and it's been okay so far, but you are much taller than me and I agree, you should be consuming a few more calories, especially if you are in the final stretch!
  • fit_chickx
    fit_chickx Posts: 571 Member

    Our weight loss is slower because we have less body fat to burn. It’s ok to lose slow. What works for me may not work for others.

    Calorie ranges are so different for each of us. I had to dial in my calories/macros by raising or lowering by 100. My zone is 1000 to 1200 for weight loss. 1300 to 1500 to maintain. My carbs fluctuate. Weight loss mode around 60g distance running I increase carbs to fuel my runs. I am ridiculously active. I wish I could get away with higher calories in weight loss mode. It’s just not my reality

    MFP is not 100% accurate on calorie/macros.(Its only as good as the person entering the items) Its a great estimate. I don’t eat the added workout calories MFP calculates. (I do on occasion) It has helped with weight loss.
  • staticsplit
    staticsplit Posts: 538 Member
    edited June 2019
    I eat 2200-2500 or so to maintain. Currently at 1800-1900 4 days a week or so to do a slow cut before I go on holiday. I usually eat at maintenance or a little over on my heavy lifting days, simply because I'm hungrier.

    I'm just under 6 ft tall and 154 pounds. Would like to be more like 151-152 before I go to France and eat all the cheese.
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,048 Member
    If I am religious about my consumption and stay in the 1400-1500 calorie average, plus a little bit extra if my activity increases a fair bit, that seems about right and I have been the most successful at losing. I do struggle a bit with energy/intense workouts, but it's not unmanageable, and I will lose about 1/lb/week at that (5'7", 40).

    As close as you are to goal, 1/2 pound a week may be more attainable, I'd suggest trying closer to the 1600/day and see how that works for you.
  • rebeccalcollins
    rebeccalcollins Posts: 10 Member
    Would you mind providing your height and weight? I eat similarly for loss and maintenance, exercise similarly, and have the same approximate issues, so I'm wondering :)..
    fit_chickx wrote: »
    Our weight loss is slower because we have less body fat to burn. It’s ok to lose slow. What works for me may not work for others.

    Calorie ranges are so different for each of us. I had to dial in my calories/macros by raising or lowering by 100. My zone is 1000 to 1200 for weight loss. 1300 to 1500 to maintain. My carbs fluctuate. Weight loss mode around 60g distance running I increase carbs to fuel my runs. I am ridiculously active. I wish I could get away with higher calories in weight loss mode. It’s just not my reality

    MFP is not 100% accurate on calorie/macros.(Its only as good as the person entering the items) Its a great estimate. I don’t eat the added workout calories MFP calculates. (I do on occasion) It has helped with weight loss.

  • amn0619
    amn0619 Posts: 211 Member
    I aim for 1500 a day right now. I have a sedentary desk job, but I am active outside of work. I work out 5-6 days a week and take long walks nearly every day. I'm 5'6", a 42 year old female and right now I'm hovering around 140 lbs (140.9 as of this morning, after a week of birthday celebrations). I want to be in the lower 130's. I'm getting close to a point where I'll need to adjust that calorie amount or count macros to drop more weight. So I'm deciding on if I want that mental burden to drop a little more, or decide that I don't want to live on that few calories and tracking all the time. (Backstory - I'm VERY prone to the restrict/binge cycle and when I try to focus too hard on deficits/macros I always swing too far the other way and binge and then gain more weight. It's not good for my mental health.) I'm at a healthy weight/body fat % so really I'm fine to stay where I am, but I'd like to be a little leaner in the middle and hips as that's where I carry my weight. Not happy with the jiggle going on there :)
  • cayenne_007
    cayenne_007 Posts: 668 Member
    Thanks y'all!! It's been interesting to read thru these and get some new ideas!
  • jaybirdaz79
    jaybirdaz79 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi! I used the Harris-Benedict equation to figure out my correct calorie level needed to lose weight. I'm 57, 5' 5", and currently 165 (down from 175), losing 3 pounds per week to land at 144. I consume no more than 1400 calories a day, no matter my exercise output. I hit the gym with 30 minutes of elliptical and then weights every other day (that's made a huge difference). I'm currently using a combination of Lean Cuisines (lunch, dinner) with lots of extra veggies, eggs, plain Greek Yogurt (Fage), plus added 20grams of Vital Protein Collagen to my morning coffee for a little extra help. Seems to be working. :) MFP rocks!

  • fit_chickx
    fit_chickx Posts: 571 Member
    Would you mind providing your height and weight? I eat similarly for loss and maintenance, exercise similarly, and have the same approximate issues, so I'm wondering :)..

    I'm 5'5" this morning 133 pounds.